12 Departing Gifts (1/2)
Near the Void Gate in Vas on Titan Class Planet Varox
”Get ready to greet our guest, if we can win him over we can gain peace and end the war that was started long ago.” Standing up above Varox looking at the Void Gate, the current leader of the Gods Varash patiently awaits the Guardians arrival.
”Varash do you believe that monster will forgive us, Crest was not easy to handle once we started altering her mind, I hate to image the task of controlling him.” Besides Varash a beautiful young Creed girl says while kneeling.
”His mind should not be stronger than hers he just woke up, how is Crest is she ready?”
”Yes Master. At the moment she is still in deep sleep.”
”Good once he is here he can join her in deep sleep until we move on to Teress. And it is because he is a monster that we can invade his mind, once we do so who can stand in our way we will unite all life becoming one entity is the only way to achieve true balance. You will understand soon, once we assimilate everyone we will all share everything. For now we have to show that monster we changed long enough for me to get inside his mind even if only for a second. Prepare the seal!”
”Yes Master!”
Within the Void.
”Alright Generals escort Elder Ibrahim back to Teress, you can keep the three ships too I won't need them I can carry these two to finish the rest. Seems they are waiting for us no need to fight them if they welcome us, everything will be faster this way. Only problem lies in getting Crest back.” Ordered Dashnell within the meeting room atop his tail.
”You can leave that to us, me and Mara should be able to move fast enough to get to her. After we secure her I am sure you will know, all that's left is to meet back up at the Void Gate.” Valara said standing next to Mara.
”Ancestor are you sure you won't need any help at least let me and half the Void Tier experts remain, even if we don't enter Vas we can at least provide you a safe exit.” Vargas standing proud looked at Dashnell eager to show the might of the Draconian's.
”Just let him do as he pleases, escorting me back his way of nicely telling you that you are going to be a burden, once he moves into Vas he will not spare even a few words to anything living at all within Vas aside from Crest. Now Turn the ships around an lets go!”
”Wait I know this is asking much but take my child with you Ancestor Dashnell, this is all i ask as someone who has always served the Guardians. She has more potential than me as she is also a Void Tier expert, an extra person to protect should not be much!” Vargas dropping to his knees pleaded.
”This really is asking much of me, during our three year journey I am sure you heard of what happens to every female within this ship of mine. Fine, fine be aware that she won't be coming back to Teress everyone in this room knows the truth that I will destroy all of Vas then leave for another realm. Get her ready we leave soon.” Dashnell resting on his tail gives Ibrahim a knowing glance.
”Thank you for this chance, we Draconian's live to serve the Guardians but that is not all I was asked to request.”
”I will take it from here Vargas.” Sophia says before kneeling next to Vargas. ”We agreed to Die for the Guardian Race after the Void War, knowing that you would leave us here our Elders tasked us with one last duty. Thankfully, Ancestor you are lustful so getting you to agree to take a few female servants seemed an easy request.
”From the Draconian's Kiera who you already accepted, of the other two we Ancients selected one of our young leaders she is Tia, please treat her as you wish last is Eleanor from the Observers she is also part Creed we hope you accept these three. Our wish is that you never forget Teress and one day return.”