Volume Ii Part 27 (1/2)

”I am sure you are right as to some ill-feeling towards me of the London press, though I cannot trace it to any distinct cause. If I had lived amongst them I am well aware they might hate me roundly, but I have not,--I have all my life been abroad, and never knew Grub St. That the fact is so I have a strong suspicion, and certainly 'Tony Butler,'

anonymous, fared better till they began to discover [who wrote it].”


_To Mr John Blackwood._

”Villa Morelli, _Feb_. 6, 1867.

”Up to this I have no tidings about the Queen's Speech, and am as much in doubt as ever what the Government means. One thing I feel sure: if they do not propose some measure of reform, they are done for as a _Party_; and if they do, they are done for as a _Ministry_. Reform is a dose that will always kill the doctor that prescribes it.

”But there are graver mischiefs abroad. A great European war is coming, and I see already signs that the Yankees have their task a.s.signed them by Russia, and which will immensely complicate the coming struggle.

Jonathan is to sympathise with the distressed Cretans: he is to come into the war as a philanthropist, but it is a philanthropist with a six-shooter!

”I send you three short O'Ds. If the month is propitious I may find bones for another. Send me (if you have them) the rejected ones: I think I could transfuse blood into them and revive them. It is important that they should not be all political, and it is often hard to find a new social evil, particularly for a man laid up like myself, and not street-walking. You will see, without my telling it, that I am not myself. I am far from well, and my spirits, that I always thought would have gone on with me to the end, are flagging.

”There will be a strong session, and no quarter given or taken. How I envy the fellows that are in it. If men really wanted to see what the effect of numerical representation is, they ought to look at the French and Italian Chambers,--the one a closely packed crowd of Ministerial followers, the other a set of jobbing hounds representing neither the intelligence, the property, nor the enterprise of the country. The proprietary of Italy is scarcely seen in the Chamber, and the Parliament has neither credit with the country nor influence over it. One of Garibaldi's ill-spelled silly proclamations is more law in the land than all that pa.s.ses the House.

”I hope the Ministry will declare they want no measures of severity in Ireland, and will have the pluck to restore the Act of Habeas Corpus and give the lie to the Kimberley fabrication. I don't say Ireland is sound, but she is no sicker than she ever was. As to the Established Church in Ireland, I am convinced that they who urge its destruction are less amicably disposed towards the Catholics than that they hate the Protestants. They always remind me of what Macaulay said of the Puritans, who put down bear-baiting not because it was cruel to the bear, but because it amused the people.

”There are many in Ireland who think that to abolish the Church would at once cut the tie that attaches Ireland to England. I myself think it would weaken it. There was a.s.suredly a time in which, if Protestants could only have been a.s.sured that their religion would be respected, they would have joined O'Connell in Repeal. Though too loyal and too self-respecting to make outcry upon it, the Protestants in Ireland are far from thinking they are fairly dealt with.”

_To Mr John Blackwood._

”Villa Morzlli, Florence, _Feb_. 17,1867.

”The short month compels me to beg you will look closely to these in proof, as I cannot hope to see them. I am 'off the hook,' but I wrote these last O'Ds. _di cuore_, as I feel, especially in the Irish affair, the Cabinet is wrong.

”I am not sure of my appointment, but I believe it will take place.

I was only waiting for certainty to tell you, well aware of your kind feeling for me. It is not a 'big bird' but, after all, I only shoot with a popgun.

”The Irish judge, Keogh, who tried the Fenians, dined with me yesterday. He has come abroad by special leave to escape the _risque_ of a.s.sa.s.sination with which he was menaced.”

_To Mr John Blackwood,_

”Villa Morelli, Florbnce, _Feb_. 20, 1867.

”I write a mere line to say that I have this morning received my appointment to Trieste, and from all I hear of the climate, society, and place itself, I am fortunate. It is only eighteen hours by rail from this.

”In my last proof I corrected 'La Marmora' wrong: it should be 'La Marmora' (as it stood before I changed it). The Italian newspapers, however, spell it both ways.

”I intend to ask for a leave till May, since it would be dangerous to move my wife in bad or broken weather; so that if you should visit Paris (I mean, of course, you and Mrs B.), there is still time to come over to Florence before we leave it, and I hope that you may manage it.