36 Being a Rich Young Woman 36 (1/1)

Fang Bingbing contemplated for a while then went out to call Lee Yitian. The latter immediately received the former's call as he was waiting for it.

”Yitian…” Fang Bingbing bit her lips. She did not want to doubt her cousin but Zhuge Mingyu words kept repeating on her mind.

”Yes? What's up?” Lee Yitian signaled to his surrounding to tone down their voice.

Fang Bingbing did not notice or hear anything so she continued, ”Tell me honestly, did you leak our plan?”

Lee Yitian pursed his lips when he heard that, it was the same with Father Shen and Lu Xiao Tian who were near him as his phone was on the loudspeaker.

Ever since Father Shen learned the possible trouble that would come to his daughter, he promptly looked for someone who could help them. Lu Xiao Tian overheard it from his father who was a good friend of Father Shen that's why he volunteered to assist them. It was also the reason why he got into relationship with Fang Bingbing, to extract information. However, it was useless as her lips were too tight. Though it was wrong to use someon, still his conscience said it was for the greater good.

Lee Yitian came to the scene when he coincidentally met Lu Xiao Tian at the bar. As he was getting guilty as the day went nearer, he got drunk and wasted. With that, he blurted a lot of information about Fang Bingbing's plan. He even asked the latter to help him provide some warnings to Hana.

Lu Xiao Tian was hesitating at first to believe him as who would expect someone to ditch his family for the sake of others? However, as Lee Yitian provided some hints to them and they noticed those that he said were true, they eventually gave him a benefit of the doubt.

With that, when they heard from the bodyguards that Hana was not in her room after checking her that morning, Father Shen and Lu Xiao Tian hastily called Lee Yitian to ask him if he knew where Fang Bingbing brought Hana. Despite there was a chance that Hana just went out to get fresh air, with everything that was happening, they knew it was impossible and the only reason she was missing was because someone took her.

Lee Yitian admitted he was not aware of it and said they could only wait for Fang Bingbing's call. They actually tried calling her but her phone was turned off. Their only choice now was to wait for the other party to reach them instead. Though there was no guarantee, they were still hopeful it would happen.

Alas, she really did call. The policemen were with them to help tracking the other party's location.

Going back, Lee Yitian asked what she meant. He was trying to lengthen their conversation as they were still attempting to get their whereabouts. Asking her directly would never be a good choice.

”What do I mean? Yitian, Shen Yue seems to know something. It's impossible for Zhuge Mingyu and I to tell or warn her. So, the only possibility is you.” Fang Bingbing was becoming firmed with her thoughts, she somehow realized there was a large chance her cousin did something behind their back.

”I don't get your point. Hey, did you abduct Shen Yue? How come it looks like you are with her?” Although he was already sure about this, he still asked to make it appear he was not aware of it.

”Yes, I did. So, what?” Fang Bingbing was getting impatient as she still did not hear his proper answer.

Zhuge Mingyu felt something amiss as the phone call was getting longer. He immediately took from Fang Bingbing's hand the phone and ended the ongoing call.

”Hey, that's rude!” Not getting anything from her cousin and experiencing the discourteous action from Zhuge Mingyu left Fang Bingbing enraged.

”I'm sorry about that, but your call took time and I'm afraid your cousin might be doing anything.” He said this with a frown on his face.

Fang Bingbing told him he was just overthinking and her cousin would not do it. Despite being doubtful of Lee Yitian, she still somehow believed in him because of their blood relation.

Unfortunately, Zhuge Mingyu got it right. Before the call ended, their location was already identified.