Part 16 (1/2)

Every minute, in the midst of the confusion, something fell upon the road, and then the horses started and ran through the fields like deer, with their heads run out, and their manes and tails flying. The villagers ran; Father Heitz slipped into the barn, and climbed up the ladder, and I came up breathless, as if out of my senses.

I had not gone more than fifteen steps when a Cossack, who was running away at full speed, turned about furiously close to me, with his lance in the air, and called out, ”Hurra!”

I had only time to stoop, and I felt the wind from the lance as it pa.s.sed along my body.

I never felt so in my life, Fritz; I felt the chill of death, that trembling of the flesh, of which the prophet spoke: ”Fear came upon me and trembling; the hair of my flesh stood up.”


But what shows the spirit of wisdom and prudence which the Lord puts into his creatures, when he means to spare them for a good old age, is that immediately afterward, in spite of my trembling knees, I went and sat under the first wagon, where the blows of the lances could not reach me; and there I saw the veterans finish the extermination of the rascals, who had retreated into the court, and not one of whom escaped.

Five or six were in a heap before the door, and three others were stretched upon the highway.

This did not take more than ten minutes; then all was dark again, and I heard the sergeant call: ”Cease firing!”

Heitz, who had come down from his hay-loft, had just lighted a lantern; the sergeant seeing me under the wagon, called out: ”Are you wounded, Father Moses?”

”No,” I replied, ”but a Cossack tried to thrust his lance into me, and I got into a safe place.”

He laughed aloud, and gave me his hand to help me to rise.

”Father Moses,” said he, ”I was frightened about you. Wipe your back; people might think you were not brave.”

I laughed too, and thought: ”People may think what they please! The great thing is to live in good health as long as possible.”

We had only one wounded, Corporal Duhem, an old man, who bandaged his own leg, and tried to walk. He had had a blow from a lance in the right calf. He was placed on the first wagon, and Lehnel, Heitz's granddaughter, came and gave him a drop of cherry-brandy, which at once restored his strength and even his good spirits.

”It is the fifteenth,” he exclaimed. ”I am in for a week at the hospital; but leave me the bottle for the compresses.”

I was delighted to see my twelve pipes on the wagons, for Schweyer and his two boys had run away, and without their help we could hardly have reloaded.

I tapped at once at the bung-hole of the hindmost cask to find out how much was missing. These scamps of Cossacks had already drunk nearly half a measure of spirits; Father Heitz told me that some of them scarcely added a drop of water. Such creatures must have throats of tin; the oldest topers among us could not bear a gla.s.s of three-six without being upset.

At last all was ready and we had only to return to the city. When I think of it, it all seems before me now: Heitz's large dapple-gray horses going out of the stable one by one; the sergeant standing by the dark door with his lantern in his hand, and calling out, ”Come, hurry up! The rascals may come back!” On the road in front of the inn, the veterans surrounded the wagons; farther on the right some peasants, who had hastened to the scene with pitchforks and mattocks, were looking at the dead Cossacks, and myself, standing on the stairs above, singing praises to G.o.d in my heart as I thought how glad Sorle and Zeffen and little Safel would be to see me come back with our goods.

And then when all is ready, when the little bells jingle, when the whip snaps, and we start on the way--what delight!

Ah Fritz! everything looks bright after thirty years; we forget fears, anxieties, and fatigues; but the memory of good men and happy hours remains with us forever!

The veterans, on both sides of the wagons, with their muskets under their arms, escorted my twelve pipes as if they were the tabernacle; Heitz led the horses, and the sergeant and I walked behind.

”Well, Father Moses!” said he laughing, ”it has all gone off well; are you satisfied?”

”More than I can possibly tell, sergeant! What would have been my ruin will make the fortune of my family, and we owe it all to you.”

”Go along,” said he, ”you are joking.”

He laughed, but I felt deeply; to have been in danger of losing everything, and then to regain it all and make profit out of it--it makes one feel deeply.