5 Chapter 5 (1/2)
The Snow Wind Family's compound was quite large and had guards at every entrance and courtyard, this seemed to be overkill. The Divine Family's compound was just as big but had half the guards.
With Chen Zhenlong's status, they were escorted to the grand hall without any problems. After ten minutes of waiting, a haggard city lord walked in and sat on his throne. His long purple hair was mussed and his usually stern face was replaced with a weary one.
”Brother Chen, I made you wait, please accept my apologies.”
”It's I who needs to apologize brother Ye for interrupting you. Is everything alright? My business is not urgent if you need to attend other matters.” Said Chen Zhenlong with concern.
Ye Zong hesitated but then decided to confide in Chen Zhenlong.
”My wife is unwell and the Family's doctors are unable to treat her. She has fallen into a coma for the last three days and the doctors are unsure if she will last much longer.” His words were full of emotion, it was obvious he was straining to hold back tears.
Shen Yue was stunned! Had he suddenly gained plot armor? Will he now randomly fall over, only to realize it was a buried ultimate artifact that he tripped over? He had only wanted to establish a connection with Ye Zong and maybe get a look at Ye Ziyun, but now he was here at the same time the city lords much-cherished wife was poisoned! He had thought she was already dead.
She had not even been part of any of his plans as she was only mentioned once in the novel randomly. Apparently, his douche father wanted Ye Zong to suffer so he poisoned his wife, dude was all kinds of spiteful. It only mentioned she had died when Ye Ziyun was young, which now seems to be when she was six. This opportunity was too good to pass up, plus it will piss Shen Hong off! Shen Yue was still absolutely livid about the beating he received. After listening to Ye Zong and Chen Zhenlong debate over a possible solution, he threw his hat in the ring.
”Excuse me City Lord, but maybe I can help?” It really was difficult being in a child's body, no one gave him any recognition.
”Who is this child, brother Chen?” Said Ye Zong with a disapproving face. Chen Zhenlong could only admire Shen Yue's fearlessness and hoped he had the capability to back it up. With a resigned sigh, he introduced the little rapscallion to the City Lord.
”This is the 'Runaway Prince', Shen Yue. I brought him here today because we need you to witness a contract signing.” Said Chen Zhenlong quickly filling him in on the details of the little terror's saga. Hearing of Shen Yue's exploits and ability, he managed to raise a tired smile.
”You have confidence in treating my wife?”
”No, but I have read over one hundred thousand books and maybe one of them contains a possible answer to her condition.” Not wanting to sound too arrogant he downplayed his chances of success.
Ye Zong thought that the chance of the kid helping was close to zero, but with no other alternative he swallowed his pride and led them to his personal courtyard.
On the bed was a gorgeous woman with long purple hair splayed out above her pillow. Getting the ok from Ye Zong, he approached her and held her wrist. It was time for his cheat library to do its thing. Sure enough, a book was compiled.
[ Ye Rou, 26 years of age, a citizen of Glory City, the wife of City Lord Ye Zong, Demon Spiritualist Gold 1 Star.
”Flaws: No.1, Cultivation technique is not compatible with soul realm form. No.2, her talent toward cultivation is lacking, her ability to sense energy from heaven and earth, known as qi, is too weak... No.3, the body had been corroded by the aura of Black Oil Tree causing her Eight Extraordinary Meridians to be blocked. The specific locations where the eight meridians are blocked are... ]
”So, she is also from the Ye family, well that explains the hair colour.” After pretending to check a few of Ye Rou's symptoms, Shen Yue stood up and gave the most serious look his childish face could show.
”I'm afraid your wife has been poisoned; I have read of these exact symptoms in a book of my Family's library. It comes from a tree that grows in the Dark Forrest, Black Oil Tree. Does your wife perhaps have a personal garden or somewhere she would come into contact with this tree?” Explained Shen Yue not forgetting to try and implicate his dear ol' dad.
Hearing this the City Lord rushed them to a private garden where there were two unassuming saplings behind a bench used to view the garden. Shen Yue positively identified the trees and inquired where they were sourced from. Fuck the timeline, if he could get Shen Hong killed it would make his next six years a lot easier.
Unfortunately, Ye Zong didn't know and was now focused on finding a cure. There certainly was a cure and easily made to boot, but he wanted to try his luck souring the relationship between two of the major three families or at the very least, get into the restricted library! You might think it was already that of a cold war but Ye Zong was totally oblivious towards Shen Hong's hate.
Following lots of assurances that he could cure Ye Zong's wife if he had that book, a party consisting of two Family patriarchs, a heap of guards and a little shit stirrer, was on its way to the Sacred Family to hopefully borrow a book that actually exists.
Without much drama, the group found themselves in front of an annoyed Shen Hong and a group of curious elders. If looks could kill then Shen Yue would be dead... and he just remembered Shen Hong could probably kill him with just a look. ”Fuck it, let's go all out!” He thought as his face developed a shit eating grin.
”What brings you to my Sacred Family?” Questioned Shen Hong, wondering why the City Lord was here. ”Could he know that he was responsible for his wife's condition? No, impossible, I covered my tracks. It must have to do with that brat!” Thought Shen Hong angrily.
”Shen Hong, unfortunately, I don't come under joyous reasons, my wife has fallen ill and I have been told you might have the answer in saving her. If Brother Shen could help me, I would be most grateful!” Said Ye Zong.
”If there is anything I can do to help, then just ask. It is only natural to lend aid in these situations.” The Sacred Family patriarch obviously had to say this, though internally he was worried.
”Thank you, brother Shen, I, Ye Zong will remember this favour! Go get the book, Shen Yue, we must hurry!” Ye Zong was on cloud nine, so close to a cure for his wife.
Shen Yue was pretty sure there was a book on poisons in the restricted area, he just hoped that it covered the Black Oil Tree. There was a book in the public section with the cure in it, but it didn't name the poison. It was a higher tier general detox pill that would easily do the job and that would be his back up book should he be pressured to produce one.