57 Hall of Memory (2/2)
”Hmph... why did I have to remember this sad beginning of mine, how long ago was this? Before I first wiped out everything? Yes.. Oh well lets just keep watching the show.”
I watch as the child no younger than a 2 year old falls into the Void, slamming into the ground he crawls out of a crater he made covered in his own blood. Tears in his eyes he looks up to find himself surrounded by massive creatures looking at him as if he was a delivered meal, as his eyes glow bright green both sides launch at each other. Even the other beast fight and kill each other, for the meal this time is something that will increase their strength enough for them to rule an entire territory within the vast Void. Young Dashnell knows he is very likely to die unless he kills at least one of these creatures fully absorbing its power and making it his own, that or he must survive a few attacks so his body adapts becoming immune to their damage.
Yes this is the reason the elders feared this child who could have saved his entire race from being food for the creatures here in the Void that they hid from. His abilities were just to insane, at birth they found his body would heal all injuries it incurred while making him resistant to the same type of damage and if a more powerful method was used he would then become completely immune to that type of attack. during the past year of his birth they tested his healing and adaptability power, making him highly resistant to bladed injuries and bluntforce attacks.
Yet right now fighting for his life he knew he was still far from being truly immune to being crushed, smashed or sliced to death by the monsters in front of him. The difference in power compared to his peoples weapons after being nearly destroyed was nothing compared to the beast who caused that destruction.
This is what he must do to survive, throwing himself at the beast he caused them to collide and fight against each other, but how could these fellow 'monsters' fall for a child's tricks. They stopped fighting knowing they were the 'weak' ones that were lucky to find him first, they had to work together to eat him no matter how small the piece consumed this new power would allow them to rule if they gained what their instincts told them was absolute power. They knew the stronger monsters were rushing here and the Gods of the Void were also heading here, why delay then they lucked out and could share this power and then flee until they became stronger.
The injuries the monsters inflicted on each other have long since healed as they focused their full attention on killing the young child before them, looking in the eyes of the small child in front of them drool flowed down their mouths as they thought of the power boost they would gain. They saw no fear in his eyes as they rushed towards him and he too ran at these monsters, his roar sending chills down their spine but this did not stop them. He is not yet a monster that can rule them so before he can rule them why not take his power as their own, the clash lasted only a few seconds before bodies slumped down forever.
Staring at the half dead child before them they see a wicked smile on his small face, missing more than half his small body he still stands his single green eye looking at the remaining monsters.
Laughing loudly he knows he has won this battle, they looked down on him and in the moment of contact they only managed to tear him in half. Still alive he looks at his other half in the jaws of the dead beast, falling to the ground his other half raises its arm struggling to climb out of the mouth. Both sides then struggle to come together crawling on the ground towards each other, his dim green eyes looking back at himself. The remaining monsters although they are injured they charged again at the nearly dead child he was now food moving on the ground, but how could they know that moving towards him will lead to their end.
Leaping into the air the massive dog creature moved to engulf the half that exited the mouth of his fallen brother, knowing this half is the weakest of the two. Inches away from his meal he is ripped in half from behind, turning around young Dashnell and the remaining few turn around to see one of the Void Gods walking towards them. Dashnell and the beast both knew they were going to die today making this God even stronger than they already were, I look down at the smile of defeat on my young face as he pulls his half body up to look death in her face.
Only to hear her say. ”This creature is mine! I was going to let you kill him and become my servants, but he seems more worthy to become my new toy so I, Verena claim this abandoned child as my own!!.”