31 Help A Brother Ou (1/2)
Elder Qin was confused: ”foli..?”
Li Xiuying: ”Folie a deux, it's a shared psychotic syndrome. Where symptoms of a delusional belief or hallucination are transmitted form one person to another.”
Qin Jingfei: ”We will look into today's situation and especially into the staff that were not where they should have been. Mr. 4th year meet me in my office tomorrow at 9 am.”
Li Xiuying nodded. The 4th year gulped and nodded.
C put up her hand. ”Dr. Li.”
Li Xiuying raised her eyebrow. ”I did ask if there were any questions.”
C: ”No Dr. Li I don't have a question, I mean I do have a question it's just not a question about today's management, its a question about...”
Little 4th was annoyed this woman was wasting his sister's time: ” Auntie C, You're making everyone dizzy by saying question a million times. Just ask what you wanted to, my Big sister is tired. Do you think she's a machine? Hmph”
Li Xiuying ruffled Little 4th's hair.
She felt a swell of emotion.
No one has cared about whether I'm tired or not since my mum and dad.
Little 4th turned from an angry beast into a tamed house pet.
C plucked up her courage: ” Erm I'm sorry, Dr. Li I was just wandering if I could shadow you when you're in the emergency department please?”
Li Xiuying: ”I'm in the emergency department next Wednesday 9 am to 2 pm. I will ask questions, I don't like crying.”
C: ”Thank you Dr. Li!!”
Note to self, cry in the bathroom if needed!
All the other residents also put up their hands.
Li Xiuying: ”You all want to shadow me?”
Everyone nodded.
Li Xiuying: ”I only allow 2 people to shadow me on the wards or in theater. C asked first so only one other person may accompany me on Wednesday.”
She thought for a moment.
What was she going to do with the other 7?
Li Xiuying: ”Do any of you want to attend theater or is it just the emergency department?”
A asked hopefully: ”Dr. Li I would like to attend an on-call shift with you if possible?”
Li Xiuying: ”I don't do on-calls. I only get called if there is a serious emergency that no one can deal with. Give me your bleep and I will bleep you the next time I'm called for an emergency, just once.”
A quickly grabbed a piece of paper and a pen from the side. He wrote down his bleep, his mobile, his name and also A.
Li Xiuying: ”Who wants to come with C on Wednesday?”
B and F raised their hands.
Li Xiuying: ”C will have the first 2 hours, B and F you can come in together for the rest.”
Li Xiuying: ” 3rd years and D,E left, I will be doing general surgery on Tuesday, Thursday orthopedics surgery and Friday Pediatric surgery if you want to shadow me next week. if you want to see any other specialties then write down the details on A's paper. I will not be listing my credentials to you, I will call you once and only once. In the future make sure you see my PA for this sort of thing.”
Li Xiuying was thankful for Jiang Huan, she wouldn't have to deal with these tedious things herself.
The 4th year put up his hand and looked at Director Qin with a pleading expression.
Qin Jingfei rolled her eyes and nodded.
The 4th year lined up to write his details on the piece of paper.
When they had all finished they left the room, C handed the details to Li Xiuying on the way out.
Li Xiuying faced Elder Qin: ”Elder Qin may I talk to you? Alone?”
Little 4th's face sank.
Big Sister YingYing why?
He slowly lumbered towards the door, with a heart broken expression.
Li Xiuying: ”Little 4th can stay.”
He spun around and skipped to Li Xiuying, he was about to jump into her arms but stopped himself.
He mustn't touch big sister YingYing.
Elder Qin: ”Come back in half an hour.”
Li Xiuying was always efficient with her words.
Qin Song and Qin Jingfei left.
They both shared the same thought; I'll coax little 4th into telling me later.