11 Elder Ibrahim (1/2)
Flying inside the Void corridor the three vessels remodeled by the Ancients are far better now. After a week of upgrading the ships Sophia claims the journey should take 2-3 years now, improving the travel time of the ships would aid them to joining the war against the Bisar faster.
”Do you think the Ancestor has a way to close the Void path connecting Vas and Teress?” General Vargas said speaking to Tes, Erin and Sophia.
”Even if he does do we let him die fighting in Vas, the enemy if they kill and consume him will gain his abilities. That would lead to them being able to reopen the path, we have to get him to let us assist in anyway possible.” Tes voiced her ideas to the group in this closed off meeting.
This time Erin spoke up ”The most we can do is help hold open the Void gate, did he not already give us something we can do.”
Turning to speak next Vargas said ”We shall do as ordered, if you have any ideas of being more useful speak to Mistress Samara. She is always improving the troop moral with her visits, with Sophia around the ship. Mistress Valara is always training or with the Ancestor he only meets with the two of them so this is all we can do, in these few months he has only met with us once. Letting out a sigh Vargas sits deep into his chair.
Within the ships small combat training room, Val can be seen testing new abilities she finds work well with her style of combat. Around her various weapons hover in the air around her most being lances and swords, she sits in the center of the glowing weapons. Anyone near can hear the hum of the blades echo off each other an then rebound into her before being pushed out back into the surrounding space. Breathing in deeply Val stands up as each of the weapons turn into mist that swirl around with her in the center, she then absorbs the mist as she exits the training room.
In the center ship.
”Call General Vargas Mara.” Dashnell stands up then turns to Mara.
”Ibrahim should be up ahead, also tell them to prepare for battle he seems to be having some trouble. Even after reaching God Tier being half dead won't do you any good in a fight. Mara cover the ships in a barrier of blood, once you do anything that comes chasing him inside grind them to dust. I'll get Ibrahim, he is worst off than I expected but we got here in time.” Not moving Dashnell lets the ship pass through him as he enters the Void.
Within the vast Void a middle aged man in black tattered robes covered from head to toe in blood, injuries all throughout his body his uncaring expression telling a different story. Noticing the giant blood barrier he heads down to see the ships fire at his chasing enemies, looking closer he see's a face he could never forget.
”Grandson” Ibrahim calls out
”Don't call me that Old Man! Open your mind to me, don't make me kill you after you made it so close to Teress. General Vargas has been waiting for you I looked into his mind seems you raised him, no wonder he spoke up for you.”
”You sealed off your mind to me, seems your parents succeeded in removing my influence from the Guardians. Fine search all you want child but we don't have much time to sit here and chat, from the looks of it you seem to have planned this out quite well.”
”I learned from you Old Man. don't worry about the few enemies behind you, my wife Mara should be teaching them soon. So our chat can be long, after all we have not seen each other in so long Grandfather.”
Standing on the helm of the ship Mara's abyss black eyes turn blood red, as she sends tendrils of death to meet the incoming Creed. As they tear into the flesh of the screaming waves of enemies she crystallizes them into blood red shards before shattering the entire space leaving dust particles of blood. she then gathers the blood shards into her body.