32 Emotional Roller-coaster (1/2)

Qin Residence - Elder Qin's Study

It was 11:30 pm, elder Qin was accompanied my Madame Qin. They both sat on the sofa; Elder Qin had his phone on loud speaker as he was confirming the last of the details with his contact.

Elder Qin: ”The photo has to be one that everyone will be able to identify the time it was taken. Also, make sure it's large enough.”

Contact: ”Yes elder Qin, I'm sure you'll be very pleased with the results when you see them tomorrow morning. I've chosen the best photo.”

Elder Qin: ”Make sure the caption and article is accurate. It's Dr. Li Xiuying who broke the engagement with Chen Wei for the happiness of Li Yu Yan.”

Contact: ”Yes.”

Elder Qin was satisfied with the results. He put the phone down.

Elder Qin: ”When was Xiuying's engagement arranged? So Li Yu Yan was the other woman?”

Elder Qin found that sometimes his wife had a better information gathering network than him, she was like a blood hound when the topics of information was concerning marriages, engagements, socialites and couples.

Madame Qin: ”Li Wang had arranged Li Xiuying's engagement from when she was only 15 years old. At the time the Chen family were just a family of doctors that were not known to the social circles, they moved here from some small town. They started making connections with a few people in the medical world as well as a few politicians.”

She took a long sip of tea and started savoring the taste.

Madame Qin deliberately took her time; she loved keeping people in suspense.

Elder Qin: ”Chyou, can you continue please?”

Madame Qin: ”Okay dear, no need to rush me. When the Chen family started becoming more successful and mixing regularly with the right social circles, Li Yu Yan suddenly started taking notice of Chen Wei. I wouldn't be surprised if that Li Wang encouraged them from behind the scenes. For the last several years Li Yu Yan and Chen Wei have been acting like a young married couple deeply in love, they've been spotted out together numerous times even being caught on camera in highly questionable photos together.”

Elder Qin: ”I can't believe that Chen Wei would choose a fish eye over a pearl.”

Madame Qin completely agreed: ”I heard this Li Yu Yan is meant to be a gentle and graceful young girl, who's soft in speech and very intelligent. She's even applied to medical school.”

She snorted after she said this.

The only doctor she'll be is a doctor in the bedroom.

Elder Qin sighed: ”That poor child, having her fiancé stolen away by her own cousin.”

Madame Qin nodded.

Elder Qin: ”I've looked into the Chen family. This Chen Wei is apparently a highly competent surgeon even going to the US for a couple of years and working in top hospitals. The Chen family have recently taken over Emerald Hospital and is one of our major competitors.”

Madame Qin: ”How could they possibly compete with us, when we have the world renowned Dr. Li Xiuying working with us.”

Elder Qin voice sounded solemn : ”We'll still have to look out for them. Underestimating the enemy is never wise and has caused the downfall of many empires.”

Madame Qin: ”Yes, yes dear. I can't wait for the news to come out tomorrow! Those two people deserve everything they have coming to them. mwahaha.”

She accidentally choked whilst laughing and started coughing.