Chapter 89 (1/2)

The Bladeof Hot Flame, like the whistle of a gale, instantly fell from the sky and thenhurled into the wars.h.i.+ps.

“Boom!Boom! Boom! Boom!”

A series ofexplosions occurred. It was a calm sea surface. It was immediately boiled up byhigh temperature, a continuous stream of white fog rushed upwards toward a highalt.i.tude.


“It’son fire, it’s all on fire!”

“Jumpinto the sea, jump down!”

The voiceof the high-rank marines came from time to time, and their faces were blue andstunned.

No onecould have imagined that Rogen’s blow had such power. Five vice admirals werestanding there, but in the face of that invincible attack, they didn't know howto resist it.

A flameblow, which has spread for thousands of meters, seemed like it was coming fromthe h.e.l.l, and like the G.o.ds were angry. They have nothing to do.

That cut,fast and deadly, like a meteorite landing, straight into the sea, landed on thewars.h.i.+p.

In aninstant, eight wars.h.i.+ps were split in two, followed by inferno flames burninginto the sky.

One blow,just a blow, and thousands of marines' forces collapsed.

Hearing thecold voice in his mind, Rogen laughed and then his figure disappeared quicklyfrom there by just a step.

It wasalmost six hours since Jason and the others left the island.

The rest ofthe seas would be much more spa.r.s.e than the following dense marinesdistribution of Baterilla.

In thisway, Jason and the others should be safe at the moment.

Silentlyrelieved, Rogen took out the den den mus.h.i.+ in his arms.

“Puru!Puru! Puru!”

After fiveseconds, Rogen frowned.

No oneanswered. He called the same den den mus.h.i.+ in the past, and now there was noresponse.

“Whathappened to Jason?”

With aflash in his eyes, Rogen's face cooled down, his figure unfolded, and he flewfast through the air.

He gaveJason the chart, so their approximate route was still clear to Rogen.

Just afterRogen left, the golden light suddenly blossomed on the flaming island.

A burlyfigure of light stepped out. Only a few refractions of light, and had come tothe burning, blazing flame.



“Great,he’s all right!”

The fl.u.s.teredmarines looked up at the golden light figure in the sky, and their faces werefull of excitement and happiness.

”Yasakanino Magatama!” (Comma Jewel of Eight Shaku!)

Theindifferent voice descended from the sky, countless lights shone, and in amoment, it landed on the flaming wars.h.i.+ps.

After threeseconds, the flames gradually extinguished and the marines' screams stopped.

Steppingdown on a fairly complete wars.h.i.+p, at this time, the five vice admirals came tothe Admiral Kizaru.


He seemedto be sure, but also seemed to be puzzled.

“He istoo strong. We haven’t had time to react. The wars.h.i.+p was on fire, and therewas no time to chase him.”

Noah's wasdignified.

“Forget.i.t, doesn't matter, the Marines' intelligence is wrong, Rogen’s strength is notsmall at all. Even if it were me, it would be dangerous if it weren’t foranother breakthrough at the last minute.”

Kizaru’sface was full of seriousness, no longer has his old foolish expression like thepast.

“Whatshould we do now?”

Noahcouldn’t help but ask.

No one whosaw this big fight just now will probably have the courage to confront thatfellow.

The GreatAdmiral almost got cut off directly!

What thef.u.c.k was that?!

“Hurryup, contact Kuzan, let him pay attention and be safe.”

Kizarusquinted and quickly ordered.

He wasabout the same age as Kuzan and had the same fighting power. Although therewere some differences in official positions between him and Kuzan, it was alsobecause he was a little older.