Chapter 91 (1/2)
The fierce projectile was crushed byJason’s punch in an instant.
Closely followed, his huge stature seemedlike a small moving tower, roaring forward.
There was a horrible power fluctuation onhis whole body, and with a roar, Jason's fist was again swung.
This time, with the fist waving, the soundof an explosion came from the void, which was the sound of air being directlyexploded.
Kuzan’s pupils contracted and even saw theripples in the air ahead, which were generated by this powerful force,spreading outward in circles.
He also got angry and gave up using thepower of his Devil Fruit, and fought with his own strength.
“Strength increases 20 times!”
With a low roar, Jason’s fist burst outlike a sh.e.l.l.
The punch struck Kuzan firmly on both arms,causing him to tremble fiercely, and then his figure was actually swept back bythe powerful force.
On the wooden deck, two long tracesappeared directly.
After three seconds, Kuzan, who slowed downslightly, changed his face, and his whole body suddenly collapsed into icedebris.
Complete defeat!
The Rear Admiral, who has the Logia fruitcapable of having the potential of the Admirals, ended up in a complete defeatin the face of the confrontation with Jason’s two or three attacks.
Whether it was ability or physicalstrength, in the face of this burly unidentified guy, Kuzan’s attacks or bodyends in crus.h.i.+ng.
This incredible result immediately madeKuzan’s pupils shrink.
The next moment, between the ice debris,his figure condensed again.
“Ice Saber!”
Slowly, in a low voice, revealing the faceof the ice, a sword made of ice appeared in his right hand.
“I admire your strength verymuch.”
“I didn’t expect that there would besuch a strong man as you in an ordinary wooden boat.”
“It really surprises me!”
There was some dignity in Kuzan’s voice.
“I am the person using the Logiaabilities of the ice-ice fruit. Everything I touch will turn into ice in aninstant!”
“Be careful!”
As a slight reminder, Kuzan moved on stepby step.
Jason's power goes far beyond him, and itdoesn't make him fearful.
His special performance is not a fightbetween pure close-up powers, that's his Devil Fruit!
In a flash, a little bit of ice dotsreflected the colorful light of the sunlight, particularly beautiful.
At this time, the little master screamed.
“Strength increases a hundredtimes!”
Jason’s face became more savage, and theviolent power was so fierce that it affected the air around him. The deckbeneath his feet sank down.
His innermost instinct could feel thestrength of the fellow in front of him, so he will not be merciless and fightas hard as he can.
With a loud roar, Jason slammed his fistand hit it toward the rear.
At the same time, his waist was hard,twisted, and the whole body was moving fast.
Behind him, the air raged and ranirregularly, making a sharp sound.
The airflow was changing rapidly, thisvoid, because Jason’s violent power has changed dramatically!
Kuzan’s face was more serious, and he foundthat the strength of the man in front of him far exceeded his expectations.