Part 2 (1/2)
They go on, verse after verse. Abalone's eyes are wide and serious. The boy who kneels next to her screws his eyes shut with concentration. A tall black girl beats her hand between her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. I search futilely for one face that is less than impa.s.sioned. The words burn themselves into my mind. By the end, I know them all perfectly.
”That is our Law,” Head Wolf says with a proud smile for his people. ”Can you learn it, Sarah?”
I hesitate. Edelweiss already does not like me. Perhaps I should take care not to gain Head Wolf's favor.
”Go for it, girl!” Betwixt hisses.
”That memory of yours is the best thing you have going for you,” Between adds.
I draw a deep breath and begin: ”Now this is the Law of the Jungle...”
Silence greets my conclusion. Then there is a rustle and a chorus of yips and barks and howls shake the metal walls. Only when I see Abalone's proud smile do I realize that the powerful cacophony is meant as applause.
The Head Wolf's brown face is lit with a fierce smile. ”Very good, Sarah. Do you understand the words that you just recited?”
”We know in part, and we prophesy in part,” I say, hastening to clarify. ”When I was a child, I understood as a child.”
”You understand some, then.” Head Wolf awaits my nod before continuing. ”Fine. The Law ends with 'Because of his age and his cunning, because of his gripe and his paw, in all that the Law leaveth open, the word of the Head Wolf is Law.' I am Head Wolf and so I have ruled these two additions to fit our Jungle Law. Chocolate, tell Sarah.”
A pretty black boy with dreadlocks stands and bows. ”No one shall have s.e.x with anyone, anyway that one don't want it. Lest they die. No one pushes drugs here. Lest they die.”
Head Wolf grimaces slightly. ”Without poetry, but the sense is there. Pretty good, Chocolate.”
”Sarah, since you don't understand all the Law, you'll need a Baloo, a teacher. Is there anyone who you would like?”
Betwixt whispers, ”You were worried about Edelweiss, Sarah. Here's your chance to make friends with her.”
I nod, but I am hearing the memory of Abalone's triumphant cry ”Beer and pizza!” She is looking hopefully at me and I point to her.
”Those having torches will pa.s.s them onto others,” I state.
Her bright smile is my reward.
After asking for Abalone and me to wait, Head Wolf walks among his people.
Some of the Pack members are clearly dressing-or undressing-for a night turning tricks. Head Wolf pats this one on the exposed cheek of her a.s.s, straightens that one's hair, sends another to change her blouse. Nor does he s.h.i.+rk the boys. Most of these are groomed to maximize their youth. Head Wolf carefully rouges one fair-haired boy's cheeks. He sends another to redepilate his beard.
Across the Jungle floor, small teams are donning leather and spikes. I see the flash of blades and hear the dull clank of metal on metal. Many of these are as flamboyantly dressed as Abalone. While the prost.i.tutes wear their wolf signs discreetly, this group has them blazoned on jackets, armbands, and jewelry.
My observations are halted by the return of Head Wolf. He gestures us into the tent.
”Come inside, Sarah. I need to explain to you how life in the Jungle works.”
We duck under the painted flap. The tent floor is thickly carpeted with rugs piled on each other. Pillows are heaped around the edges. Despite fresh air through net windows, the small s.p.a.ce smells of s.e.x.
My heart begins to beat faster and I am honestly not certain if what I feel is fear or antic.i.p.ation. But Head Wolf merely lounges back on some of the pillows. Abalone sits cross-legged on the soft floor and I follow suit, placing Betwixt and Between in front of me.
When we are comfortable, Head Wolf begins his lessons. ”In the Jungle, we follow the Law, as you have seen. And like any wolf pack, we must hunt to provide for ourselves and our people. The Law has several provisions for distribution of the kill. I have simplified these somewhat for our different circ.u.mstances.”
Abalone touches my arm. ”Is he going too fast, Sarah?”
I shake my head.
”Even if I am,” Head Wolf replies, ”Abalone will teach you.”
Abalone nods solemnly, her silver-and-sh.e.l.l earrings rattling softly as she does. Head Wolf continues.
”Simply, each of us must support our own needs. Moreover, I take a payment from each member to maintain the Jungle. With this I buy necessities, bribe police and social workers, and give rewards. New members are carried by the Pack for a week-although most begin to contribute sooner. After that, they must hunt for the Pack.”
My head is swirling with questions that I cannot ask. I want to be part of this Jungle, but how? I still fear the madness in Head Wolf's eyes. Now he is the gentle teacher, but I sense brutality enforces his Jungle Law.
Abalone pipes up. ”I checked her travel bag, Head Wolf. She has one other set of those awful clothes, a bit of soap and stuff like that, a slip that says she's had all her shots, and this.”
She holds out my credit slip. Head Wolf takes it, inspects the numbers, and hands it back.
”Print coded,” he says. ”A fair amount, but not generous. The Pack will carry her for the remainder of the week. After, if you pool your resources with hers, the next week's fees can be handled. By then, you should find her something to do.”
Abalone nods. ”Fair enough.”
Something flashes in the dark eyes at her words and she shrinks back.
Fawning, she rolls onto her back, exposing her throat and her bare b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Head Wolf straddles her and bites her throat, worrying the fragile skin. As he does so, he closes off her nose and mouth so that she cannot breathe.
I see Abalone's hands curl, but she doesn't whimper.
After a terrifying minute, he releases her. As she rolls upright, gasping for air, I see blunt teeth marks on her skin.
Head Wolf growls at her. ”I am always fair.”
”You are always fair,” she agrees.
Trembling, I realize that she believes this.
MY EARLY DAYS IN THE JUNGLE FLIT BY. ABALONE IS A GOOD Baloo, teaching me the customs of the Jungle. One of my favorite lessons is how to travel the Heights without fear. I am fiercely proud of myself the day that I graduate from the cubwalks to the lines and pulleys that the Wolves use. Baloo, teaching me the customs of the Jungle. One of my favorite lessons is how to travel the Heights without fear. I am fiercely proud of myself the day that I graduate from the cubwalks to the lines and pulleys that the Wolves use.
Yet, many evenings she must leave me to hunt. All the Jungle awakens in the evening, its coming alive heralded by the chirping of the 'Tail Wolves,' as the prost.i.tutes are called. Their preparations take the longest, but soon after they awaken, their protectors-the Four they are called, although there are more than four-also rise, donning leather and weapons.
The Tail Wolves and the Four share each others' profits, but each pays individual fees to Head Wolf. I see he is careful that they do not become a Pack within his Pack.
Others of the Pack make their way by selling drugs. Some of these fall prey to their own wares. Head Wolf deals with such harshly. When he repeatedly cannot pay his fee, one young man gone into designer dream is declared a hanger-on by Head Wolf from the same Council Rock where he taught me the Law. From my place in the Heights, I watch in horror as Head Wolf strangles the boy in his sleep.
Abalone is neither a Tail Wolf nor a member of the Four. She tells me she has turned tricks only when she has had no other way to earn her keep; something in her voice tells me that this is not often.
What she prefers is stealing. Her flamboyant exterior hides the soul of stealth and her special prey is vehicles. One good strike in a month and she is comfortable. Still, she takes a long time preparing each strike. All I understand of her craft is her oft-repeated phrase: ”The days of hot wire and go are gone. Today, more than half the theft takes place in a computer.”