Part 10 (1/2)
”I understand.” I wished I could tell him to f.u.c.k off, but I wasn't stupid. I was completely at his mercy. He was a murderer who didn't even think twice about killing his own mother and wife. I wouldn't give him a reason to snuff out my life as well. The only way I could leave this house was if I killed him first. But I wouldn't be able to handle another death on my conscience.
”Go on,” he said. ”Go and clean my room of your vomit. My mother's photos are in there you know. And don't try to do anything stupid. Whatever you do, I have my eye on you.”
When he left the room, I dropped my head in my hands and wept for the life I'd had before, the life I had taken for granted. I wept for the woman I used to be. What would become of me now? How long did he intend to keep me in his fancy prison?
A little voice inside my head answered my question. He will keep you here until he kills you.
I survived a week of torture. The physical scars were healing, and I kept my promise to Jude.
Today he woke me up at 3 a.m. and f.u.c.ked me. I made him breakfast a few hours later and spent the rest of the day scrubbing the house down. Eight bedrooms, six bathrooms, two living rooms, and the dining room. I cleaned until midday, when the palms of my hands felt like prunes and my back threatened to snap.
Finally done, I slumped onto the couch with a groan and shut my eyes. The swelling of my left eye had subsided after three days but when I looked closely, I could still see the bruising, which I covered well with concealer because Jude didn't want to see it, didn't want, perhaps, to be reminded of what a monster he was.
He hadn't beaten me since the day he let me out of my jail cell. Not physically at least. His blows focused now on where it hurt most. They shattered me from within.
He knew that a single word could do more damage than a kick in the stomach. Making me feel small and worthless was his mission now. Wounds healed, bones reset, but damage done within could last forever. The cuts were driven much deeper.
”Haley?” Jude called from the kitchen. I jumped to my feet and blood rushed to my head, making me dizzy.
”Yes.” I picked up the bucket and hurried out of the living room.
He stood in front of the sink, holding a bowl in his hand, the one I'd eaten cornflakes in earlier. His eyes were narrowed to glowing flints.
”Why is this here?” He lifted the bowl higher, dangling it between finger and thumb, milk dripping to the floor I'd just scrubbed.
I lowered the bucket of cleaning supplies to the floor next to my feet and straightened up. ”I meant to rinse it after I finished-”
”Meant to doesn't cut it,” he bellowed. ”Lin never left a plate or bowl unwashed.”
”It's only one bowl,” I muttered, and instantly clamped my mouth shut. The words were not meant to be said aloud.
”You just don't learn, do you?” In a flash Jude lifted the bowl and threw it at me. I ducked before it hit my face. It smashed against the wall behind me.
”Clean up here and go and get washed up. I have a potential business partner coming over in an hour.” He pushed his hands into his pockets. He was back to being impeccably dressed. ”For G.o.d's sake, put a d.a.m.n smile on your face. Stop f.u.c.kin' sulking all the time. Life is not that bad. You have it better than most.” He walked out and a moment later, I heard him slam the door to his office.
I gazed out the window at the guards, wis.h.i.+ng desperately for an escape.
I was trapped in a jail of luxury with no escape. So, this is what modern day slavery felt like?
I heard his muted cough and I straightened up. As I bent down to sweep away the shards of gla.s.s, I could almost hear my bones crack with exhaustion. I held up one that was so sharp and perfect it resembled a mini sword. Not for the first time the thought of suicide crossed my mind, but I killed it.
Once the floor was clean and I had checked to make sure the whole house was as he liked it, I walked with difficulty up the stairs to our bedroom and into the bathroom. I wished I could lock the door behind me, to enjoy being alone for just a few minutes, but it was against the rules. He liked to come and go as he pleased. To check on me in person, even though he had installed cameras that helped him do just that. As I stripped off my dress, I gazed up at one of the cameras in one of the corners. My face grew hot as I felt his eyes on me. The urge to show him the finger raged through me, but I swallowed it.
I turned on the shower and waited the few seconds it took for the water to heat up. Stepping under the warm jet was like walking into the arms of heaven. I sighed with pleasure as the water cascaded down my body, soothing the aches for a moment. I closed my eyes and raised my faced toward the shower rain, wis.h.i.+ng I could stay forever. But I never stayed in the shower more than five minutes anymore. Watching me shower aroused Jude and he could just decide to come up for mid-afternoon f.u.c.k. Just thinking of him inside me made me feel sick to my stomach. His hands on my body left goose b.u.mps of disgust, his tongue in my throat made me gag. His p.e.n.i.s in my mouth made me want to bite it off, to show him what pain felt like.
