Part 39 (1/2)
p. 418: ”dropped all pretense”: FRUS: Soviet Union, FRUS: Soviet Union, 249-50. 249-50.
p. 418: Hans J. Morgenthau, ”The Trouble with Kennedy,” Commentary, Commentary, Dec. 1961, 51-55. Dec. 1961, 51-55.
p. 418: But behind the scenes: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 265. 265.
p. 418: ”He's imprisoned”: Sidey, 218.
pp. 418-19: Highest priority: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 106-38. Also see NSAM No. 41, April 25, 1961, Box 329, NSF; Henry Kissinger to McGeorge Bundy, June 1, 1961, Box 31, POF; JFK-Finletter meeting, June 14, 1961, and JFK-Stikker meeting, June 16, 1961, Box 220A, NSF; Amb. David Bruce to Rusk, June 25, 1961, Box 170, NSF. 106-38. Also see NSAM No. 41, April 25, 1961, Box 329, NSF; Henry Kissinger to McGeorge Bundy, June 1, 1961, Box 31, POF; JFK-Finletter meeting, June 14, 1961, and JFK-Stikker meeting, June 16, 1961, Box 220A, NSF; Amb. David Bruce to Rusk, June 25, 1961, Box 170, NSF.
p. 419: ”The need for re-establis.h.i.+ng”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 135-36, and 138-59. 135-36, and 138-59.
p. 419: ”Look at this”: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 188-89.
pp. 419-20: The Nixon dig and the news conference: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 476-84. 644: Also see ibid., 455-56, 458-59, 460-64. 476-84. 644: Also see ibid., 455-56, 458-59, 460-64.
p. 420: ”more than military men”: NSAM No. 55, June 28, 1961, Box 330, NSF.
p. 420: June 29 meeting with Acheson and others: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 160-62. 160-62.
p. 421: JFK meeting with Soviet journalists: FRUS: Soviet Union, FRUS: Soviet Union, 264-66. 264-66.
p. 421: The leak and Khrushchev's response: Newsweek, Newsweek, July 3, 1961; Beschloss, July 3, 1961; Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 244-45. 244-45.
p. 421: Schlesinger delivered a memo: Schlesinger to JFK, July 7, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 173-76; also see Schlesinger to Bundy, July 13, 1961, Box WH 3, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL; and 173-76; also see Schlesinger to Bundy, July 13, 1961, Box WH 3, Arthur Schlesinger Jr. Papers, JFKL; and A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 385-88. 385-88.
pp. 421-22 : While they cruised: Richard Reeves, 192-93.
p. 422: Asked McNamara and Bundy: NASM No. 58, June 30, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 162-65. Explanations from the Pentagon: Bundy to McNamara, July 10, 1961, Box 273, NSF. Directed Sylvester: Arthur Sylvester to JFK, July 13, 1961, with Sylvester to Hearst, July 13, 1961, attached, Box 77, POF. 162-65. Explanations from the Pentagon: Bundy to McNamara, July 10, 1961, Box 273, NSF. Directed Sylvester: Arthur Sylvester to JFK, July 13, 1961, with Sylvester to Hearst, July 13, 1961, attached, Box 77, POF.
p. 422: July planning: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 176-226. 176-226.
p. 422: ”the only alternatives” and ”If Khrushchev wants”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 390-91. 390-91.
p. 422: Press conference, July 19, 1961: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 513-21. 513-21.
pp. 422-23: ”didn't amount to very much”: Guthman and Shulman, 276-77. Also see PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 520. 520.
p. 423: ”Gentlemen, you might as well”: Quoted in Catudal, 182. Also see FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 218. 218.
pp. 423-24: Kennedy's speech on the 25th: Report to American People on the Berlin Crisis, July 25, 1961. PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 533-40. 533-40.
p. 424: Response to the speech: Donald M. Wilson to JFK, Aug. 1, 1961, Box 290, NSF.
p. 424: Press reaction: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 392. Congress: 392. Congress: New York Times, New York Times, Aug. 4, 1961. Nixon: Aug. 4, 1961. Nixon: Dallas Morning News, Dallas Morning News, July 29, 1961. July 29, 1961.
p. 424: Sixty percent: Gallup, 1726, 1729-30.
p. 424: Leaked suggestions: Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 262. 262.
p. 424: Khrushchev was unhappy: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 231-34. 231-34.
p. 425: The ”twin tactics”: Thomas Hughes, ”August 7 Khrushchev Speech on Berlin,” n.d., Box 82, NSF.
p. 425: Closing the border: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 325; Beschloss, 325; Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, chap. 11. chap. 11.
p. 425: Fulbright quote: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 394. 394.
p. 425: JFK to Rostow: Rostow, 231; Walt W. Rostow OH.
p. 425: JFK, ”I can get”: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 394. 394.
p. 425: Kennedy had no advance knowledge: Lawrence Freedman, 73-75.
p. 425: Frustrated and angry: Parmet, JFK, JFK, 199. 199.
p. 425: ”With this weekend's”: JFK to McNamara, Aug. 14, 1961, Box 273, NSF.
pp. 425-26: ”What steps”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 332. 332.
p. 426: Stayed at the Cape: Richard Reeves, 211.
p. 426: State Dept. statement: Ibid., 325.
p. 426: ”Why would Khrushchev”: O'Donnell and Powers, 303.
p. 426: ”can and should be”: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 339-41. 339-41.
p. 426: w.i.l.l.y Brandt: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 345-46. 345-46.
p. 426: ”Look at this!”: Quoted in Wyden, Wall, Wall, 230. 230.
p. 426: Aug. 17 meeting: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 347-49. 347-49.
p. 427: JFK reply to Brandt: Ibid., 352-53.
p. 427: ”There'll be a lot”: O'Donnell and Powers, 303. Also see Walter Jenkins OH, LBJL.
p. 427: Norstad to Chiefs: FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 350-51. 350-51.
pp. 427-28: On LBJ in Bonn and Berlin: Dallek, Flawed Giant, Flawed Giant, 19-20; Schlesinger, 19-20; Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 396-97. Also see Wyden, 396-97. Also see Wyden, Wall, Wall, 227-34. 227-34.
p. 428: Wanted fresh proposals: JFK to Rusk, Aug. 21, 1961, in FRUS: Berlin Crisis, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 359-60. 359-60.
p. 428: De Gaulle to JFK, Aug. 26, 1961, in ibid., 377-78.
p. 428: Neutralism and threats to civil air and road access: Ibid., 380-85.
p. 428: Nuclear testing and ”Khrushchev intends”: FRUS: Soviet Union, FRUS: Soviet Union, 284, 392. 284, 392.
p. 428: Khrushchev-Pearson: Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Was.h.i.+ngton Post, Aug. 28, 1961. Aug. 28, 1961.