Volume 7 Chapter 2 (1/2)

Adolescent Adam Kasa Sakaki 146800K 2022-07-20

With the cultural festival just five days

away, Megutono Acade its peak

A week before, the number of classes had

been reduced and the afternoon was instead used for festival preparations

Props and plywood lined the halls and the smell of paint filled the clear

autumn air

All of the band clubs were practicing at

the sahout the building

That drowned out their voices, so they

te for the play

“Oh, honestly!”

“Calive us that

scary look”

They were using the gye to practice

for the play But they werestressed

out as the lead She generally did not express her irritation unless it was

directed at Mutsuki, but this was an exception

Saya was good at soothing her at times like

this, so she ran over with a drink in hand

“Do we even need to practice anymore? I’ve

learned the lines and movements”

“Talking andaround isn’t

everything You also have to act”

Saya was helpful to have around since she

could quiet down the constantly-co lead

The lead part in the traffic safety play

had been chosen for Ange, but she never held back on a job She played the part


As the lead, she was in most scenes, but

she had no trouble playing that part

The issue was her focus

Thanks to Saya, she had not exploded, but

she was still too irritated to get into the role

There were two reasons for that First, the

more apparent one:

“Lu-kun, your sound was a little off


“Was it? Okay, Nikki, let’s try this



Her ne one of the bands

interrupting their practice

“Agh, I can’t stand this! You! That’s

painful to listen to!”

“Huh? We submitted an official request to

practice here”

Lucia was part of one of the bands One named Silvia

Their classmate Niki Hozumi had invited him

based on his appearance Since he would not be able to play with Mutsuki for a

while regardless, he had accepted and was practicing a lot

He was good looking, easily approachable,

and had a lot of friends, so he see fun He was already

speaking with the bandnicknames

…The noise was a pain, so Ange clicked her

tongue and got up

She left the gyet away from all the


“W-we’re going to do another practice run

in 5 minutes”

“I know that!”

She snapped back at Saya and left

With the brass band and other clubs

practicing, she could not hear Silvia while outside That made her feel a lot


“Oh, Jiyuuni Perfect ti”

Someone called out to her once she stepped


It was Sakae, their Class Rep She was

wondering what this could be about, but…

“Have you seen Mutsuki? I can’t seem to

find him”

“…I’ll look for him”

“Thanks,” he said with a smile as she

turned around

Mutsuki was their odd job man today He

could do just about anything, but he did not always have so to do

…And that girl was the same

Ange had said she would look for him, but

tracking hiuard, she made sure he always had four

different GPS devices on him

And all four of those were pointing to the

sae room

“What are you doing!?”

“Wah, wah! A-Ange!”

She threw open the door and immediately

yelled at him

Mutsuki was so freaked out he nearly fell

on his butt as he stood up There was a wet sound as he moved away from what he

had been sucking on

And Machina, the one being sucked on,

tilted her head as if to say “What?”

Ange grimaced


Machina’s face was somewhat flushed and she sed to conclude their

interrupted kiss

She closed her scarlet lips which et

with saliva and a bit darker colored than normal The way the puffy lips

pressed together was enough for Ange to iine just how soft and sweet they

had to be

No boy would be able to resist an offer to

kiss those

Not that she was going to let him off the


“We’re still working! Why are you ditching

your job andout in here!?”

“I-I wasn’t ditching my job I just didn’t

have anything to do at the moment And…”

“It’s fine as long as no one can see us,”

said Machina “That was the agreement …Nn”


Machina sucked at the boy’s ain, as

if to say “just a bit more”

When he felt the incredibly soft sensation

of that light peck, Mutsuki’s face quickly melted

Ange could not stop them

That was indeed the agreement

Machina had suddenly become a serial

kisser, but she refused to tell them why no matter what

And even with this unexpected

transforo any further That meant Micha and the other

angels could not criticize it and they had to just let it happen

And Mutsuki himself was confused but quite

liked it He had ended upas it’s where no

one can see us…”

“Mh…nn, nn”

“Pwah, Ibekusa-san…nch, slurp”


