10 Into The Void (2/2)

Standing up Sophia first bowed once more towards Dashnell before speaking. ”It may have been true that we had knowledge of you being the oldest Guardian, but we did not know about any of the other things Ancestor.”

”Let hurry this meeting up I know you wish to enter the Void an seek out Ibrahim. But let me warn you depending on his answer I might kill him. Once we reach him I need to find out why he keeps altering my future sight, as long as i get the answers I want then he can live.”

”Ancestor you just said he surpassed you in power, if the two of you fight more of us would side with Elder Ibrahim. In this fight we shall not pick sides, but killing him we will try our best to prevent you from doing so. Most likely Elder Ibrahim has reached the God Tier. Are you sure you should provoke him, the information the Elders have on you report that you were born as a Tier 3 Demigod after eons will you even be able to fight on the same level of Elder Ibrahim!?”

”General Vargas, don't look down on me, Ibrahim is of my lineage I know his limits I also know his current level of power and location within the Void! As you wish to find him i suggest you at least pretend to stay on my side until we reach him.”

”We would never lie to you Ancestor, we also know about a few of your ability's thanks to the Guardian Elders. They warned us of you being a monster that would bring upon the end, but after the Gods invaded many of the Elders realized these were the enemies you fought before you destroyed this realm Teress. Looking back they knew they made a mistake please Ancestor forgive them, they atoned with their lives, is that not enough to spare the ones you find alive in the Void.”

”Then prepare to enter the Void, we leave once you have sent the remaining armies under the Void Tier back to their home worlds. The Bisar think their surprise attack wiped out 70% of you fools, they even predicted you would try and guard the Planet from the Cannon fire. After they regroup they will begin a war on your home worlds don't let them fall while we make this 5 year trip into Vas.”

Shocked to hear his commands General Erin no longer remained silent, of all the Generals here he is not a loyalist who blindly follows the Guardians. The Titans have always remained neutral after the Guardians became the rulers of Teress.

”Young Guardian, are you saying we should send only four million troops to wipe out all of Vas. That is not possible with so few troops, and if the Bisar use that weapon on our home worlds how do Warriors defend against that.”

”I am already a God Tier expert once i arrive in Vas all you need to do is hold the Void Gate on their side open long enough for you to take Ibrahim and Crest to safety. Yes there is another Guardian on that side she is who the four million troops is really here for, they must detain her the Gods altered her mind and body. Once we arrive near the Vas Void Gate Ibrahim should notice us he is heavily injured so he will head straight for the ship, after he does Val and Mara will help guard the entrance of the Void Gate I will handle the rest.”

Noticing him skipping the part involving their home worlds Val speaks knowing they would not being it up.

”Once Ibrahim is on one of the three vessels retreat immediately back to Teress, the ones left behind should be able to defend for more than enough time for you to make it back. Ibrahim should then bring and end to anyone who stand one the side of the Bisar.”

Hearing these words the Generals move faster to begin the advance into the Void.