Volume 7 Chapter 3 (1/2)

Adolescent Adam Kasa Sakaki 116680K 2022-07-20

FeTUS headquarters existed 2000 meters

below Megutono Academy It had as much space as several baseball stadiums, butweapons

There were no entertainment facilities and

the Witches were only given a few 12-square-meter rooms each

Although that was plenty of space if they

were living alone


Witches Miss B, aka shi+rohara Ren, leaned back in her chair and sighed from the

exhaustion of reading through quite a few documents

She used this roo and work

and the interior design was quite high society and not what you would expect for

a student She sat at a heavy wooden desk in a deep-seated wide chair The

wooden bookcase lined with textbooks glistened from its lacquer finish and a

less-than-practical yellow lamp illuminated a pure white quill on the desk

“Excuse me”

Aan apron

dress that seemed to fit the interior much more

“Miss D Yes, perfect ti”

Daima Makoto, a fellow Witch aited on

people as a hobby, carried in some tea

“You could really stand to decorate your

room more cutely”

“A knight nity,

even if it would help encourage her studies I must keep up appearances”

Ren sounded proud of herself

For better or worse, she was a proud girl,

so theher the tea

After preparing her own, the maid sat down

The floor rose up to support her butt

Springloaded ran through the walls and

floor of the rooe form to suit the Witches’ needs, so

they did not need a chair to sit

In other words, the entire dignified

interior was Ren’s own choice

“How go the cultural festival


“It’s the day after tomorrow…so I have to

finish it all today”

Ren sounded exhausted and looked down at

her desk

It was covered in Student Council documents

related to the cultural festival This was all work to be done by President


“It just piles up like this”

“There’s no helping that”

She had only completed half of it, but she

held her eyelids to fight the weariness

“I mean, you were busy all ith the

Kurosaki issue”


Kurosaki Their expressions darkened at the

mention of that name

Even if she was only attending the academy

as a caent as Ren to

neglect her Student Council work She never would have let it build up to this


If not for all of her ti into

investigating Kurosaki as they showed signs of approaching Fujita Mutsuki

“We are doing everything in our power to

investigate this, so you can focus on school, Miss B”

“I know that But…”

Ren in particular orking on her own to

investigate this

–Her personal grudge against them for

taking away the cousin she saw as a little sister had only deepened recently

“Then why not get someone else to help?”

When the atrew heavy, Makoto quickly avoided that subject

“Miss C and I are teachers…and you had

Fujita Mutsuki-kun help you before, didn’t you?”

“I only had hier than


“You really are stubborn Just ask him for

help and you’ll get it”

“That’s not the issue”

Ren replied coldly, but the topic had been

successfully changed Her expression softened as soon they began discussing

that boy

“Then…what about Miss E?”


Although it quickly becaain

“Machina…Miss E is out of the question”

“I suppose so This is an important period

for her”

Makoto had suggested it, but she smiled

bitterly as if this was the obvious result

What Miss E, aka Machina, was doing noas

thefor FeTUS as a whole, so as irresponsible as it was,

it took precedence over the cultural festival

FeTUS’s final proposition was reliant on

Machina’s current actions

Miss D tapped her heel against the floor

that had becoraphic

vision of some text in the air

“The Holy Grail Plan …We’ve finally made

it this far”

The text really only looked like letters

written neatly on some kind of document, but it was better called a pattern It

was as disorderly as graffiti, but the whole foreometric shape

It was a language not found anywhere in the

world Each of those runes contained as much data as 1024 letters of the alphabet

and only the FeTUS Witches could decode it in modern civilization

The simplest part was the portrait photo in

the top left corner, like it was a resume

“Eve ex Machina If we humans truly can

create divine genes, I would honestly feel htened then proud as a

follower of science”


They both viewed the photo

The rune-covered document contained as much

data as an encyclopedia, but it still only contained the bare minimum of


To those two Witches, that expressionless

face of FeTUS Witches Miss E, aka Ibekusa Machina, reminded them of far more


“I used enes to calculate out what

the Fruit of Knowledge had to have provided, recreated the genes of Eve, andAdaenes to

recreate thedata, I remade her womb for compatibility, and…just

thinking about all the work is ed somehow”

