411 The Undead Country: Phantom Solis (1/2)
”So this is the land of the undead. Doesn't look really undead to me… Just weird...” Annelia said as she looked at her surroundings. Her thoughts were true. The place where they were did not look like it should be undead.
There was lush foliage all around. From trees to bushes and grass. This was all normal if it was not for the fact that each of these things looked much weirder than you would expect. The trees seemed to be oozing some kind of green substance while the grass and bushes were almost transparent. There were even some plants with eyes and large mouths. A very unique area indeed. Each and everyone one of these plants was deadly as well. They all took in the air of death to live which made them what they are now. Consuming any of these plants was basically committing suicide.
”It is to be expected. Life here lives off death. The herb we are looking for looks like a ghostly maiden just really small. Just remember do not take off your masks.” Alicia warned. She did not want anyone to get death sickness. Once you get it your days would be numbered before you turned into a ghoul.
”Also watch for undead who will try to pull your masks off. These undead get their kicks from watching live beings being exposed to the air of death.” Blake also warned.
”Hold on… We got a visitor.” Alicia said with a frown. They had just entered the country and had already run into someone.
”Little girl why are you in my domain? Did your father not tell you to stay away?” An old man undead said, his skin falling off its bones.
”You must be the Lich God of Death, Nec'zer. I am here looking for any kind of plant that can help repair a person's soul. Nothing else.” Alicia replied.
”Humph!” Nec'zer snorted. ”I do not care what you are here for. Take your people and leave my kingdom or I will be forced to make you stay and become a ghoul.”
Nec'zer felt the pressure and was extremely stunned at how strong the girl had come since the first time they had fought. ”What you are doing now could be considered an act of war.”
”Nec'zer, if I truly wished to destroy this country I could. I could destroy you and every inhabitant here without a second thought. So I suggest you watch your words. Now, are you going to ignore my presence and let me search for my herb, or are you going to block my way until I need to kill you and your citizens?” Alicia was giving Nec'zer one final ultimatum. She would not let anyone stop her search. This herb was very important to her because it could allow Nomi to be revived from his near death state.
Nec'zer was boiling in rage when he heard Alicia's words. He wanted nothing more than to rip her to shreds but there was nothing he could do about it. He knew the girl could easily wipe him and every undead here off the face of the planet with ease. Gritting his teeth he said: ”Fine search but do not blame me if you or one of your friends gets turned into a ghoul from breathing in the air of death.”