Part 45 (1/2)

p. 581: ”physically impaired”: Statement of Dr. George Burkley, Mar. 2, 1964, Box 14, Lincoln Papers.

p. 581: ”that if I ever”: New York Times, New York Times, Dec. 4, 1972. Dec. 4, 1972.

p. 581: ”that if Dr. Travell”: Lincoln Diary, Dec. 29, 1962, Box 4, Lincoln Papers.

p. 581: ”potential threat”: Quoted in Leamer, 545.

p. 582: Jacobson made occasional: Richard Reeves, 242, 364, 684-85, 689-99.

p. 582: Her records indicate: Travell medical records.

p. 582: According to Dr. James M. Young: Conversation with Dr. Young, Nov. 27, 2002.

p. 582: ”robust health”: Dr. James M. Young, handwritten memoir, Nov. 23, 1963, which he allowed me to read.

pp. 582-83: ”The Congress looks”: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 892-94. 892-94.

p. 583: h.e.l.ler asked him: h.e.l.ler memo to JFK, Oct. 16, 1962, Box 6, Walter W. h.e.l.ler Papers, JFKL.

p. 583: ”The economic conditions”: Philip L. Graham to JFK, Oct. 17, 1961, Box 30, POF.

pp. 583-84: ”The lesson”: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 879. 879.

p. 584: Mills's opposition to a tax cut: Henry H. Fowler, Conference with Mills, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 88; Larry O'Brien to JFK, Dec. 5, 1962, Box 64, POF. Douglas Dillon, Notes of conversation with Mills, Dec. 6, 1962, Box 38, Douglas Dillon Papers, JFKL. ”Why a Tax Cut Is Unlikely in '63,” U.S. News & World Report, U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 17, 1962, 42-45. Dec. 17, 1962, 42-45.

p. 584: ”a reduction in revenue”: Sen. Albert Gore to JFK, Nov. 15, 1962, Box 90, POF.

p. 584: ”we are in serious danger”: Robert G. Baker to Sen. Mansfield, Dec. 27, 1962, Box 52, POF.

p. 585: State of the Union Message: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 11-15. 11-15.

p. 585: ”not going to pa.s.s”: Naftali and Zelikow, Presidential Recordings, Presidential Recordings, vol. II, 337. vol. II, 337.

p. 585: JFK on educational needs: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 38-39, 69-70, 105-16, 238, 877-79. 38-39, 69-70, 105-16, 238, 877-79.

pp. 585-86: Education spending: Ibid., 215-16.

pp. 586-87: JFK and health reforms: Ibid., 140-47, 188-204, 338-39, 823, 849; JFK to Anthony Celebrezze, May 6, 1963, Box 68, POF; Bernstein, Promises Kept, Promises Kept, 257-58. 257-58.

p. 587: On the tax cut: M. J. Rossant, ”The Economic Education of John F. Kennedy,” The Reporter, The Reporter, Feb. 14, 1963, 22-25. Feb. 14, 1963, 22-25.

p. 587: ”a lot of willingness”: h.e.l.ler to JFK, Dec. 21, 1962, Box 5, h.e.l.ler Papers.

p. 587: Dillon to JFK, Nov. 20, 1962, Box 34, Dillon Papers.

p. 587: ”highly desirable”: DDE Statement, Sept. 8, 1963, Box 29, POF; also see Charles S. Murphy to JFK, Sept. 10, 1963, Box 33, POF, for HST's view.

pp. 587-89: Wilbur Mills and federal spending: Tel. Convs., Dillon and Kermit Gordon and Dillon and Larry O'Brien, both February 1, 1963, Box 38, Dillon Papers. PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 27, 57, 59-60, 68, 210-212, 332, 351, 384, 393, 403-4, 576, 637-38, 662-63, 822, 863. JFK-Walter h.e.l.ler, July 25, 1963, Audiotape 101.3; JFK-Wilbur Mills, July 29, 1963, Audiotape 101.4; JFK-Martha Griffiths telephone conversation, Aug. 7, 1963, 25A6, 25B1; JFK-Douglas Dillon, etc., Sept. 12, 1963, Audiotape 110.3; JFK-Dillon, Fowler, Sept. 30, 1963, Audiotape 113.5, JFKL. Bernstein, 157-59. 27, 57, 59-60, 68, 210-212, 332, 351, 384, 393, 403-4, 576, 637-38, 662-63, 822, 863. JFK-Walter h.e.l.ler, July 25, 1963, Audiotape 101.3; JFK-Wilbur Mills, July 29, 1963, Audiotape 101.4; JFK-Martha Griffiths telephone conversation, Aug. 7, 1963, 25A6, 25B1; JFK-Douglas Dillon, etc., Sept. 12, 1963, Audiotape 110.3; JFK-Dillon, Fowler, Sept. 30, 1963, Audiotape 113.5, JFKL. Bernstein, 157-59.

p. 589: ”the most precious”: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 14. 14.

p. 589: ”an end to racial”: Ibid., 71.

p. 589: ”legal, economic”: Ibid., 159-60.

pp. 589-90: Special Message to the Congress on Civil Rights, Feb. 28, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 221-30. 221-30.

p. 590: Had been ”appointing”: Ibid., 239.

p. 591: JFK-Katzenbach telephone conversation, Mar. 7, 1963, Audiotape 11A.5, JFKL.

p. 591: ”Could you discuss”: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 347-48. 347-48.

p. 591: JFK's civil rights record: Dallek, Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 30-31. 30-31.

pp. 591-92: The voting rights bill: Berl I. Bernhard to Lee C. White, Feb. 21, 1963, Box 30, Theodore Sorensen Papers, JFKL.

p. 592: RFK and LBJ: Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 30, 32-33, 35-36. 30, 32-33, 35-36.

p. 592: ”fussed and interfered”: Burke Marshall OH. Guthman and Shulman, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 150-53. 150-53.

pp. 592-93: May and July CEEO meetings: Dallek, Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 35-36. 35-36.

p. 593: RFK-LBJ personal differences: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 623. 623.

p. 594: Birmingham demonstrations: Bernstein, 85-90.

p. 595: Hoover's allegations: Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 352-54; David J. Garrow, ”The FBI and Martin Luther King,” 352-54; David J. Garrow, ”The FBI and Martin Luther King,” Atlantic Monthly, Atlantic Monthly, July/August 2002, 80-88. July/August 2002, 80-88.

p. 595: JFK press conference: PPP: JFK, 1963, PPP: JFK, 1963, 372-73, 378. 372-73, 378.

p. 595: ”It seems clear to me”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 490-91.

p. 596: King's letter: Branch, 737-40.

p. 596: took issue with JFK's a.s.sertion: Ibid., 787.

p. 596: The negotiated compromise: Bernstein, 90-92.

p. 597: The explosions and rioting: Ibid., 92-93; Branch, 791-96.

p. 597: ”The pa.s.sivity”: Quoted in Schlesinger, Robert Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, 330. 330.

pp. 597-98: Wallace: Carter, chap. 3.

p. 598: JFK's discussion of the dilemma: JFK conversation with RFK, Burke Marshall, Nicholas Katzenbach, Ed Guthman, McNamara, Army Sec. Cyrus Vance, and Gen. Earle Wheeler, May 12, 1963, JFK Tape 86.2, JFKL.