Part 48 (1/2)
'That! Will you bring up that old mad folly of yours? Would you hope to persuade me it was not my duty to renounce you? They told me I could not possibly get well. You see for yourself. You see now how I am changed. I shall last now, perhaps, six months. You had nothing. I had nothing.
What would have become of you, not to speak of all the horror? It was clearly my duty. I leave it to any man.'
'Yes; always that. The opinion of others,' she said, but even still without emotion. 'I do not care for the opinion of a worldful. I accept the fact that you could not get well. I tell you it does not matter. It was for each other G.o.d made us; without any regard to circ.u.mstance.'
'A woman's reason is not reason,' he said. 'Any man would tell you it was my duty to give you up. The world is not made as you would have it.'
'Listen,' she said. (She interrupted herself to glance with a smile at her husband, and said to him in English, 'I am trying to explain to him.
He is a little dull. He does not understand.') 'Listen'--she spoke again to the other. 'Be reasonable. See it as it is. Do not cheat yourself into thinking this horrible failure of ours was a virtue. Review the facts with me and face them. These are they: we compromised with life, and in a cowardly fas.h.i.+on. I married, to buy my sister health, because I had not the courage to see her suffer. You renounced me and went away, so that you might have a certain peace of mind, and because you had not the courage to go counter to tradition and the world's approval. What would the world have said--a man as ill as you were, to accept the life and devotion of a woman? It was that that tormented and swayed you. You left me, and went away to escape that. We both bought a certain worldly peace of mind, and a kind of conventional self-approval. And with what?
With what did we buy these trifling things? What price did we pay for them? We bought them with the entire wealth and treasure G.o.d had given us--the most precious in his treasuries, beside which kings' ransoms are as nothing. We bought these trifles, these worthless baubles, with the priceless love we had for each other. He gave it to us in such ample measure, you remember. And what did we do with it? What have we to show for it now? In G.o.d's world are there to be found, do you think, two such spendthrifts?'
'There! It is your old way,' he replied. 'You speak always in figures, like a poet. It is misleading. Deal only with the facts. I leave them to any one. I was to die of a lingering illness. I had no money. I had only a wealth of horrors to drag you through. A slow death it was to be. You would have had two years of that.'
'Two years,' she repeated. 'I have been married eight months; and I think those eight months have been twice eight years. And two years, two years together, you and I! But oh, if it had been one year only; if we had had but one year together! Only one year!' There was a kind of pleading in her voice. 'Only one year! It is as if one were to say ”only springtime”--”only love,”--”only heaven,”--”only G.o.d!”'
'What does he say?' said her husband. Perhaps he was curious at the tone of her voice; or merely impatient at the length of their conversation.
'Tell him anything,' said the other, 'We must converse at any cost.
Tell him anything you like; only do not cease to speak to me.'
She turned to her husband.
'He is quite interesting. He thinks he used to know this man when he was a child; that his father had some dealings with him in that very coal affair in Illinois. Let me question him a little more. I will tell you by and by. We must not seem to be too curious. Do not interrupt me; just let me lead him on. It may take a few moments.'
The other began now, without waiting for her to take up the conversation.
'But I tell you, you do not see the thing as it is. It would have been a criminal thing for a man doomed as I was, to link his life with a woman like you, frail, exquisite, young, beautiful, the very rose of the world. Is it permissible for a man to drag a woman with him to the scaffold, even for love? I leave it to any man.'
'Yes, to any man,'--her reply was quick on his,--'but you dare not leave it to a woman. Any man would tell you it is not permissible that one about to die should lay his hand in that of the woman he loves. And any man would grant you, that if the woman is his wife,--if that tradition has bound them,--then it is his right and her duty that they should share fatality, even though they have not the high calling of love. If this man who is my husband were stricken, you, even you, would expect me--'
The sentence broke and she left it as though there could be no need of making the truth plainer. Instead, she folded her hands tensely.
'But, oh, let us not argue. We have squandered G.o.d's treasure, you and I. We have squandered it for the sake of convention, for old precedents, for men's opinions; just as this man, my husband, buys railway shares and mining properties at the fearful price of his honor, his human kindness, his soul. You despise him and shrink from him. Truly, I cannot, except when he lays his hand upon me; for we are no better than he. That is the horrible part of it. We are all three spendthrifts, the three of us, here in this little s.p.a.ce. But oh, what new folly! Only think of our spending these precious, precious moments in argument!
Shall we never have done being wasteful!'
He fell in with her thought immediately.
'You love me still, then.'
'Yes, always.'
'Yet I have not the right, even now, to so much as touch your hand.'
'No; yet my hand lies in yours by the hour. These are things one cannot keep from G.o.d.'
'Do you know,'--his voice was even,--'I cannot help wondering if the little girl over there in the corner just might possibly understand.'
'No; I think not,' she said gently; 'besides, if she did, it would not matter.'