71 What a Depraved Human Being! (1/2)

Private suite 3.

The social worker was trying to persuade Yu Guan-Yin to answer her questions but she was failing miserably.

Social worker spoke with sincerity: ”We're all here to help you. I realize this is a difficult situation but we're all going to do everything we can.”

The psychiatrist along with B and F were patiently waiting by the side.

Yu Guan-Yin kept her eyes closed and as tears streamed down her face.

When Li Xiuying walked in Yu Guan-Yin finally opened her eyes and whispered: ”Dr. Li.”

Li Xiuying walked over to Yu Guan-Yin.

The social worker stood up and sat in another seat. Li Xiuying took the now vacated seat.

Li Xiuying: ”Yu Guan-Yin you're safe.”

Yu Guan-Yin nodded, She truly believed Dr. Li's words.

Li Xiuiyng: ”Are you fine talking to me with everyone present?”

Yu Guan-Yin nodded as long as Dr. Li was here she didn't care about everyone else. Besides she would have to deal with all the others sooner or later.

Li Xiuying: ”You have been through a lot. You may not feel or believe it now but you are strong and you will continue to grow stronger.”

Yu Guan-Yin looked at Dr. Li. She didn't feel strong, she felt weak and broken.

Li Xiuying: ”I would like to discuss the situation with your mother.” She paused to allow Yu Guan-Yin the opportunity to voice her refusal.

Social worker: ”Perhaps it would be better to discuss everything tomorrow? Yu Guan-yin has been through a lot and...”

Li Xiuying: ”She's able to make her own decisions. She can speak for herself.”

Yu Guan-Yin: ”Okay.”

Li Xiuying: ”I believe that your mother has a condition called Munchhausen syndrome by proxy. It occurs when a parent or carer exaggerates or deliberately enforces symptoms of illness in their child. In this instance your mother imposed illness on you. She fabricated symptoms of illness so she could receive attention from health care professionals.”

All the staff in the room were shock. None of the staff in the room had ever come across this condition first hand. The condition is very hard to diagnose as the people who have it are deceptive, manipulative and have a deep understanding of the medical system. Hence, many cases are not reported or detected.

Yu Guan-Yin: ”What happens now?”

Li Xiuying: ”I would like you to talk to my colleagues here. We need to ensure you are safe and protected and that would mean that you will not be released into your mother's custody for the foreseeable future.”

Yu Guan-Yin worriedly asked: ”What about my mom?”

Li Xiuying: ”She's talking to Dr. Ma who is one of the psychiatrists at this hospital. There is no medication for the condition. If she admits she has the condition then the only management options are psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and family therapy to help analyse and change her behavior.”

Li Xiuying allowed time for Yu Guan-Yin to process what she has said.

Yu Guan-Yin: ”Will she go to jail?”

Li Xiuying: ”The police will be notified.”

Yu Guan-Yin spoke in a small voice: ”Dr. Li do you think there's something wrong with me? Even after everything all the tests, medication and surgery. Even after everything. I still love and care for my mother. I know she loves me too, she hasn't had it easy either. But when you offered me help. When you offered me a road to salvation I just had to take it. There was something inside me telling me that if I didn't escape now I never would.” She sobbed gently.