Part 21 (1/1)
_ 44 Vide_ the author's Occasional Sermons, No. 5.
_ 45 Vide supra_, p. 84.
46 History, vol. viii.
47 Before and apart from Christianity, the Samaritan Version reads, ”donec veniat Pacificus, et ad ipsum congregabuntur populi.” The Targum, ”donec veniat Messias, cujus est regnum, et obedient populi.” The Septuagint, ”donec veniant quae reservata sunt illi” (or ”donec veniat cui reservatum est”), ”et ipse expectatio gentium.”
And so again the Vulgate, ”donec veniat qui mittendus est, et ipse erit expectatio gentium.”
The ingenious translation of some learned men (”donec venerit Juda Siluntem,” i. e. ”the tribe-sceptre shall not depart from Judah till Judah comes to s.h.i.+loh”), with the explanation that the tribe of Judah had the leaders.h.i.+p in the war against the Canaanites, _vide_ Judges i. 1, 2; xx. 18 (i. e. after Joshua's _death_), and that possibly, and for what we know, the tribe gave up that war-command at s.h.i.+loh, _vide_ Joshua xviii. 1 (i. e. in Joshua's _life-time_), labours under three grave difficulties: 1. That the patriarchal sceptre is a temporary war-command. 2. That this command belonged to Judah at the very time that it belonged to Joshua. And 3. That it was finally lost to Judah (Joshua living) before it had been committed to Judah (Joshua dead).
48 He appeals to the prophecies in evidence of His Divine mission, in addressing the Nazarites (Luke iv. 18), St. John's disciples (Matt.
xi. 5), and the Pharisees (Matt. xxi. 42, and John v. 39), but not in details. The appeal to details He reserves for His disciples.
_Vide_ Matt. xi. 10; xxvi. 24, 31, 54: Luke xxii. 37; xxiv. 27, 46.
_ 49 Vide supra_, pp. 341, 375, 413-416.
_ 50 Vide supra._
51 Had my limits allowed it, I ought, as a third subject, to have described the existing system of impure idolatry, and the wonderful phenomenon of such mult.i.tudes, who had been slaves to it, escaping from it by the power of Christianity,-under the guidance of the great work (”On the Gentile and the Jew”) of Dr. Dollinger.
52 On the subjects which follow, _vide_ Lami, _De Eruditione Apostolorum_; Mamachius, _Origines Christ._; Ruinart, _Act. Mart._; Lardner, _Credibility_, &c.; Fleury, _Eccles. Hist._; Kortholt, _Calumn. Pagan._; and _De Morib. Christ._, &c.
53 Ep. ad Diognet.
54 Essay on Development of Doctrine, ch. iv. -- 1.
55 Fr. Lacordaire and M. Nicolas.
56 Occas. Serm., pp. 49-51.