4 Some facts about the world (1/1)

As you know the MC is going to go to Lambda from the LN the Death Mage doesn't want a Forth Time, however there will be some changes to suit this story.

1) It's been 10,000 years since the Demon King was defeated

2) Aqua was one of the people who fought the Demon King and she was in a team with the summoned hero '******' Satou Kazuma now known as **********

3) There are some Gods who before they lost their souls to the Demon King and ********** sealed part of their souls away hoping someone will complete trails to gain their legacy.

4) After the Demon King was defeated there was a great war between Lambda's Goddess of Love and Life Vida, Lambda's god of the light attribute Alda over ***** ******. The war ended up with Alda victory and sealing off Vida. Alda then became the god of law and fate And The only god of creation still remaining in Lambda... well that is known

5) There was only 3000 known humans/ Elves and dwarves left in Lambda after the war, However please note not everyone fought in the war of gods and against the Demon king. The original Elves, human and Dwarf Kings and their family went into hiding and sealed themselves from the world. Due to this many races in this seal region have forgotten some of the knowledge Gods and whats forbidden now.

6) Many races snuck into the sealed region prior to being closed off from the world. One being Dark Elves. Dark Elves and Elves have a bad relationship however rumor is that Dark elves migrated into the Royal line and now the ones who are in charge of the Elves but that's impossible right.

7) For some reason non humans (not including dwarves) are constantly losing mana and when they run out they will start losing their lifeforce and die. This is due the barrier so the Non humans have to stay near *********** also seen to have a weakness for the elements.

8) Due to the fact of the non humans non survive ability humans believe they are better and all others races are sub groups (not including Dwarves)

9) Strangely enough a young Human princess ran away from marriage and seen living with the Elf prince and a Demi Goddess princess

10) It is forbidden to mate with other spechess a forbidden sin! if found out the child will be killed. this is due to ***********

11) Elder Elves go to ********* when they reach a certain age. There they pray to gods and thats is where they learned that ***************

there is many other things but the MC hasn't even gotten to Lambda yet!