64 Trial Star (2/2)
Moving forward to speak Vesta stopped before looking to his side as a rift in space opened and a group of people walked out of it. The Prince bowed before saying ”Hello Mother have you come here to find Father?” Shaking her head she looked at Thain in the crowd.
”The Trial Tower will test you on your talents whether that be combat or auxiliary skills like Smithing, Pill refinement, and the others. I am Samantha and also a Smith like you, I have learned much after coming to this world along with my husband. Once you enter the Tower I will be the one to watch over the smiths who take the test.”
Standing beside Samantha are others who are from the Pill Hall, Alchemist Hall who also inform them that they will be the ones watching those of their professions. The various non combatants below began to regain their footing as they began to ask questions one after another no longer afraid of being pushed out of the Trial. Derrick was another who asked a question about his wife he wished to test her aptitude within the Tower, when Heather looked down at the youth she noticed his stare, a smile appeared across her face when she noticed where she had seen the youth before.
When he saw the smile he had also seen the way she looks at the Emperor and it is the same look his wife gives him, looking over to her his smile brightens as he says. ”Layla what test will you take in the tower? As I wish to join the personal guard I believe my test will be to fight against various opponents.” Said Derrick looking at Layla. Turning to him she smiles before showing him a small dagger, with a smile on her face she says. ”I am good at stealth so I might be suited for something like that as well as making antidotes for poison.”
As the couple continued their talks so did the others not knowing what test would appear before them that would test the limits of their skill.
The thousands of Trial takers started to move into the Tower under the instructions of the military camp guards, as everyone disappeared from sight I called over Samantha to go into the tower and teach that Smith that spoke up earlier. If he is suitable to have as a student I wanted her to provide the aid he would need to become useful for my plans as soon as possible. Jumping down to enter the tower she disappears from sight, Vesta looks at me but says nothing knowing that I was the one that told his Mothers to head over once that question was asked. With a wide smile I call over a few more to enter the tower without anyone noticing, I found a few good seeds worth growing here today why would I let them take a simple test.
Pass or fail they will be mine, I sent Valara to the young man Derrick, Samara to his wife as well as Alisa that poison master.
The other person I had sent inside was actually one of the female beast guards, I knew she had volunteered to marry the human who was trying to cause trouble for a couple that came here for the test. So his test will be extra 'special' for his test I speed up time for him and a few others, he is to have at least 3 children with her and the two must also become Immortal Gods before they exit to rejoin the test. The place they were sent was New Teress while everyone else took the trials inside the Tower he and his wife would first become a true couple before taking life and death trials inside the tower, once they pass they shall become my piece to show that equality truly exist here.
Inside The Tower
First floor trials are for testing the skills of the trial takers and to find out what their strengths are, while many of them began their test alone against summoned opponents and obstacles, standing in front of Derrick is Empress Valara.
”Hello child my husband sent me here to fight you but I had a better Idea! Heather get out here I know he sent the both of us here.” Said Valara with a lance floating at her side.
Walking out of the shadows is Heather as she looks at the shocked youth she smiles. ”We meet again little one at least this time you are not in a cage! Unlike Valara here I am not a combatant, well I was less of one when I started now I have some ability and can be considered quite good at it. Today you will fight against the two of us, we will test your limits then once we get a grasp on your talents we will each take a month to train you.”