42 Gold Luster (1/2)

Moving through the Destroyed remains which were the Starfall Mountain's Elder Adam stops to look around searching for survivors from the defeated army that fought here. Dead bodies litter the ground all around him alongside collapsed mountains still burning from the blue flames, the lava it created reducing the bodies of the deceased to ash. Scanning for live in this hellish battlefield Elder Adam has no words for the amount of life loss in this defeat, but he is sure all can be corrected once he makes it back with his report. The Enemy having a female Saint whose healing abilities rid his body of every injury he has ever had in his life, cured disease and sickness he never knew he had with this he was sure he could live a few extra thousand years.

After searching the area for a few hours Elder Adam did indeed find quite a few who lived through the battle from earlier, the lucky ones having lost a few or a single limb while others could not even find the ashes of their missing arms and legs. The others who survived from the lightning strikes were blessed by either a quick death or being knocked out while the scyth wielding monster cleaved them in two. Of the ten million man army that was deployed the survivors number less than two hundred thousand men, most of them Elder Adam was sure would die from their wounds on the journey back if they did not receive immediate treatment. Knowing this he pulled out a light red slip from his sleeve and crushed it in his hands.

This was the Talisman given to the five Elders and the Generals who left before they set off on this mission, they were to break them if anything unexpected arised but who would have thought that the ones who tried to break them were the first to die. The only remaining General was a youth who by some stroke of good fortune was only badly wounded as he was riddled with holes from the lightning, unlike the rest who were missing limbs and were forever cripplied.

He was a newly recruited General who became an Immortal only recently. General Blood Rain had a body riddled with holes as he seemed to be one of the few who were attacked by the the female Lightning God, noticing the distortion in space Elder Adam awaits the arrival of help.

Walking through the open tear was a youth wearing beautiful golden robes carrying a golden longsword as he exited the tear. Looking around he is shocked by the small level of destruction that was caused by his foe Dashnell.

”Where are they!? How come I feel as if everything is already over, your Leaders told me that you would call for aid a soon as trouble arrived. So how come he is not here!” The enraged youth said to the bewildered Elder Adam. Seeing the face of the Elder he now knew he was told nothing and sent as death fodder by his own people to test the enemies abilities just like the army that was massacred that is before him.

”Tell me what condition was he in, is he still without his left arm and leg?” One more time time he said speaking to Elder Adam was Gold Luster.

”Forgive me for not following but who are you speaking of, the only ones who attacked were a group of females who brought along a single General to fight us, they finished the army within seconds. The male General only arrived to fight against us five Elders at the Immortal God Realm who came to make sure there was no problems. Three died to the blue skinned half dragon female then the silver/green haired female subdude me while she allowed the last of the five to chase after the targeted Clan below the mountain were he was slain by the General called Three Suns. After Three Suns arrived at the summit of the mountain they healed my injuries to have me test his abilities but I am sure they just allowed me to escape so I can be a living witness.” Said Elder Adam as if he was forced into retelling these events.

”So she joined him after all and now serves under him.” Said Gold Luster as he walked back through the tear in space.

Walking out of it after a few moments was the help Elder Adam originally sought. Sitting on the ground out of breath Elder Adam almost forgets about the healing abilities of the female Saint, judging from the way the youth spoke he seemed to also know something about the Saint he was just too terrified to ask questions. ”I must hurry to speak with the Clan Leader!” Elder Adam said before leaving the others in the care of the medics.

”General Blood Rain come with me!” Elder Adam Said as he turned around. The young General then followed behind him without saying a word.
