56 The Soulless (1/2)

Apartment 5- Li Xiuying's bedroom

Li Xiuying put her phone on her bedside cabinet; she turned her attention back to the report and started reading.

The man who Li Xiuying referred to as Dragon tattoo was creatively nick-named Dragon, legal name Deng Bojing. The report went as far as detailing Deng Bojing's childhood.

Deng Bojing had been an aggressive and violent child, when he was just 9 years old he had stabbed a fork into another child's hand.

His father worked in construction and his mother was an elementary school teacher. After the stabbing incident they had forced Deng Bojing to see various therapists, counselors and even psychiatrists. They also signed him up for anger management programs.

Nothing made a difference; Deng Bojing's behavior became more violent and he started engaging in petty crimes. In order to try and reform him, his parents sent him away to a Boarding school for troubled teens when he was 13 years old.

He stayed at the boarding school for 3 years. When he was 16 the school had stated that Deng Bojing was fully reformed and that he was ready to become an active and contributing member of society.

2 months after his return to the family home, his parents had been murdered in an attempted burglary. They had been strangled, decapitated and had their bodies mutilated.

Deng Bojing was cleared of murder charges; his alibi was that he was staying with a friend for the last several days. His friend and the friend's family corroborated the story.

Deng Bojing then went to live with his grandmother just on the outskirts of the city. 6 Months later, a neighbor found Deng Bojing's grandmother's dead body in an arm chair in the living room. The coroner ruled it as a death by natural causes.

Li Xiuying frowned at the document in her hand; the more she read the more disgusted she felt. How could someone be so evil from such a young age? There was no doubt in Li Xiuying's mind that Deng Bojing had murdered both his parents and his grandmother.

Li Xiuying continued reading.

At the Age of 18 Den Bojing joined the Phantoms. Den Bojing had been conveniently walking down the alley where Phantom the Overlord of the west side had been ambushed by a group of armed men. Deng Bojing had taken a bullet for Phantom. Phantom in return allowed Den Bojing to join his syndicate.

Deng Bojing rapidly rose up the ranks. He was known for being cut throat and cruel. He didn't even blink when taking a life. He raped, stole, abducted, killed, tortured, you name it he had done it; there was no end to the list of his crimes.

In 2007 he was banished from the Phantoms; there were multiple rumors circulating as to the reason why. ”The most widely believed was that Deng Bojing raped and killed a junior member's girlfriend and made him watch.” Li Xiuying read the last sentence out loud.

Li Xiuying forced herself to read on...

No one truly knows why Deng Bojing was banished but it was a fact that Phantom had beaten Deng Bojing to within an inch of his life.

When Deng Bojing was banished, four others followed him and left the Phantoms. Deng Bojing became the leader of the pentad; which he aptly named The Soulless.

Li Xiuying's frown deepend as she read the next few sentences.

Deng Bojing made connection with various members from the upper echelons of society; from politicians to the heir's of conglomerates. The Soulless became thugs for hire; but they weren't cheap their fee's started from a minimum of $100 k and went up into millions.