And that led to the present situation

When the two snuck off to steal each

other’s lips, Ange could only watch as long as they kept the promise to keep

out of sight

This was of course 90 of the reason she

was too irritated to focus on her acting


“Ah… Ibekusa-san, you’ve got drool on you”


“Don’t move”

Theirdown form

their ue


Machina wrinkled her brow ticklishly as he

licked around her mouth

“Nh…h, hh, Fujita…-kun”

After that, they returned to kissing


“Nhah, I-Ibekusa-san…”

The usually obedient girl could barely

contain herself as she returned the kiss

This had gone beyond a mere kiss It was a

deep kiss with saliva-coated tongues

“Hh♡ Nn…hhh♡”

When the boy responded in kind, sweet

noises escaped the taciturn girl’s vocal cords

Her slender shoulders shook somewhat The

heat spread from her lips to her entire body and she rubbed the ample mounds of

her breasts against Mutsuki’s chest

She hit him with that volume and resilience

that pushed out her uniform so much Mutsuki had of course noticed, so he

pushed out his chest to enjoy the soft and plump sensation

It looked exactly like a lovers’ tryst

“Not that it matters”

Since she could not intervene, Ange shut

the door hard enough to nearly break it and turned around

(I already kneas a pervert)

She had not seen anything odd there

She had no obligation to tell Sakae, so she

went back the way she had co

At this point, practicing for the play

would help distract her froym

But on the way…

“Oh, Ange-chan They say we can’t practice

any more today”


Saya spotted her and said that was no

longer an option

The tiym had

ended And with their lead gone, they had broken up for the day

“…I can’t believe this!”

She had lost her place again

Saya had said she had other work to help

with, so Ange clicked her tongue and set off in search of somewhere else to be


Soht up to her once she was


Mutsuki tapped her on the shoulder She

felt her heart leap and formed a lopsided frown to hide how shaken she was

“Do you need soht you were

having fun with Ibekusa”

“Fun…? Hey, don’t leave me behind”


He had apparently shaken Machina off of him as soon as she had left His cheeks

were still flushed

She was supposed to be his bodyguard, so

she should have taken him with her then even if she had to punch him out first,

not just leave That had been her mistake

But even if it was her duty as a bodyguard,

hoas she supposed to interrupt that kiss scene?

Since she saw fault in her actions, she

shut her mouth And the boy saw no reason to criticize her, so he could not say

anything either

They were both at a loss for words

“Mutsuki-kuuun! My practice is over♪”

Then a further nuisance interrupted

“Nmh…hh, hh”

“You kind of taste like Ibekusa C’mon, use

your tongue more You promised, remember?”

“Y-yes, I remember But, Lucia…nmh”

This tiue inside his mouth

Machina did not use her tongue much, but

the demon boy showed no restraint He licked all over each tooth, both sides of

the tongue, and the inside of the cheeks as if to eli


“Pwah, pwahn, ah, ah”

“Heh heh You’ve always been sensitive

below the tongue, Mutsuki-kun❤”

Lucia whispered teasingly to him When

their tongues pulled apart, thick saliva bridged the gap between them

“You don’t get to run away Ibekusa okayed


Lucia gave an excuse and pressed against

Mutsuki’s lips even more

That calculating demon had not just let the

“as long as no one can see you” agreeet the

sa as Mutsuki was out of the public eye,

he had to kiss Machina and Lucia until they were satisfied

But while Machina illing to” do it

and was only thinking about him, Lucia really was a demon


His kisses were so intense that Mutsuki

could only gasp for breath, leaving no room for complaints

And the sexual demon matched his seductive

breaths to Mutsuki’s, so the sweet dehout

Mutsuki’s tongue, esophagus, and lungs

He was used to the action itself, but he

was still kissing another boy Thatthe boy hesitate

He saw Lucia as special and he knew that

demon was not just a boy

But since he generally saw himself as

straight, homosexuality had a powerful sense of the taboo to Mutsuki

Especially today since Lucia earing

his school uniform That boy’s uniform made it all too clear that they were the

same sex

And at the lanced to the side


Ange atching them uncomfortably

Mutsuki was shy and sensible, so he was

reluctant to have so him kiss even when it ith Machina

There was no way he could focus like this

(…Honestly Stupid Mutsuki)

But the girl did not kno to react to

this either

As his bodyguard, she could not leave him

But it was also difficult to interrupt

She desperately brushed aside the indecent

at the storeroom and waited for the two boys’ intense kiss to


(Really, though… What is…what is this?)