“…Stop that”

Ren shook her head while staring at the

photo of Machina

“Miss E is a proper human Do not talk

about ‘recreating’ and ‘’”

“Yes I misspoke”

Makoto used a bitter se an

issue for the second time that day

As a scientist, she could not rid herself

of the dry feelings of being the girl’s creator, but she did not see Machina as

a hter

But she could not contain her excitement

when she saw that daughter’s growth after raising her to be a partner to the

Adam boy, Fujita Mutsuki

Especially with Machina fast approaching

her ultimate objective

“S-so how are things between them, Miss B?

Do you think it will go well?”

She was also interested in a gossipy kind of way about the relationshi+p between the young boy and girl Her eyes sparkled as she leaned forward

“…What a pain”

Ren shrugged and did not reply

…There was no way she could tell Makoto


Friday was the day before the cultural

festival, so the atutono Academy shi+fted from excited

to anxious

Student Council President shi+rohara Ren enjoyed

that nicely tense atmosphere

“President, we have some sample yakisoba,

so please eat it”

“Yes, I will stop by later”

“Presideeent, come listen to us perform~”

“Later, okay?”

Everyone had already completed their entry for the festival, so they were in

the final rehearsal and testing phase

The Student Council was going around to ensure

there was no trouble in this crucial stage, but the President was so popular

that people kept calling out to her

It had only been a bit over half a month

since she had returned to her position as President, but shi+rohara Ren was

fulfilling her duties perfectly

“Ange-chaaaan, over here, over here We

don’t have much time for the final rehearsal”

“Yes, yes …Ah”


Except when it came to her attitude toward

one person

While walking through the school, she ran

across the last person she wanted to see

The red-haired girl must have been

participating in the play because she was carrying sos

“What do you want?”

As soon as she saw Ren, the corners of Ange’s eyes rose sharply

She showed blatant hostility Ren decided

she should ignore it, but…


She glared back

Ren strictly, politely, and (most of all)

mechanically served the school as President, but she always responded


Ignoring the girl andon would be

the best course of action Ange would never back down if Ren glared back at

her She knew this would only prevent either one of the down

Ever since they had clashed and never reached

a satisfying conclusion, Ren had felt an extreel as a

teenage girl rather than as a logical Witch

“Ange-chaaan? Oh, President What’s up?”

“Mh hello”

They were saved when the angel’s friend

called out to them

That distraction allowed Ren to stop

glaring Ange ave a “hmph” and

left with her friend

Ren regretted what she had done She was

not a child and yet she had fallen for such blatant provocation

“Miss A is not going to be happy”

Then she heard a chuckling voice arrive in

place of the angel

This voice was even more blatantly

provoking than Ange’s glare …Ren siave a displeased look, but then she

turned around

“Yes, I need to do better You have caused

enough trouble yourself, so I need to avoid placing any more of a burden on my



She turned around to find not a student but

the teacher named Katsue Subaru, aka FeTUS Witches Miss C

This was someone else Ren was better off

avoiding as President, although for a different reason than with Ange

When Ren responded sharply, Subaru’s

eyebroitched behind her glasses

Even if they did not get along, they were

froanization They knew the appropriate distance to keep between

each other

“Inspecting the festival? Must be tough

being Student Council President”

“What I’ isn’t much different from a

teacher’s job”

They began walking side by side

Whatever they felt on the inside, they

would be seen as teacher and President, so they continued their inspection

“How is your class doing?”

She naturally asked about her biggest


As Student Council President, Ren was privy

to all the details of the festival events, but when it came to Fujita Mutsuki, Miss

C would know more as his homeroom teacher

“There’s nothing to say Everyone is

enjoying the cultural festival The one surprise is howinto the rehearsals”

With a glance in the direction of the gym

Ange and her friend had entered, Subaru shrugged

“The angel and the demon in our school seem

far too casual about it all”

Just as the two girls entered the gym, a

few band rehearsal tea them The band members all had

their hair dyed bright blonde and Lucia eaty fro


FeTUS had created this school as a

el and demon had joined and their hostile

relationshi+p had entered a passive phase This should have been highly


“Gather heaven, earth, and hell and you

will have everything And the world was created from discord …So they say, but

I find it hard to believe” There was self-deprecation in Subaru’s voice “Why

do you think that is?”

