Part 3 (1/2)

I gesture confusion. She puffs smoke rings, considers, then gives me one of her sparrowlike tilts of her head.

”Sarah, I told you that car belonged to me when I drove it away. That's true-I made it mine. A cop could have pulled me over and everything in the computer would have said that flitter belonged to 'Abby Shane,' the name on the ID I was carrying.”

She breaks one of her smoke rings with her index finger. ”Setting that up took me a month, but I'm rich now. I can pay my fees to Head Wolf until the next 'repossession' is ready. And I can pay yours, too. That is, if you want a job.”

I nod vigorously. Not to be a Tail Wolf or a Tabaqui!

Seeing my excitement, Abalone holds up a hand. ”The job doesn't ask much-on the surface. But you're going to need to learn a whole lot to swing it.”

”When the strong command, obedience is best,” I reply.

”Fine, briefly then. I want you to help me steal vehicles. I've been at the job long enough that before long someone is going to get wise to me. I change my appearance, use false names and prints, and forge IDs. Still, I'm the same general height and build and if anyone started really checking...”

She shrugs. ”I want to start using you to pick up the cars and sell them for me. We'll split the profits, say seventy/thirty.”

A host of protests race through my mind. I can't drive. I can't bargain. I can't even talk! My worries choke me and my hands flutter to my throat.

Abalone pulls them down and holds them.

”Easy, Sarah. I think you can do it. If you don't want to, there are other ways to stay in the Jungle”-she looks away-”maybe even better ways.”

I tilt my head inquiringly. Abalone lets go of my hands and starts thumping her heels on the wall. I wait.

”Head Wolf may not like that I'm giving you work-especially since he doesn't quite know what I do. The Law states that adults should be able to hunt for themselves. You know the part.”

I nod. ”The Jackal may follow the Tiger, but, Cub, when thy whiskers are grown. Remember the Wolf is a hunter-go forth and get food on thy own.”

”Exactly, your Baloo is proud of you. I may be able to make Head Wolf see this as part of your training. Sweet Mike, you're innocent enough. I think he'd go for it.” Her voice drops to a whisper. ”Especially, if you're willing to make him feel good about it.”

Even in the dawn's early light I cannot interpret the expression on her face. Shame, pity, even jealousy seem to vie for dominance before she is again my weird, wild teacher. I touch her shoulder and point to the sky.

”Remember the night is for hunting, and forget not the day is for sleep.”

She stretches and hops off the wall. I stand and we walk back toward the nest of chemical tanks. We are almost there before she turns to me again.

”I'll speak to Head Wolf as soon as the Hunters have left tomorrow evening. Do you want me to?”

My heart is in my throat, but I manage, ”Yes.”

ABALONE HAS BEEN IN HEAD WOLF'S TENT FOR A LONG while. I try hard not to wonder why. while. I try hard not to wonder why.

Betwixt and Between can tell that I am worried, so to distract me they tell me what has happened while I was sleeping.

Betwixt starts. ”Chocolate came running in here wearing this lovely leather biker's jacket. He was just starting to strut it around when what do you think happened?”

Between answers him. ”What?”

”Shut up, stupid. I'm asking Sarah.”

Lest the dragons start sulking, I politely meet the ruby eyes and look interested.

Satisfied, Betwixt continues, ”We hear police whistles and sirens from the way Chocolate had come.”

”The idiot not only propositioned a cop,” Between snickers, ”but stole his jacket.”

”You can bet that Head Wolf wasn't pleased,” Betwixt says. ”He had the Jungle sealed and members of the Four on each doorway. Everyone who was awake had to keep silent.”

”The cops never found any of the entrances,” Between adds with a wondering shake of his head. ”And when they were gone, Head Wolf beat Chocolate until the kid looked like the worst side of a s.a.d.i.s.t's fantasy.”

I barely hear the end of the story. Below, the flap of the tent is moving and Abalone emerges. She waves for me to come down and I scramble with lines and pulleys.

In my month and more in the Jungle, I have gotten beyond sore muscles and fear of falling to where I move through the Web as easily as the long-term residents. I am at her feet practically before she has lowered her hand.

”Head Wolf was-receptive-to my suggestion.”

She nervously licks her lips. I realize that she must have done this frequently in the last hour, for the blue eyeliner with which she paints them is nearly worn away in some places. I scan her for bruises or teeth marks and find none.

She continues. ”He wants to speak with you alone and make certain that you really want to do this. It's up to you to prove to him how much you want it.”

I nod, my options thinning into one line. My heart beats wildly, as I know what I must do.

”Go on.” Again Abalone gives me the strange look she had in the Park. ”Head Wolf wants you.”

I hardly hear the snickers from the few Pack members still lounging around the camp stoves. With a hand I hope is steady I scratch the tent door as I have seen others do. The painted surface looks smooth, but is ridged and uneven to the touch.

”Who is there?”


”Enter, Sarah.”

Lifting the flap, I duck and enter. Once in, I kneel on the cus.h.i.+oned softness and wait.

”Make yourself comfortable, Sarah. I only have a few questions for you.”

I look up and move to sit on the cus.h.i.+on he has indicated. The dark eyes seek for and hold mine. I can only bear to hold their gaze for a moment and am grateful that Abalone has taught me that a Cub must never hold the gaze of a senior Wolf, nor any Wolf the gaze of Head Wolf. But when I look away, it is not from courtesy, but from a sense that if I look too long, I will be swallowed.

”Abalone tells me that you are learning well, but that you have much to learn. Did you always live in places like the Home before you came here?”

I nod.

”So you cannot read or drive or even work a simple terminal?”

I blush and shake my head, ashamed.