412 Soul Revival Grass Part One (1/2)
”That undead we ran into earlier said there is a herb called soul revival grass that grows on the mountain cliffs up ahead. They are usually abundant but are highly protected by ghoul demons.” Loeri said as she took a sip of tea.
Currently, Alicia and her group were inside her space taking a break. Alicia was currently breastfeeding Destiny. Although Destiny could drink formulated milk, Alicia made sure to feed Destiny three times a day with her breast milk in order to make sure she was getting all the nutrients she needed.
”If that is the case then we know where to head to next.” Alicia said as she gently rubbed the top of Destiny's head. ”Frey, can you get the nanny to prepare a warm bath for Destiny, I want to give her a bath. You can join as well.”
”Okay!” Frey said happily as she flew off into the cottage. Alicia had brought with her two nannies to care for Destiny while she was traveling around. She could not bring Destiny out into the undead territory, so she could only visit a few times a day.
Alicia loved all her children the same. Just because Destiny was her flesh and blood, did not mean she loved Frey and Nomi any less. This journey itself was to find a way to bring Nomi back from his near death state. She missed the little guy's smile so much.
”Alicia?” Starla saw a glimmer of tears starting to form in the corner of Alicia's eyes as she gazed off into the distance.
”Hmm? Sorry, I was lost in thought.” Alicia said with a forced smile.
After giving Frey and Destiny a bath, Alicia and her group set out once again. Their destination this time was the mountain range. From what they had learned, this mountain range was called the Howling Peaks. It was said a great undead monster lived in the middle of the mountain range that not even the Lich God of Death Nec'zer would go near it. This of course meant nothing to Alicia who cared not for such things. She was only here for the soul revival grass. This grass if turned into a pill and fed to the person whose soul was diminishing would see a one hundred percent turn around. Their soul would gradually be restored and would bind back to their mortal body. The issue was that many did not dare to get this herb due to its location and the demon ghouls that protected it.
No one knew why the demon ghouls would protect this plant, but they did. The trek to the mountain range took another two days. Although their journey thus far was slow, the group did not mind. This journey was relaxing in many ways even though the area they were in was very dangerous.
Standing at the base of the mountain, Alicia and her group looked up at the towering peaks in front of them. ”Why do we not just fly up?” Rose asked.
”I know this but… Nomi...” Rose thought back to the little guy frozen in ice and frowned. She really wished to see the little guy again.