3 Charlie Brown Past Part 2 (1/2)

I was born a healthy baby boy. the doctors said they never seen such a healthy baby as me. well its all good however the nurse messed up my name with another baby and they gave me treatment I didn't need! it caused me to have a seizure.

Doctor- ”My apologies for making such a mistake this doesn't usually happen we wont let this happen again” it wasn't the last time the doctors made mistakes like this.

Father- Oh wait something happen? oh wait where our son?

Mother- Dear didn't you realize our son was saved by this doctor he needed an operation.”

My father then gave a thumbs up and said good job...the doctor was confused and tried to say something but my mother was nonchalant about it saying well hes fine so all good! you may be wondering how I know this well they like talking about this when they are drunk...

When they left the hospital they forgot about me then they complained saying I should speak up if I'm not there...

when I was 3 months my babysitter had to get fired because she seemed to like to take pictures of me too much and had a ton on her phone and her room...her mother was afraid she liked me too much. I'm not sure I was a baby.

6 months I started talking 8 months crawling 9 months talking and walking. My parents told me it was normal rate..

On my 1st birthday my old babysitter kidnapped me. it was a big thing all over the news...well she was found by her mother...

babysitter mother- am sry for tis I'll try to pay whatever you want

mother- oh hey how are you doing today its been a while I thought something happened to you? what this about being sorry for?

BM- My daughter kidnapped your son...

Mother- Son??? oh yeah i have one of those! His babysitter you know your daughter said she was going to watch him ... a couple hours ago?

BM looks at my mother strangely and says its been a week and tells what happen