Part 38 (1/2)
p. 390: Act for International Development: George Ball to JFK, Mar. 16, 1961, Box 87; Chester Bowles to JFK, May 22, 23, 1961, Box 28, POF. Gallup, 1700-1701.
pp. 390-91: ”apathy, indifference”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 402-3. Gallup, 1724-25, 1732, 1734, 1741, 1745. 402-3. Gallup, 1724-25, 1732, 1734, 1741, 1745.
p. 391: ”What should I do”: Quoted in Sorensen, 691.
p. 391: Civil defense meetings: David Bell to Files, Mar. 20, 1961, Box 283A; McGeorge Bundy, ”Civil Defense Meeting,” May 9, 1961, Box 295, NSF.
p. 391: ”great fears”: Marc Raskin to Bundy, May 19, 1961, Box 295, NSF.
p. 391: Considerations governing expanded civil defense: David Bell to JFK, Mar. 18, 1961, Box 70; McGeorge Bundy to Sherley Ewing, April 26, 1961, Box 295, POF.
p. 391: ”would show the world”: ”Some Issues Relating to a Fallout Shelter Program,” n.d., but clearly before JFK's May 25 State of the Union speech; Box 295, NSF.
p. 391: ”which we could never”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 402. 402.
pp. 391-92: Rockefeller: Sorensen, 692.
p. 392: Landing a man on the moon: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 403-5. 403-5.
p. 392: Only time he departed from his text in speaking to Congress: Sorensen, 592.
p. 392: Arguments against manned s.p.a.ceflights: Michael R. Beschloss, ”Kennedy and the Decision to Go to the Moon,” in Launius and McCurdy, 51-55.
p. 392: A majority of Americans agreed: Gallup, 1702-3, 1720.
p. 392: ”that we shall”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 404. 404.
p. 393: ”clearly one of the great”: Sorensen, 591.
p. 393: ”But why”: PPP: JFK, 1962, PPP: JFK, 1962, 669. 669.
p. 393: Advantages of manned mission: JFK to Brook Overton, Mar. 22, 1961, Box 82, POF; Robert Dallek, ”Johnson, Project Apollo, and the Politics of s.p.a.ce Program Planning,” in Launius and McCurdy, 72-74.
p. 393: JFK-LBJ exchange: JFK to LBJ, April 20, 1961; LBJ to JFK, April 28, 1961, Box 28, POF. McDougall, 320; Dallek, ”Johnson, Project Apollo,” 70-72.
p. 394: The president ”is afraid”: Lincoln Diary, May 1, 1961, Box 4, Evelyn Lincoln Papers, JFKL.
p. 394: ”You know, Lyndon”: Newton Minow OH, LBJL.
pp. 394-95: Discussions with de Gaulle: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 405-6, 413. 405-6, 413.
p. 395: ”a great captain”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 405. De Gaulle and FDR: Dallek, 405. De Gaulle and FDR: Dallek, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, 376-79. 376-79.
p. 395: De Gaulle's att.i.tude: FRUS: Laos Crisis, FRUS: Laos Crisis, 22. 22.
p. 395: De Gaulle and JFK's shared views: C. L. Sulzberger, ”De Gaulle-How Splendid the Day Was,” New York Times, New York Times, April 29, 1961; President's Visit to De Gaulle: Talking Points, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF. April 29, 1961; President's Visit to De Gaulle: Talking Points, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF.
pp. 395-96: Tensions with de Gaulle: R. W. Komer to JFK, Mar. 6, 1961, Box 220, NSF; President's Visit: Talking Points, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF; FRUS: Laos Crisis, FRUS: Laos Crisis, 115; 115; FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, FRUS: Vietnam, 1961, 254. 254.
p. 396: ”seemed to prefer”: Sorensen, 633.
p. 396: ”Even when”: Nicholas Wahl to McGeorge Bundy, May 1961, Box 331, NSF. Also see Abram Chayes OH.
p. 396: Kennedy read de Gaulle's: Sorensen, 631.
p. 396: ”behind his patrician”: De Gaulle, The War Memoirs, The War Memoirs, 78-84. 78-84.
p. 396: The only topic: President's Visit to De Gaulle, May 27, 1961, Box 116A, POF. JFK's arrival in Paris: New York Times, New York Times, June 1, 1961; June 1, 1961; Time, Time, June 9, 1961; Charles de Gaulle, June 9, 1961; Charles de Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, Memoirs of Hope, 254, including ”suffering the drawbacks”; Richard Reeves, 145-46. 254, including ”suffering the drawbacks”; Richard Reeves, 145-46.
p. 397: De Gaulle's formal dinner toast: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 424-25. 424-25.
p. 397: ”somewhat fumbling”: De Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, Memoirs of Hope, 254. 254.
p. 397: Memorized quotes: Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 183. 183.
p. 397: The gift: Sorensen, 633.
p. 397: ”You've studied”: Charles Bohlen OH.
p. 397: The conversations: De Gaulle, Memoirs of Hope, Memoirs of Hope, 254-59; 254-59; FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962, FRUS: Berlin Crisis, 1961-1962, 80-86; 80-86; FRUS: Laos Crisis, FRUS: Laos Crisis, 214-20; Talking Points Reviewing Conversations between Pres. Kennedy and Pres. De Gaulle, May 31- June 2, 1961, Box 116A, POF. 214-20; Talking Points Reviewing Conversations between Pres. Kennedy and Pres. De Gaulle, May 31- June 2, 1961, Box 116A, POF.
p. 397: Told an English friend: Sir Alec Douglas-Home OH.
pp. 398-99: Medical problems: Dr. Janet Travell medical records, JFKL. Dr. Max Jacobson, ”John F. Kennedy,” in NHP. Parmet, JFK, JFK, 120-21; Beschloss, 120-21; Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 189-91. 189-91.
p. 399: ”I don't care”: Reeves, President Kennedy, President Kennedy, 36. 36.
p. 399: ”was in overall charge”: Beschloss, Crisis Years, Crisis Years, 191. 191.
p. 399: ”doctors came and went”: Richard Reeves, 146-47.
p. 399: Jacobson and Jackie: Dr. Max Jacobson, ”John F. Kennedy,” in NHP; Richard Reeves, 146-47.
p. 399: Jackie and de Gaulle: Schlesinger, A Thousand Days, A Thousand Days, 349. 349.
p. 399: Jackie's impact on the French: Leaming, 112-13.
p. 399: ”Charm”: Ibid., 425.
p. 399: The French press: Quoted in Richard Reeves, 154.
p. 400: ”I do not think”: PPP: JFK, 1961, PPP: JFK, 1961, 429. 429.
p. 400: JFK resented: Interview with Marianne Means.
p. 400: Contingency planning for the Dominican Republic and Haiti: FRUS: American Republics, 1961-1963, FRUS: American Republics, 1961-1963, 614, 616-18, 623-24, 629-33; the report of the plot is on 629n. 614, 616-18, 623-24, 629-33; the report of the plot is on 629n. FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, FRUS: Cuba, 1961-1962, 472-73, 478, 481. Salinger, 225-26. 472-73, 478, 481. Salinger, 225-26.
pp. 400-401: The Bowles-RFK clash: FRUS: American Republics, FRUS: American Republics, 634-41. 634-41.