65 Trial Tower (1/2)

Looking at the confused face of the young man his new wife is just as confused, both of them heard the test for the tower were to be taken separate. Yet now here they stand together with a massive mansion before them, surrounded by a town filled with other couples just like them a union between human and beast. Young Jacob has already fell to the floor as the Emperor's voice is heard in his ears but as he looks around only his 'wife' Liz can be seen.

”Hello Jacob starting today you will live in this peaceful city here, I have not given it a name yet so lets just call it Love Nest! Everyone here is like you but you are special the two of you can get out of this town while they can not.”

”I will let you know that this test will end once you and Liz have 3 children and once that is done oh will we have a lot of fun. For your life will be on the line in the battle that I will throw at the two of you, if you fail you die while I will personally save Liz if her life is in danger. These rules will be known to her as well, I will be checking in on you every now and then goodbye!”

Turning over to Liz he looks at his wife, she is taller than him at 6ft with long black hair which drapes over her armor with a bright red sword on her hip. She looks over to him an walks towards him extending her hand covered in a light red fur, the beauty of this red wolf hybrid young woman stuns him stupid as he takes her tender hand looking into her red-black eyes the sunset at her back rocks emotions in his heart.


Samantha looks at the middle age smith before her, he is currently melting down metals she provided to him. She requested for him to produce the best thing he can with his current abilities and she would provide all the needed materials, he knows no matter what he makes it won't catch her eyes or the eyes of the Emperor. So he decided to make his long cherished desired sword, the materials to create this sword was something he could never get his hands on being a Heaven Tier smith from his small clan. It was already enough that they provided him the means to make it this far on their own, and this reason drove him to work to perfection on this sword.

As he melted down the Void Metal he poured in a vial of blood he requested from Samantha, the blood is for the soon to be wielder of the blade. The red blood had a multi colored shine to it as it merged into the Void Metal sword, the intense heat was absorbed by Samantha so he could focus solely on the sword he was molding to perfection. Casting the mold was the simplest step for Samantha provided this as well, the strange thing that made Thain struggle was the blood that went into the blade started to rampage about. Changing the entire quality of the blade as he hammered and poured out as much of his energy as possible, he tried his best to calm the raging blood within the blade only to struggle to not faint before he finished.

A cold refreshing energy washed over him shaking him awake before he failed to finish, with the added energy he knew this process was wearing him out. 30 days to melt the Void metal half a year for the blood and metal to merge into one, he had no idea how he was even standing other than Samantha aiding him in some way. The thing that drove him mad was that during this process he had already broken through the Heaven Realm in both cultivation and skill as a smith, he has now become an Immortal while his skill at smithing skyrocketed beyond his belief.

He has always felt a faint connected with the weapons he created but now he can feel as if the blade itself started to breath, he could not stop his heart from beating loudly. This is the legendary realm were blade and smith become one, if he continues to refine this sword till completion could he not become a legend. A smith that can create a spirit weapon has finally broken past the bottleneck of elemental weapons, just like a Pill God can their not be a Smith God.

Shaking as he adds the finishing touches to the blade Thain breaks thorough and becomes a Master Grade smith, only one step away from a Smith God crying as he puts his signature on the blade's hilt he passes out.

When he wakes up before him is a floating pitch black blade resembling the Void Metal which was its main ingredient, standing up he also finds himself thousands of miles away from the weapon as the oppression it give off crushed its surroundings. Samantha and the blade are the two things he can see in the distances, thanks to becoming an Immortal his vision is exceptional allowing him to see the grand smile on Samantha's face.
