3 The Call (1/1)

Samara recalling memories which replay in her mind sees, An exchange between the Guardians and the Gods after the barrier was set up some Guardians were willing to negotiate to survive no matter the cost. Witnessing this failure of a Trade She sees the Guardians exchange one of their own away to the Gods, In hope of getting the poison to stop seeping through the Void Gate. The one traded away the strongest of the remaining warriors a female named Crest, Crest giving into the pressure to agree knows this will not be the end of the poison, Leaving all behind her she goes to her death that is this exchange hoping it buys the time needed to save the young Guardians of her Race.

The sounds of glass shattering on the ground awaken Samara from these past thoughts, As she turns to see the cause she is greeted with the naked body of a young girl same as her a newly awakened member of the Guardians. Valara stands up looking at the pool of liquid at her feet as her silver green hair cling to her back covering the budding lumps on her chest, She stares at the similarly naked youth at a distant's her Green eyes shine in the darkness within the lab taking in all before her. She turns to the girl about to bombard her with questions as memories surge into her mind, Her gaze lands on the projection in space of her race's hated enemy as she calls out her name signaling the other child to do the same.

I am ”Valara Mist of the mist clan who are you and how long have you been awake in this place”. Echoed throughout the lab, Samara Blood of the Blood Clan she says looking into sky as well.

Both girls explore the lab to discover theirs is one of many on the Titan Class planet they call home, Teress named after the Universe their race ruled over showcasing the might of the rulers that once were. Samara walks up to a control panel that displays the status of every containment vessels, Some with system errors life support functions failed killing those inside as parts of the lab was damage. The System shows signs of bombarding from orbit, the little damage that got past the Planets shields damaged some of the labs foundation destroying the necessary repair functions of this lab.

Valara contacts Samara via the various control panels she finds as she checks to see if she herself can repair the damage done to the lab, Samara shocked by the sounds of Valara's voice coming from theinterface calms down, ”What is it Val how wide is the damage to the lab?” Samara said in a slight panic'd voice. ”I can manage to repair it, I need a map before i can tell the full amount of damage done to the lab Samara”. ”Just call me Mara, Val i will get a map of the lab give me some time i will send it to you, Also get dressed stop running around nude ill send you to a near by locker”. As Val reached the locker she could see it had room to fit thousands it was more of a barracks full of gear, tools for war, medical supplies, even small class war ships.

Val reached out to grab a silver suit of battle gear, the skin tight suit remodeled itself to fit her following her immature body curves from the neck down. The last thing she grabbed from the 'Locker' was a wrist bracelet, Her memories show her that it is connected to the main control system making it easier to say in contact with Mara. ”Mara this suit it may be worst than being nude is there even a difference?” ”These were left behind by those who left us in this lab it has many uses just wear it and check the areas on the map i sent you.”


As the two worked to repair the damage they noticed the System alarm declaring its highest alert, ”Even when the planet was damaged no alarm went off” ”Val we have trouble the System Detects movement the Vas Void Gate is being opened!” ”Mara how long till they reach Teress side of the Gate?” ”Checking” ”System Detects 3 war class vessels arrival time 5 years!” ”It seems they found a better way to travel through the Void,” ”Mara! Activate the planetary weapons delay them as we are we are no match for their numbers the others are not yet awake, Early wake up would kill them we have to by time!” ” I know, I Know! this Val”.

Shooting Ion Laser Cannon Shots into the void was all they could do as they prepared, the projection in space finally after millions of years of asking for peace changed its speech declaring the surrender of the countless living beings of Teress. ”This day we the Gods have Once more come to bring Balance to inferior beings assimilation through dead, Even if resist your Protector's are no more the last of the Guardians are mere children Born only a few years ago.” ”I Chedar of the Gods will descend upon Teress within 5 years, Welcome me and my forces submit to your end and join us and we shall eat you last.”

This message is all that played for the 5 years it took them to reach Teress. Val, Mara were still the only 2 who have been awakened, During this time I have still been watching. Watching as they both frantically tried to save us, the billions still encased within containers filled with the liquid keeping us alive. The power the two girls have is not something a Immortal could handle even the Gods who are being sent as Scouts know they are going to perish, But why would that stop them they are to verify the exact number of awoken Guardians and their strengths.

Samara Blood - Blood Clan, Unique ability blood manipulation, Superior Strength, Intellect, Speed, Reflexes, Regeneration... immunity to all Toxins and Diastase's, Ageless.

Valara Mist - Mist Clan, Unique ability Decay/Deterioration of matter, Superior Strength, Intellect, Speed, Reflexes, Regeneration... Immunity to all Toxins and Diastase's, Ageless.

Those who choose to fight the incoming Force knew nothing of its small if not laughable number, Most thinking back to the unending waves of fearless, mindless beast that ate anything in its path even their own. The Draconian's, Creed, Ancients, Titans and the Bisar having never left the even after the war surround Planet Teress, Waiting for the enemy to Breach the Void Gate.