4 Chapter 4 (1/2)
”Shen Yue! Shen Yue!”
Waking from the desperate call of his little aunt, Shen Yue grimaced at the pain. Seeing the teary-eyed, red-haired Shen Xui, it was time to try and rope her to his side. He would have to dial his cute boy genius act to the max.
”Aunt, it hurts.” He whispered out.
”Where is the doctor?” Shen Xui directed her question to Maid number two.
”He has already been. He said he did all he can.” She replied quickly seeing anger showing through the worry on Shen Xui's face.
”Aunt, they have done nothing to help me, I haven't seen a doctor and they won't give me anything for the pain.” Shen Yue sobbed out, not having to try hard for tears, he really was badly hurt. No fucks were given as he threw Maid number one and two under the bus.
”I think they are trying to kill me! I want to leave aunt.” He whispered with a fearful face. He had once read somewhere that redheads had a fiery personality, for Shen Xui that seemed to be the case.
Coming home from school only to hear whispers of Shen Yue's guards carrying his broken body to his courtyard made her anxious. Rushing to his Courtyard and seeing her adorable little nephew covered in bandages and traces of blood put her straight into panic mode. Hearing his pained whispers and seeing tears on a face she had only ever seen smiling, turned her hysterical.
Before the maid could even utter a rebuttal, she was bitch slapped and crumpled to the ground. Maid number one seeing this tried to plead innocence but quickly joined her counterpart on the floor after a fist to the face. Seems Shen Xui was at least at bronze 2nd rank.
”Aunt, can you take me to a doctor in the city?” Sobbed Shen Yue, impressed with the aura coming off his little aunt. He couldn't wait to start cultivating himself.
”Don't cry little Yue, I will get the family doctor quickly.” Shen Xui was about to run from the room when she was stopped by Shen Yue shout.
”No! I think they are trying to kill me, if not then at least cripple me. I'm the patriarch's son yet here I lie with barely any treatment! Aunt, we need a neutral doctor, I can't ruin my future for some Family scheme!” He gasped out. After his original shout, every word uttered caused pain, there was no need to pretend to cry, the tears were flowing freely. His ribs must be broken, fuck Shen Hong was brutal!
Not being in the right frame of mind to poke any holes in his flimsy excuse, he was quickly carried none too gently like a new bride. Rushing out of the courtyard, she made a beeline for the compound gates, not even pausing when Shen Yue's Guards called out for her to stop.
The Gold rank guards had no clue how to deal with this situation, although they could stop her as they were gold rank, to stop Shen Xui would invite her wrath (they had seen what happened to the maids) and further hurt Shen Yue. They could only follow along.
Thirty painful minutes of being carried and Shen Yue was in one of Glory city's most renowned doctors, with Shen Xui demanding he is treated. Seeing Sacred Family members injured and begging for assistance the doctor wasted no time and ushered them into his treatment room.
Two hours later, bones were set, elixirs taken and wounds bandaged.
Brocken arm.
Brocken leg.
3 broken ribs.
Broken nose.
Various grazes from sliding across the floor.
A shit ton of bruising, though none internally.
Shen Yue was stupefied at the list of injuries but the doctor and Shen Xui seemed relieved! His Earth mentality had got him again. On Earth, these injuries would have seen him out of commission for a minimum of five months, here after setting and splinting his bones, a few elixirs and he will be up and fighting in two weeks! Even his nose would be back to its perfect condition!
”Thank you, the pain is much less. What level of treatment had I received before I arrived here? I'm afraid I was mostly unconscious.” Said Shen Yue gratefully. He felt much better and had only the occasional twinge of pain when breathing unlike the knives stabbing his soul before.
”Treatment? Only your wounds were bandaged, I thought you came straight here.” Replied the confused doctor.
Unafraid to spread rumors and trash his family's reputation he hammed the shit out of his reply. ”I was told my Sacred Family's best doctor had done all he could for me and it was just a matter of time until I healed. It seems his skills are overrated; my apologies doctor I never got your name.”
”I'm from the Lu family young master, Lu Wei. There was no way your family doctor missed those injuries; he didn't even reset your nose!” The now identified Lu Wei said in disbelief.
Shen Yue was unsure why the Family doctor didn't heal him, but it was definitely on Shen Hong's order. The doctor wouldn't have had enough courage to not treat a direct descendant of the Sacred Family founder.
”Perhaps Shen Hong planned to use the pain as an incentive for the information I have?” Thought Shen Yue. It didn't matter, he would use this opportunity to leave the Family. There would be other ways to get a slave technique.
”I told you they are trying to cripple me! It's too dangerous to return to the family now.” Shen Yue told his aunt with his best serious face. He then turned to the two gold rank guards. ”You two are dismissed.”
”I'm afraid that Patriarch has ordered us to stay by your side no matter what young master.”
Thanking them internally for that perfect set up, Shen Yue made sure everyone heard his next words clearly. ”It was the Patriarch that crippled me while you stood by and did nothing! Then you watched as that quack doctor tried to ruin my foundation! I will not have you traitors stand behind me ready to finish what they started, leave!”
Seeing Lu Wei, Shen Xui, a nurse and even a few of the doctor's maids looking at them funny, they were truly at a loss of what to do, but hearing Shen Yue next words made them bolt out the door.
”Shen Xui if they refuse to leave go to the city lord's mansion and report that there are two gold rank Dark Guild members trying to kidnap me.” Even if the claim was full of shit, the city lords' guards would still have to check out the claim less they bring ridicule onto their lord for refusing.
Finally, free from his constant shadows, he was now able to plot his next moves. Thanking the doctor and telling him to bill the shit out of the Sacred Family (refusing to pay for treatment of a direct descendant would shame them), he managed to persuade his aunt to book him a room in an out of the way inn.
”Aunt, I'm not going back to the compound, Shen Hong obviously wishes me harm.”
Shen Xui had no idea what was going on. On one side was her brother and on the other her six-year-old nephew! Surely there couldn't be any sinister plots. But the evidence was right in front of her. Her brother had crippled his own son and then not healed his wounds. Although not fatal, if not treated they would have been detrimental to his cultivation. Becoming a demon spiritualist puts a massive strain on the body hence why children generally wait until thirteen to start.