Chapter 90 (1/2)
The voice from the Den Den Mus.h.i.+ wasobviously somewhat confused, and he couldn't help but ask.
”What s.h.i.+p?”
”A wooden boat!”
Grant quickly replied subconsciously.
He was only a major talking to the ViceAdmiral of the headquarters. He was under a lot of pressure, and his foreheadwas full of sweat. Also, his whole body was somewhat stiff.
The voice from the Den Den mus.h.i.+ paused andseemed quiet.
Grant was nervous and did not dare to hangup.
”What's your name major?”
”Grant sir!”
Grant reported loudly.
”Very well, Major Grant. Now tell me thespecific situation of the wooden boat!”
In his voice, the suppressed anger wasobvious.
It was like saying, stupid Grant, rightnow, immediately, explain what the s.h.i.+p is used for.
This time, Grant was smart enough tolisten.
”It's a medium sized wooden boat, andthere's a big man, a pregnant woman and a cat on it!”
He trembled a little but answered.
In the corner of his eye, he had seen hiscolleagues close to him slapping their foreheads, and seemed to have a headachefor his stupidity.
The Den Den mus.h.i.+ hung up and lost itsvoice.
Grant swayed his body and forced out asmile to face his colleagues.
”I, I said this, is there anything wrongwith it!?”
“If you’re lucky, there was not anymistake.”
They removed their hands that coverforeheads, and they were helpless.
”The Vice admiral, he asked for my name,what does he want to do?”
Grant's face was bitter, and there weretears in his eyes.
”Do you think that he would remember yourname and promote you?”
They spread their hands unkindly.
This sentence directly caused a storm, andGrant shed tears and fell softly on the ground.
It wasn't easy at all to climb to thisposition and cherish it!
“I don’t care about the Marines, whyare there such stupid Majors!”
”But you guys, hurry up, we need to go tothe north and find the medium sized wooden boat!”
On the sea not far from Baterilla, the ViceAdmiral roared loudly.
“That fellow named Grant, he is inyour division, must get rid of him!”
The Vice Admiral shouted angrily.
The wars.h.i.+p quickly moved and headed north.
“Wooden boat, what an idiot?Pooh!”
The anger on his face didn't disappear atall.
The North Channel.
On the wooden boat, Jason’s hand with thewooden rudder suddenly quivered.
And he slowly turned around.
The little master jumped on Jason'sshoulder and meowed loudly, and her eyes were full of tension.
Footsteps gently sounded, followed by Ice,a burly figure appeared in front of Jason.
Of course, this person's height was alittle far from Jason's.
His face was a bit sluggish and dark, hewas wearing a white b.u.t.toned-up vest with standing collar over a long-sleevedblue s.h.i.+rt, with matching white trousers and black dress shoes.
It was marine suits.
”A marine!”
Jason clenched his fist and made a stepforward. He looked very serious.
“Is not it?”
The marine got in the wooden boat, twistedhis neck and looked around. He was somewhat surprised.
”What are you looking for? Marine!”
Jason's eyes were getting colder, and hewas ready to attack at any time.
Nevertheless, this marine was as casual asif it had not seen the tension between the two men in the opposite direction atall.
“Look for a pregnant woman.”
The marine soldier smiled.
”Well, if you still don't understand!”
“I’m looking for Roger’s wife.”