“That’s obvious” Ren smiled bitterly “The

angels, demons, and we have all found ourselves in the palm of his hand”

That here the conversation would

inevitably lead

Fujita Mutsuki wished for no fighting

between the three sides and that was the greatest help those FeTUS members

could have hoped for

Angels had an advantage over demons, demons

over huels It was supposed to work like that, but

FeTUS e several times now

And of course

Having a FeTUS member in an intimate

relationshi+p with hianization



While on their patrol, Ren and Subaru were

shocked by what they found inside the gym storeroom

The boy they had just been discussing was

there Mutsuki and the other tidened their eyes

“Npwa…nh, hahh”

Only the fourth person in the room, Machina, failed to notice Ren and Subaru’s

entrance, so her eyes re on

the boy’s lips

How long they had been enjoying this deep

kiss was apparent from the solid flush of her cheeks and the dampness of her

eyes that looked like a film of tears Her usually intellectual features were

now solidly colored by arousal, so even the other two members of her sex were


“Ah…Senpai…and Sensei”

Mutsuki could only smile bitterly at the

fact that they had seen this

Ren sighed deeply, regretting any thoughts

that he was even remotely reliable

“I believe I told you I could not allow

such indecent acts at school”


Mutsuki was once more called to the Student

Council Room and made to sit on the floor

Machina needed to be scolded as well, but

Ren started with Mutsuki

“Um, but, Senpai This time, Ibekusa-san

was the one who…”

The boy trailed off but still refused to

back down

This was different from when he had taken

advantage of Machina’s obedience byher piss She had

asked hiical to scold him alone

Ren disliked being illogical, but…

“That does not change that you went too


She rejected his argument

She knew her argument was almost entirely

based on emotion, but that scene was burned in the back of her mind and refused

to go away With this and with Ange, her greatest weakness was her inability to

back down

She could not rid herself of the feeling

that filled her when she saw those two sharing their lips like lovers

“B-besides, that is indecent In japan, you

should only kiss someone when you…y’know, are in love That was f-filthy”


Mutsuki was easily pushed around, so he gradually quieted down

The conversation brought Mutsuki’s thoughts

back to what he and Machina had been doing They had been sharing saliva and

sticking their tongues deep in each other’sout

each other’s hearts He recalled the softness of the cute girl’s mouth and the

flavor of her spit

“I-it is true Miss E is at a fault here”

Ren also blushed as she recalled Machina’s obscenely melted face with drool

dripping down it

“It looked like she was in an indecent mood

si I need to scold her as well”

Shestatement to hide her embarrassment

She had been careless

“Sh-she can’t help that Kisses really get

to you…or how should I put it? Once you start, it’s really hard to stop?” Mutsuki

followed his natural tendency to cover for other people “So it’s best to not

start, but Ibekusa-san insisted”

“What are you talking about? Just separate

your mouths and it’s over Just pull your head back 5cm How is that hard?”

“That’s not what I meant”

“Enough excuses There is a problem with

the two of you if that puts you in an indecent mood”

Ren grew talkative when Mutsuki talked back

to her He had tried to argue and she was glad to comply

But that meant Mutsuki was bound to talk back


“A-again, you just can’t help feeling


“It is a beautiful sign of one’s love

There is so with you if it seems indecent to you Love is a pure


“I agree, but, um, it really does make you horny”

“For youof the



“Do I have to prove it?”


Their argu in an entirely unexpected direction

Mutsuki found himself speechless and the

room filled with silence

Ren soon realized she had said so

weird, but…

“Y-you don’t have to do that”

The boy quickly looked the other way

But to the girl’s eyes, it looked like he

was dodging the issue or provoking her

“No, I will prove it”


She responded to his provocation by sitting on the floor in front of him

“Um, Senpai, you really don’t have to do
