Part 15 (1/2)

We were almost dead with fright when the sergeant came in. He had heard loud words, and asked: ”What is it, Father Moses? What is it about? What does this man want?”

Sorle, who never lost her presence of mind, told him the whole story, shortly and clearly; he comprehended it at once.

”Twelve pipes of three-six, that makes twenty-four pipes of cognac.

What luck for the garrison! what luck!”

”Yes,” said I, ”but it cannot come in; the city gates are shut, and the wagons are surrounded by Cossacks.”

”Cannot come in!” cried the sergeant, raising his shoulders. ”Go along! Do you take the governor for a fool? Is he going to refuse twenty-four pipes of good brandy, when the garrison needs it? Is he going to leave this windfall to the Cossacks? Madame Sorle, pay the portage at once; and you, Father Moses, put on your cap and follow me to the governor's, with the letter in your pocket. Come along! Don't lose a minute! If the Cossacks have time to put their noses in your casks, you will find a famous deficit, I warrant you!”

When I heard that I exclaimed: ”Sergeant, you have saved my life!” And I hastened to get my cap.

”Shall I pay the portage?” asked Sorle.

”Yes! pay!” I answered as I went down, for it was plain that the wagoner could compel us. I went down with an anxious heart.

All that I remember after this is that the sergeant walked before me in the snow, that he said a few words to the sapper on orderly duty at the governor's house, and that we went up the grand stairway with the marble

Upstairs, in the gallery with the around it, he said to me: ”Be easy, Father Moses! Take out your letter, and let me do the talking.”

He knocked softly at a door as he spoke:

Somebody said: ”Come in!”

We went in.

Colonel Moulin, a fat man in a dressing-gown and little silk cap, was smoking his pipe in front of a good fire. He was very red, and had a caraffe of rum and a gla.s.s at its side on the marble mantel-piece, where were also a clock and vases of flowers.

”What is it?” he asked, turning round.

”Colonel, this is what is the matter,” replied the sergeant: ”twelve pipes of spirits of wine have been stopped on the Mittelbronn hill, and are surrounded by Cossacks.”

”Cossacks!” exclaimed the governor. ”Have they broken through our lines already?”

”Yes,” said the sergeant, ”a sudden attack of Cossacks! They have possession of the twelve pipes of three-six which this patriot brought from Pezenas to sustain the garrison.”

”Some bandits,” said the governor--”thieves!”

”Here is the letter,” said the sergeant, taking it from my hand.

The colonel cast his eyes over it, and said hastily:

”Sergeant, go and take twenty-five men of your company. Go on the run, free the wagons, and put in requisition horses from the village to bring them into the city.”

And, as we were going: ”Wait!” said he; and he went to his bureau and wrote four words; ”here is the order.”

When we were once on the stairway, the sergeant said: ”Father Moses, run to the cooper's; we may perhaps need him and his boys. I know the Cossacks; their first thought will be to unload the casks so as to be more sure of keeping them. Have them bring ropes and ladders; and I will go to the Barracks and get my men together.”

Then I ran home like a hart, for I was enraged at the Cossacks. I went in to get my musket and cartridge-box. I could have fought an army: I could not see straight.