57 Hall of Memory (1/2)
Walking through the endless halls I feel a force pulling me forward, leading me into the depths of my own mind. Passing by the various halls I take note that many are still sealed away by thick black chains that glow with revolving colors similar my eyes, some stay on red longer than the rest and this is the case with the other seals each focused on one color before changing to the others. The steps I take in the empty hall echoes throughout this place being the only sound within this space. Before long I arrive at a gate that has broken chains on it that glow a bright green.
Tearing down the remaining chains I move to enter the gate while behind me the chains dropping to the floor drown out the echoes of my footsteps only to be silenced by the gate shutting.
Before me is a vast space that is filled with bodies of the dead, a sea of dead bodies, a mountain of dead bodies, the sky itself filled with the fallen dead. Up ahead in this world of death is a massive tear in the sky leading into the unknown, out of this unknown pouring in from the tear are countless creatures similar to that of the numerous dead around me. Looking up I see that they are all heading for the top of the mountain of dead bodies that sits in the middle of this sea of the dead, atop this mountain is a youth with bright green eyes with a crimson red glow in the center.
This person I know very well he is me, the me I never wish to become again yet is the version of me I try my best to make proud. He gave up everything and gained nothing, standing here killing these enemies that will never cease flooding into this place he is to protect. With a wide smile on his face he happily slaughters them, fist, feet, teeth, elbow... ect he uses everything he has to fight against them with no weapon in sight for him or his opponents. A wild God reaping life with his bare hands this is what best describes this child killing anything that attacks him, I don't even remember when the fighting stopped but I am sure it never did even now I know he fights lost in the bloodlust the battle brings guarding that damn Gate leading out of the Void.
As the scene fades away the child appears yet again this time younger, with him are two adults who seem to be his parents. These mighty Gods stand surrounded by their own telling them to abandon their child or die while he will still to be sent into the endless Void, with no choice both parents take this child who is feared by all into their embrace. Their faces blurred but the voice of the two forever remain with the child as they tell him to live regardless of their deaths, hoping the child does not blame himself for their deaths. Standing tall both parents give everything they have to the child before being hacked down by the other Gods, before being tossed into the Void he stares at the smiling faces filled with tears and blood.
As he is descending into the Void he hears the other Gods disdain for him and his parents.
”How dare they give him their power, they will only feed the monsters in the Void a more irresistible meal.”
”Yes even the council was willing to spare them if they handed over that monster they consider their child, yet they still chose to die with him.”
”Why do you look sad for them? That child will bring nothing good if he is to continue life here, you know as well as I that as soon as he was born many of the monsters sensed our location.”
”I know but it is a shame we finally breathed someone with pure blood, only for the elders to fear that he is to strong and not something they could control if he reached adulthood. He would have been able to free us from our constant fleeing, is that not what we always wanted!?”
”Shut up before the council hears of this. We have already done the deed the Void is his home now, his new home is with the rest of the monsters if they don't eat him first.”