2 Last of the Void War (1/1)

With more Guardians dying with every passing year, The one thing they vowed to do was eradicate the God Race. For cheating them of Victory, running away like Cowards and using poison tactic to end them from behind a wall of protection.

No matter how hard they attacked the Barrier or the weapon used, All it did was take the damage and reconstruct itself. As it was being maintained for Billions of years on the side of Vas they rebuilt there numbers, While on the other side of the Void Teress Home to the Guardians. Most of the other members of the Council retreated, Doing there best to build up any way to resist what is to come once the Guardians Die off. The Ancients stayed doing all they could to slow down the poison and to find a way to counter it.

On a charred out planet, Worn out from the shock waves of the war the Creed made this their new home, While most tried to Destroy them. Thinking they were the reason the Gods crossed the Void to chase them the last fighting force from Vas, But that was just the pain of loss taking hold on them.

With the protection of the Last remaining Guardians the Creed Race tried to rebuild and live. The remainder of this time was spent on a last ditch weapon. This weapon has the combined Tech from both the Ancients and the Creed, It was nothing more than a gamble but they convinced the Guardians to let them try it.

Within the Darkness that is my cell the light finally shines upon me, but i know it is not freedom that i will be given this i have know since birth. My parents who brought me into this world a mother who is the best Guardian in gene Manipulation, Through countless years experimenting on Mortals that could not fight back even if they tried. Sits next to the Tube that is now my new home, Wearing a white lab coat with edges that glow a faint green which shine into my eyes as i fall into a deep sleep. Lanora a devilish beauty with long dark ash brown hair, Brown skin that contrast well in her lab coat, The Deep gaze she gives the Tube reveals her Crimson red eyes, and glossed red lips.

Through the Combined effort of Lanora and her Partner Dez, My father average height toned muscles, in a suit which hides the scares from countless years at war. He too now spent the remainder of his time altering me to survive and one day avenge the Guardians that will perish in the years to come. At first i was sure i was going to be the last of my kind, But as the time of their deaths grew closer, They all began to seek out my parents to save their own children, And those who did not have any began to give into their lust in hope that with this time they can leave something behind.

The operation was simple both Parents leave behind samples, Get them tested find a cure then immediately place the combined sample into a tube. Using all means available to them they would produce offspring, Giving the child to be all their powers and memories to help them cope with the emptiness that they will leave behind. None of my brothers and sisters will live through this, As i sleep in my Containment Vessel i watch as they plan our survival. No matter how small, they wish to give us a chance, My parents, my people don't even know that i watch as they mutate us in every way possible with every race they believe might give us immunity to the poison, Some working others resulting in failures that cost not only their lives but millions of the children in tubes.

I was made the example, The blueprint to build upon for success. Immunity, The ability to evolve endlessly, adapt and change. A miracle many thought with this our race could be saved, Only to find out they hasted their own ends. While we the children were fine they found out the Poison was keeping up with us becoming steady along with our growth. While out pacing them killing them at a faster rate than predicted, A few Billion years became Millions then shrunk once more to Thousands. They speed up our development and the last finishing touches were giving us our names, I Dashnell of the Underwood Clan will indeed live through this only to awaken enraged filled with the hatred and resentment our entire race felt towards the Gods.

But i was not the First of us to awaken i was not even the Second the two that awoke before me, My two sisters we may not be related by parental blood but as a generation i will always call them my brothers and sisters.

The First awake was Samara possessing the best genetics on top of being offspring of the Guardian race an so many others, Are we even true Guardians anymore. She breaks her Tube letting the liquid waste spill over the lab floor and drain away, Detaching the wires she pulls as she slams to the ground. Blond hair, scaled smooth skin, fierce black eyes which stare out at the empty lab. As she moves around trying to understand were she is memories she knows are not her own guide her, Be it language, use of a tool, basic knowledge, whenever wanting an answer these memories provided guidance. But no matter how hard she tried she could not find the reason for being in a lab these memories were locked in her mind telling her she is not ready for the truth, that these are inherited fragments imprinted onto her soul.

Walking around the lab she tuns to notice a projection of a being talking, Speaking with passion as he request negotiation with the Last of the Guardians and what they seek is peace. All this peace requires is an exchange of people that represent both sides, hearing this new memories flood the young, newly awaken girl yet to even understand were she is someone is requesting peace. Her memories show her an endless war that cost the lives of Trillions across Teress the Home of her People the Guardians. And in this endless war both sides did nothing but endless slaughter of the other, The thoughts of rage which are not her own being her back from the war she swears she had been involved in. But they are memories from the fallen of her lineage.