Volume 9 afterword (1/2)
Long time no see, it's the author Takehaya
With this volume we have returned to theit
In this voluins to invade Koutarou's normal life More specifically, an unexpected problem arises for Ruth and at the sa, so it's a volume with various content Because of these, Ruth who had ht on her
When writing this volu translation
Currently, there are two foreign versions of Rokujouma no shi+nryakusha, a Taiwanese version and a South Korean version There has been talk if another version is going to be added or not, but I have started by thinking about these two
In the japanese version the characters can be distinguished by how they call theenerally what they call themselves
Ore ――― Koutarou
Atashi+ ――― Sanae
Warawa ――― Theia
Watashi+ ――― Yurika
Waga ――― Kiriha
Watakushi+ ――― Ruth
Oira ――― The Haniwas