70 Help Us Please (1/2)

Li Xiuying: ”Hello Yu Guan-Yin. I'm Dr. Li Xiuying I've been informed of your situation and I have a few questions I would like to ask is that okay?”

Yu Guan-Yin Glanced over at her mother. When she saw her mother didn't object she nodded her head.

Li Xiuying:” Is this your mother?”

Yu Guan-Yin's mother stood up: ”Hell Dr. Li I am Guan- Yin's mother. Cheng Meilin”

Li Xiuying nodded at Cheng Meilin.

Cheng Meilin: ”Dr. Li please excuse me but you seem awfully young to be their senior.”

Li Xiuying: ”I understand your concern. I graduated early from medical school. I have been a practicing doctor for many years. I have qualified in many specialties including general surgery and pediatrics.” Li Xiuying reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She opened her images and clicked on her achievements folder to show Cheng Meilin.

Cheng Meilin was impressed. ”I'm honored to have such an outstanding young doctor look after my precious Yin.”

Li Xiuying took her phone back, quickly dimmed the screen brightness and put it back in her pocket.

Li Xiuying focused all her attention on Cheng Meilin: ”Mrs. Cheng has your daughter ever experienced anything like this before?”

Cheng Meilin was pleased that Dr. Li addressed her instead of Yu Guan-Yin: ”Well she has had a similar episode in August. She had the same generalized abdominal pain and change in bowel habits with an increased frequency of urination. I couldn't stand seeing her be in so much pain, but she refused to see a doctor then. This time I had to put my foot down and bring her to the hospital because of the degree of pain and the presence of B symptoms. I was worried she may have lymphoma because of my strong family history.”

Yu Guan-Yin had her head lowered. She thought to herself ”What are they going to do to me this time.” She had tears in her eyes but blinked them away.

Li Xiuying intentionally gave Cheng Meilin all her attention: ”I see so your main concern is that your daughter may have lymphoma or some other malignancy?”

Cheng Meilin: ”Yes exactly so. I don't know what I would do if I lost my Yin.”

Li Xiuying: ”Was Guan-Yin ill as a child?”

Cheng Meilin: ”She was born premature and had breathing difficulties for several months.”

Li Xiuying nodded.

Li Xiuying: ”Mrs. Cheng I would like to exam Yu Guan-Yin alone with your permission.”

Cheng Meilin immediately began to refuse: ”I don't think that's..”

Li Xiuying: ”I'll just pull the curtain around the bed, while I do a general examination. I would like you to stay in the room. After the examination I would like to discuss possible management and treatment options and your input is vital.”

Cheng Meilin thought that sounded more acceptable plus Dr. Li had acknowledged her importance: ”Of course I'll be more than happy to help in any way I can.”

Li Xiuying had deliberately chosen private room 3 because of the layout of the room. She pulled the curtain around the bed.

Li Xiuying: ”Yu Guan-Yin I would like to a general examination to check for any signs of abnormality. Your mother reports a family history of lymphoma hence I would like to check the lymph node in your neck, underarms and groin area.”

Yu Guan-Yin nodded without looking up.

Li Xiuying went to the hand gel and applied some to her hands. She grabbed some gloves from the box at the size and slipped them on

Li Xiuying: ”I'll start with looking at your hands.”

Yu Guan-Yin put her hands out in front of her.

Li Xiuying took a deep breath and tightly grasped Yu Guan-Yin hands. This startled Yu Guan-Yin and caused her to look up. She met Li Xiuying eyes and saw something she had never seen before concern and a road to freedom. Yu Guan- Yin put it down to her imagination and stopped herself from hoping.

Li Xiuying: ”I'll be checking your neck now.”

As Li Xiuying took steps towards the head of the bed she slipped her phone out of her pocket. She positioned her back facing Cheng Meilin. Li Xiuying quickly typed something and handed the phone to Yu Guan-Yin. She then proceeded to feel Yu Guan-Yin's neck.

Yu Guan-Yin felt the tears streaming down her cheeks as she read the message: ”You're physically well aren't you?” She finally allowed herself to hope for salvation.

Yu Guan-Yin typed on the phone and slipped it into Li Xiuying's pocket.