40 Violet Star Clan Elders (1/2)
Space trimbles before Valara and the others as they wait for their incoming foes. Elder Hanson rushes to move his people through the passage not even looking back to see who all arrives from the Violet Star Clan. Moving through the tear five men make their way to Valara and the others, all wearing Violet robes. The three in the middle are grey haired old men while the two slightly behind them are middle age. ”So a bunch of women chose to defy the Violet Star Clan and help the Fallen Star and Phoenix Clans! Even so your beauty won't save you from a painful death for protecting them.” Said the middle Elder his hands behind his back looking down at Valara's group.
Sitting on her throne Valara's voice can be heard saying.
”Old man which of you is the weakest and strongest Immortal God in your group, I wish to test my General against you before you die.”
”I take it back once we are done beating you half dead I will enjoy taking my time slowly killing you, and before I end your pitiful life I will let you watch how I kill the child I make you bare!”
”Talking to them is useless Val. The old man in the middle is the strongest while the middle aged man with the claw on his hand is the weakest among them, now that we know this it means I can take over for Three Suns guarding the two Clans as they flee. I'll send Three Suns here once I arrive at the foot of the mountain, have fun girls.” Kate Said before vanishing into a white mist.
”You think you can run! Get her Elder Imogen don't allow her to escape!” Commanded the leading Elder.
Flying after the mist Elder Imogen moves by Valara and the others freely as the other four Elders engage them in battle. ”Ha when he gets back he will be carrying back the dead body of your so called General!” Said the Elder bloodlust in his eyes.
Three Suns watching as the millions of Clan members move through the passage Valara opened up high in the sky watching the massive swarm of people alongside Vincent. As his wrist bracelet lights up he opens up his mind to receive the message sent by it.
”Seems we have to cut our chat short Vincent, Lady Kate will be here soon. Time for me to show my worth.” Moving back to join Valara and the others Three Suns flies by a stream of white mist before seeing his opponent they let by for him, taking out his Greatsword the area around him shines bright like the sun. ”I am your opponent!” Three Suns said loudly as he slashed at the pursuing Elder, letting Kate join up with Vincent while he took on the fight instead.
”Get out of my way damn you!” Shouted Elder Imogen trying to brush aside Three Suns attack, only to find out he could not block or push him back instead he was the one launched backwards. being sent flying back Elder Imogen is shocked as his face contorts into wrathful hate. ”So you have some ability after all, fine then let me show you strength is not something you should always rely on!”
Once again he throws himself at Three Suns as they clash for the second time, he then cracks open a jar that quickly surrounds the two. The purple gas blurs Three Suns line of sight making him unable to fully see his opponent.
Knowing he can't fail in killing his opponent Three Suns pushes his sword in the sky to manifest three blinding Suns into the world which burns away the purple gas. Three Suns then moves them to surround Elder Imogen trapping him in the center of the three rotating suns, everyone below watches as three suns grind away Elder Imogen to dust. Three Suns then absorbs two of the stars into his GreatSword and the last into his back, before it expands covering his entire body as he moves towards Valara and the others.