Part 9 (1/2)

”You startled me. I didn't realize anyone was here,” she said with her hand going to her heart as she recovered her breath. She felt her face flush redder and was thankful that she had an excuse.

”Well, you wouldn't with those things stuck in your ears.”

”Point taken.” She conceded, fidgeting on the spot.

As his fierce gaze dragged down her body, she became aware that she was hot and very sweaty. Beads of perspiration slowly rolled down her neck and chest and disappeared down the cleavage of her high b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her clothes clung to her and her shorts showed damp patches at the top of her thighs. She must look and smell like a dog's dinner but, strangely, one that he looked like he wanted to eat.

He took a step closer, and his nostrils flared. She heard a low deep rumbling sound, and it made her yearn for his intimate touch again.

”Just, you know, keeping fit, venting some frustration.” She gave a quick nervous smile.

He blinked slowly and in a deep, low voice drawled, ”Yeah, I've heard that intense physical activity is supposed to be good for stress.”

He smiled wickedly. ”Although I can think of other, more fun and engaging ways.”

He surprised her with that line. She didn't think that teasing came naturally to him.

Rachael's heart raced faster, and before she could stop herself, she was squeaking her automatic response. ”Yes, well, can I help you with anything?”

She realized how it stupid and uptight it sounded as soon as the words were out, but before she could babble on further, he growled, ”Yes, most definitely.”

He cleared the distance between them in a heartbeat and leaned down to cover her lips with his. We need to talk. I need a shower. But, oh, it's so good. Her thoughts swirled just before her brain shut down 72 and instinct took over. She parted her lips under the pressure of his pa.s.sionate kiss, and she was swept away by the sensations flooding her, causing her to melt against him. She moaned as one hand caught up in her hair and the other brushed down her spine, rested on her a.s.s, and pulled her in even closer. Unconsciously, she s.h.i.+fted and slipped a leg either side of his, squeezed herself around it, and rubbed slightly against him. He gave a throaty growl in response and deepened the kiss. She was lost to it, couldn't think straight, and wanted more. Her juices flowed and her core muscles clenched with antic.i.p.ation. Her hands mirrored his, one reaching up around his shoulder and the other firmly cupping his backside before slipping around his hip and tentatively rubbing up the length of his barely contained erection.

He groaned again and the vibration transferred from his mouth to hers, conveying his pa.s.sion. Her whole body hummed with desire.

His hand roamed from her a.s.s to her chest and pulled down the front of her sports top to expose her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Gently, he stroked the back of his hand over a very sensitive erect nipple before palming and squeezing the whole globe of satin-soft flesh. It was her turn to moan as his mouth left hers and trailed kisses down her neck before stopping between her and taking a long lick. Oh, G.o.d. It was erotic and animalistic and her pelvic floor fluttered.

He locked his mouth over a breast and sucked, flicking the nipple with his tongue before doing the same to the other. More fluttering; h.e.l.l, her p.u.s.s.y must have developed muscle memory. She stroked her fingers through his thick hair and arched toward him. Oh, Lord, she felt consumed. She felt vibrations deep inside, she felt-wait, she did feel vibrations, persistent vibrations-b.l.o.o.d.y h.e.l.l, her cell phone was ringing!

His pa.s.sion-roughened voice sounded next to her ear as he moved up her neck to kiss her there. ”Christ, ignore it.”

She wanted to, really wanted to. She wasn't on call, but who would be ringing before seven in the morning? It could be an emergency. With one hand still in his hair, she righted her top.


”I can't,” she sighed, looking at her phone and seeing Colin's name flash up.

She pulled his hair so that his forehead rested briefly against hers, then pushed against his firm chest, stepped back, took a deep breath, and answered her mobile.

”h.e.l.lo, Colin, is everything all right?”

She was suddenly all business, and began to pace back and forth along the veranda, concentrating fiercely on the phone conversation.

She looked at him and covered the phone with her hand. ”Do you know where the Jackson Water Hole is?”

”Yeah,” he sighed miserably. ”It's about four miles from here as the crow flies, but about twenty if you take the road.”

”Can I take my Jeep there, off road?”

”Not across the Sweet River. That's what your stream eventually flows into. The crossing place is only suitable for a horse.”

”How long would it take for you to ride there with two?”

”About twenty-five minutes, much faster than you'd get there by car.”

His answer was firm and precise. She nodded then turned, rapidly speaking into the phone before closing the call.

Feeling frustrated but resigned, she explained. ”That was Colin.

Roy Crossling's had an accident at the water hole. He's okay, but he thinks his horse was bitten on the face by a snake, a cottonmouth.

Colin knows I'm staying here and was wondering if I could get there quickly and help until he arrives with the horse box and antivenom kit. If you can take me there, I can at least ease the animal's suffering.

I have an emergency kit in the house.” She looked at him expectantly.

”What? You're going to help that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Crossling?”

”No, I'm going to help that b.a.s.t.a.r.d Crossling's horse.”

She dashed into the house. There was no time to take a shower.

She threw on a pair of baggy khaki trousers, and grabbed a small pack with her white coat and the emergency kit inside. She then found a long knife and cut two pieces off the garden hose. If necessary, it 74 could be used to keep the horse's nostrils open and thereby prevent suffocation as its tissues swelled in response to the venom.

”Life around you is certainly never boring,” he commented as she jumped down the cabin's steps to where he was waiting on Star.

”Here,” he held out his arm, ”grab a hold and swing up behind me.”

”Okay, Tonto.”

”You're Tonto. I'm the Lone Ranger-it's my horse.”

”Whatever you say, ke-mo sah-bee. Let's go.” She deftly swung up and settled herself behind him.

”Hold on tight.”

”Oh, I intend to.”

After about fifteen minutes of cantering, they came to the river where they slowed down to cross.