Part 23 (1/2)

Kshathra Vairya (Shahrevar), Perfect Sovereignty; he is the lord of metals.

Spenta Armaiti (Spendarmat) divine piety, conceived as female, the G.o.ddess of the earth.

Haurvatat (Khordat) health.

Ameretat (Amerdat) immortality.

The last two are a pair, and have charge conjointly of waters and of trees.

Ahura is himself one of these spirits; thus there are seven supreme spirits.

Retinue of Ahriman.--Angra Mainyu on his part comes to have a corresponding retinue of six daevas, each being the evil counterpart of one of the good spirits. Evil Mind, Sickness, and Decay are the names of some of them. The whole spiritual world is ranged on the side of the good or of the evil deity. The Izatas (Izeds) or angels consist of G.o.ds of immemorial wors.h.i.+p in Iran, some of whom are the same as G.o.ds wors.h.i.+pped in India; but the t.i.tle also applies to G.o.ds, heavenly and earthly, of later creation, so that the cla.s.s is a very wide and elastic one. It comprises some beings who have been reduced by the operation of the new ideas from the first to the second rank of deities, such as Verethragna, who corresponds to the Vedic Indra, and Mithra, the sun-G.o.d. These now appear in the same rank as G.o.ds of the newer style, such as Sraosha, Obedience, and survivals of early superst.i.tion, such as the ”Curse of the wise,” a very powerful Ized.

Zarathustra himself belongs to this cla.s.s of deities, a miscellaneous one indeed. Another cla.s.s of sacred beings of world-wide extent is that of the Fravas.h.i.+s spoken of above. If the good spirits are many and various, so are the evil. Of these are the great demon-serpent Azhi who plays a great part in Persian mythology, as Vrittra does in Indian. Aeshma, later Asmodeus, may be named; he is one of the Drvants, or storm-fiends. Gahi, an unfaithful G.o.ddess, has fallen to a demon of unchast.i.ty; the Pairikas (Peris) are female tempters; the Yatu are demons connected with sorcery.

The firm organisation of these hosts of spiritual beings, and the sense of a great conflict in which they are all engaged from the greatest to the least of them, preserve Mazdeism from the weakness and absurdity which are apt to creep over religion when the population of the upper and the nether regions is unduly multiplied.

The faithful never forget Ahura in favour of the minor deities, nor do they forget that morals and industry are the chief ends of religion, and that in cultivating these they hasten the coming of the kingdom. The following is the formula, the ”Praise of Holiness,” with which every act of wors.h.i.+p begins in the Yasts[4] (liturgies of the Izeds):

May Ahura Mazda be rejoiced!

Holiness is the best of all good!

I confess myself a wors.h.i.+pper of Mazda, a follower of Zarathustra, one who hates the daevas and obeys the laws of Ahura.

[Footnote 4: _S. B. E._ vol. xxiii.]

Ancient Testimonies to the Persian Religion.--It is at this stage, while it is still in a state of vigour, that we hear of the Persian religion from various quarters in ancient records. The chapters in the latter half of Isaiah, which so vigorously denounce idolatry, hail the approach of Cyrus towards Babylon, and claim unity of religion between him and the Jews (Isaiah xliv. 28 _sq._). He is the shepherd who is to lead Jehovah's people back to their own land, and to cause their temple to be rebuilt. And this claim that the Jewish and the Persian religions were the same, that the Jews and the Persians were alike wors.h.i.+ppers of the one true G.o.d, while all the surrounding nations were polytheists and idolaters, was admitted on the side of Persia. After his conquest of Babylon, Cyrus at once permitted the exiles to return to their own land. The Persian monarchs of the following century, Darius and Artaxerxes, continued to take a friendly interest in the wors.h.i.+p of Jehovah, whom they apparently regarded as a form of their own G.o.d, ”the G.o.d of heaven,”

Hormazd (Ezra vii. 21). They accordingly took measures for the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem, and for the introduction there of the new religious const.i.tution which had been prepared at Babylon.

This could not have happened if the religion of the Persian kings had not been a pure service of one G.o.d,[5] and the other information we have on the subject shows that the Mazdeism of Persia at this period was a very elevated form of the religion. The inscriptions of Darius do not mention the spread of the wors.h.i.+ps of Mitra and Anahita, which, however, make their appearance in the later inscriptions of Artaxerxes; in none of them is Ahriman spoken of. This, of course, does not prove that he was not believed in; when the Jewish prophet proclaims that Jehovah makes both light and darkness, that he both wounds and heals, there may be a reference to Persian dualism. Yet Mazdeism was capable of appearing, and did appear to the foreigner, as a lofty wors.h.i.+p of a G.o.d of light and goodness. The same impression is produced by the descriptions of the Greek writers.