I walked out of the shower and dried myself off quickly. It took me ten minutes to get dressed. Just as I walked out of my walk in closet, Jude entered the room. He studied me for a second, his gaze sweeping me from head to toe and then he shook his head.
”Don't like it,” he said. ”Wear the black dress I bought you yesterday. The man I'm meeting today is someone I've been trying to get into business with for a while. I want us both to make a great impression.”
I returned to the closet and stepped out of my jeans and white top.
The dress he bought me was pretty flattering to my curves, tight at the bust and flowing from my waist to my knees. And the way the material slipped between my fingers, he had to have spent a fortune on it. But the days I got excited about wearing beautiful clothes or having my hair done were dead and gone. I didn't even feel beautiful anymore. I'd lost lots of weight and my eyes were hollow and devoid of light. As far as I was concerned, all I was dressing was a skeleton. The dress was actually fitting to the occasion. It would have been perfect for a funeral. And I was mourning myself, the man I thought I loved, and my life.
I didn't see the guest arrive because I was in the kitchen making tea and warming scones for them. I would see him later because Jude always showed me off to his business partners. But only when my bruises were well hidden.
I heard voices in the hall, but they eventually died as Jude and his partner headed to his office. If only that guest knew the kind of monster his business partner was, that he was a killer and wife basher. He would come out of this house running.
With the tray filled with everything Jude had wanted, I sat on one of the cream leather stools at the island and switched on the TV that hung from one wall. Finding nothing but advertis.e.m.e.nts, I flicked through the channels in search for news. News always reported terrible stories of people suffering. That was good for me. Hearing about other people suffering enough to end up as a news story made me feel better about my situation, reminded me that it could be worse. I was alive.
As Jude had said earlier, ”you have it better than most.”
I had no choice but to stay put and wait. To wait for something to happen. Anything.
My mind went on alert when I switched on to a local station. I watched as several men pulled a burlap sack from a lake. Breaking news updates scrolled across the bottom of the screen.
The scene at the lake disappeared and a red-headed news reporter's face filled the screen.
The woman whose decapitated body had been discovered three days ago floating in Lake Monona has been identified by her sister, who had reported her missing two days ago, when she came to visit her and her two sons. The young children had been home alone and the sister was nowhere to be found.
Although the murder victim's head, hands, feet, and teeth have not yet been located, the sister was able to identify her through her clothing and a unique scar on her body.
The dead woman has been identified to be Diana Maliano, a single mother who worked at the Gloss Hair Salon. This morning, Antonio Benavente, her on-and-off boyfriend was arrested in connection with Miss Maliano's murder.
My chest tightened, my body shaking as I stared up at the screen, watched another story replace the one that rocked me.
Diana was dead? Brutally murdered. He couldn't have done it. Surely Jude couldn't have robbed two small boys of their mother.
Hot tears rolling down my cheeks, I hopped off the stool and went to the door. In that moment, I heard Jude's voice calling me from his office.
I couldn't do it, couldn't look into his eyes and think of what he'd done. Although Diana had been doing his dirty work, she had been a mother, a vulnerable and desperate mother. He had taken advantage of her weakness and used her. Not wanting her anymore, he had gotten rid of her. Her decapitated body. The words rang through my head and I couldn't breathe anymore.
Clutching my throat with my hand, I raced through the house and didn't stop until I was in the bas.e.m.e.nt. Like in the living room, there were no cameras there. I needed to be alone to digest what I had just seen.
I sank onto a box and dropped my head into my hands as my world spun. After my head stopped swimming and I forced my mind to clear, I knew I had to try again. I had to try and leave him. I had to do it now. Like a zombie, I stood up and stumbled to the stairs but before I could climb the first step, I noticed something s.h.i.+ny on the floor. I bent down to pick it up and my chest tightened.
He had done it. He had killed Diana. The silver necklace in the palm of my hand, of a half moon, had once belonged to Diana. She'd worn it the last time I saw her. G.o.d only knew what else he was hiding around the house. Her body parts, maybe?
Forcing myself to breathe, I rushed up the stairs and hurried to the front door. It was locked and there was no key in the lock as usual. I wouldn't let it stop me. I had to find another way to get out while he was distracted. Even if his guards attacked me, I'd die trying to escape.