41 Let Him Run (1/2)

Standing up Elder Adam finds all his wounds healed even those from his youth are healed, he even seemed to be far healthier than he has ever been in the past like reaching his peak again.

Snapping himself aware he focuses his attention on Three Suns who has given him no mercy to check himself anymore, Three Suns launches a massive flaming ball at him then takes his Greatsword in his hand. Moving at the Elder who still stands next to Lillie Three Suns then turns into a blinding light that seemingly teleports behind Elder Adam, bringing his Greatsword down Three Suns tries to cleave his enemy apart before the chase can even begin. No longer able to bask in the glory of his newfound healed body the Elder vanishes making Three Suns strike the empty air were he once stood.

Appearing in the air far away from the group below Elder Adams takes a long glance at Lillie saying.

”If you truly don't interfere, I will live to meet with you again after today. You have no idea the worth of your subordinates healing abilities! They rival those above the Realm of Immortal Gods. Even so I will bid you farewell as I will not be dying to your blade, if you ever want to serve someone the two of you are forever welcome only after I have you repent a bit for your crimes against me.” Said Elder Adam as he faded away into nothingness.

Watching his opponent use a special art to escape Three Suns raises his Greatsword into the sky, as one sun sits atop the others the three suns blaze bright melting everything in the surrounding area.

”Stop! Three Suns he has already left Valara said absorbing the heat from Three Suns attack into her body. ”Sorry for failing at this task Empress.” Said the kneeling Three Suns.

”Don't think to much about it let him run we have accomplished what we came here for, we also gained two large Clans as an extra.” Kiera said as she grabs Lillie who is now hugging the shadow assassins dead body.

”Was the mission not to save the two Clans? ..Never mind pardon me for overstepping Empress.” Said Three Suns, placing his Greatsword on his back as he follows after the group.

”We made ourselves a target while also revealing a bit of our strength, those of the Violet Star Clan know we have a large army of millions of Heaven experts but not of the army of Immortals you and Timothy lead. They also lacked information about you our Immortal God General, now they have to redouble their efforts if they wish to continue supporting the last two resisting forces left in Blood Sun. This information is available to you General Three Suns, you have already become part of the Dragon Empire over these years I assumed you already knew of the plan but you and Timothy both follow orders blindly, ask Tia about your orders more I will also get on Timothy for this as well.

Valara Said walking ahead of the group leading them to the foot of the mountain were Vincent, Kate and Laura are watching over the moving human swarm as it passes into Lime Leaf City.


Back in Lime Leaf Governor Palace.

”So you will provide protection and land to my Clan, all in exchange for our loyalty and information on the various Clans and Families that rule over the Bright Star Continent. This is something we can do we have lost so many, if siding with you also allows us to fight against the Violet Star Clan we will be even more than willing to completely submit to you to avenge our fallen brethren. They have wiped out 90% of our two Clans, we lost everything that we held dear be it a mother, father, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives... So many lost lives most of us who are left won't nothing but to throw our bodies at our enemies but we are far too weak. Although I am certain that the others will willingly follow you Dragon Emperor I must still speak with the Grand Elder he is the leading Elder other than our two guards among our people, the rest of us are Earth Realm youths, and the mortals of our combined Clans.”

Said Tomas tears in his fierce purple eyes .

”Those are good eyes to have child, I will have the servants bring in another round of food while we wait on our other guest.” Dashnell said his silver/green eyes locked onto the young Tomas with a grin on his face.

”Other guest? I do not wish to be rude Emperor Dashnell but my sister and I must hurry back to our Clans we can not leave them alone for to long as we are constantly being hunted.” Said Tomas rising to his feet, Saphiera doing the same. ”Sit! shouted Dashnell forcing both youths back into their seats against their will, looking at Dashnell Tomas is confused about the meaning of delaying them from returning to the Clan.