Herodotus (i. 131, 132) writes as follows; he is a contemporary of Ezra: ”The following statements as to the customs of the Persians is to be relied on. They do not fas.h.i.+on images of the G.o.ds, nor build temples, nor altars--they consider it wrong to do so, and count it a proof of folly; their reason for this being, as I think, that they do not believe the G.o.ds to be beings of the same nature with men as the Greeks do. They are accustomed to offer sacrifices to Zeus on the summits of mountains; they call the whole circle of heaven Zeus. They sacrifice also to the sun, and the moon, and the earth, and to fire, and to water, and to the winds. These are the ancient parts of their ritual, but they have added the wors.h.i.+p of the Queen of heaven, Aphrodite; it was from the a.s.syrians and the Arabs that they acquired this. The a.s.syrian name for Aphrodite is Mylitta, the Arabs call her Alilat, the Persians, Anahita.[6] Such being their G.o.ds the Persians sacrifice to them on this wise. They have no altar, and do not use fire in sacrifice, nor do they have libations nor flutes, nor wreaths nor barley. He who wishes to sacrifice takes his victim to a clean spot and there calls on the deity, his turban wreathed, as a rule, with myrtle. He does not think of praying for benefits for himself individually in connection with his sacrifice; he prays for the welfare of the Persian people and king; he himself is one of the Persian people. He then cuts up the victim, boils the pieces and spreads them out on the softest gra.s.s he can find--if possible, on clover. This done, one of the Magians who has come to a.s.sist, sings a theogony,[7] as they call the accompanying hymn; no sacrifice is allowed to be offered without one of the Magi being present. After a short pause the sacrificer takes up the pieces of flesh and does with them whatever he likes.”

[Footnote 5: These two religions, Kuenen says, were more like each other than any other two religions of antiquity.--_Religion of Israel_, iii. 33.]

[Footnote 6: Herodotus says Mitra; but this is a mistake, whether of the father of history or of a transcriber.]

[Footnote 7: One of the Yashts in praise of the particular deity.]

In other pa.s.sages Herodotus tells us of the extreme sanct.i.ty attributed by the Persians to waters, to fire, and to the sun. He also tells us that they regarded lying as the worst possible offence, and next to it falling into debt, since the debtor is tempted to tell lies.

Plutarch writes as follows, quoting from an earlier Greek writer of the third century B.C.: ”Zoroaster the Magician,[8] who was 5000 years before the war of Troy, named the good G.o.d Oromazes and the other Arimonius ... Oromazes is engendered of the clearest and purest light, Arimonius of deep darkness; and they war one upon another. The former of these created six other G.o.ds (here follow the Amshaspands), but the latter produceth as many other in number, of adverse operation to the former.... There will come a time when this Arimonius, who brings into the world plague and famine, shall of necessity be rooted out and utterly destroyed for ever ... then shall men be all in happy estate, they shall need no more food, nor cast any shadow from them; and that G.o.d who hath effected all this shall repose himself for a time, and rest in quiet.”

[Footnote 8: Holland's translation.]

The Vendidad: Laws of Parity.--These extracts show the growth of certain ideas which we have not noticed before. The dualism is being worked out more in detail, other G.o.ds are coming in, and the doctrine of the sanct.i.ty of the elements has made its appearance. That doctrine is the basis of a new set of ideas and practices which we have now to consider, those namely which are contained in the Vendidad, one of the later works of the Persian canon. To pa.s.s from the Gathas to the Vendidad is like pa.s.sing from Isaiah to Leviticus, and the laws of purity of Persian religion bear a strong a.n.a.logy to those of Judaism. The Vendidad[9] is composed of laws and rules designed to direct the faithful in the great task of maintaining their ritual purity. The whole of life is dominated in this work by the ideas of purity and defilement; the great business of life is to avoid impurity, and when it is contracted to remove it in the correct manner as quickly as possible. Purity here is not primarily sanitary or even moral; though such considerations were no doubt indirectly present. Impure is what belongs to the bad spirit, whether because he created it, as he did certain noxious animals, or because he has established a hold on it as he does on men at death. A man is impure, not because he has exposed himself to the infection of disease, not because he has contracted a stain on his conscience, but because he has touched something of which a Daeva has possession, and so has come under the influence of that Daeva. Purification, therefore, and the act of healing consist of exorcisms of various kinds. This notion of purity plays a great part in other old religions also; it is here that we see its original meaning most clearly. Another great feature of the doctrine of purity in the Vendidad is that the elements, fire, earth, and water, are holy, and to defile them in any way is the most grievous of sins. As everything which leaves the body is unclean, a man must not blow up a fire with his breath, and bathing with a view to cleanliness is not to be thought of. The disposal of the dead was a matter of immense difficulty, since corpses, being unclean, could be committed neither to Fire nor to the Earth. They are ordered to be exposed naked on a building constructed for that purpose on high ground, so that birds of prey may devour them; and a great part of the Vendidad is taken up with directions for purification, after a death has taken place, of the persons who were in the house, of the house itself, of those who carried the corpse, and of the road they travelled, etc.

[Footnote 9: _S. B. E._ vol. iv.]