There was no real reason for her to watch What did it matter to her what

proaying it up!”

and drag him away by the ear like she usually did?

“Heh heh❤ …Nn, you’re drooling

With the de his mouth

sodully open and drool dripped out of the corner

The deue scooped up every

last drop Then he sealed the other boy’s mouth and slurped up the accumulated



Ange found herself gulping along with him

(M-Mutsuki’s saliva)

Kisses with hientle and

sweet And her synapses interpreted the flavor of his saliva like handsher entire body It felt like a powerful embrace And like a manly

girth penetrating her body It was linked to so many pleasurable memories

Those pleasurable h her

womb and her lower stomach trembled

(M-me too… M-me too…)

Her knees buainst each other and she

rubbed her thighs together

She could feel the dampness inside her


“Hee hee❤”

While well aware of the angel’s reaction

and the pride that would prevent her fro to join in, Lucia pushed up

against Mutsuki even further

“Nhah…wait, L-Lucia-kun, what are you


He pressed his lips and body against

Mutsuki and had him sit down on a nearby mat

Confused at being gently pushed down,

Mutsuki realized his shi+rt had been unbuttoned at some point

He earing an undershi+rt, but this

exposed his throat and he realized as happening to him But his body had

already gone limp at this point

“Y-you can’t do this, Lucia-kun Um, it was

just kissing The agree…”

“Hm~? Was it?”

As long as their lips were together, Lucia’s prey remained limp And while

keeping Mutsuki fro like that, the demon boy swiftly stole away the

boy’s clothing

He opened the shi+rt and pulled up the



While not to Lucia’s extent, Mutsuki’s build was not exactly manly His early

adolescent body had no muscle tone and was quite feminine He had no excess

flesh on his stomach or chest, but they were somewhat soft and the nipples were

a cute pink

Once his belt was undone and his pants

pulled down, he finally revealed a manly part of him that was impressively

erect, but the lines from his hips to his butt were childlike and adorable

“Stop Um, Lucia-kun, not…here”

With the skillful kiss overwhel him,

Mutsuki could only resist the sexual demon’s lustful hands with a weak voice

“W-wait, give it a rest”

Ange was here to save him and she

intervened, but…

“What? All I’ him”


“Hee hee Also…”

She could not defeat the deame of words Plus…


He tugged on her hand and pulled Ange onto the mat as well

She should have been stronger than him, but

he had realized she eak in the knees

“I’ll keep my promise, so don’t interrupt

…I just have to stick to kissing, right?”

Lucia irl lying alongside


Instead of just the mouth, his lips crawled

along Mutsuki’s throat, chest, and belly

“Hait, Lucia…-kun, ah”

Kisses reached Mutsuki’s belly, ribs, and

nipples A ticklish chill caused his ars to tense up

It was so e

right next to hi And…

“Hee hee If you insist on doing so,

then how about protecting him?”

“Eh? …Ah, hey”

Lucia took Ange’s hand and guided it to the

boy’s lower body

She tried to pull free, but she stoppedfar warmer than the demon’s hand


“Hee hee You protect that so I can’t do

anything to it …If you can resist doing so yourself, that is”

“Protect? Um…”

He had sucked on Machina and Lucia’s

saliva, so that penis was hot and rock hard

When she felt it, Ange wrapped her fingers

around it as if entranced

“A-Ange…nn, ah, ah”

He was aroused enough already, but the

sexual deel grabbed

and stroked the weak point on his lower body

He could not resist Even greater pleasure

welled up inside him and he writhed on the mat

“Hee hee hee❤ Stay still I’ you”

Lucia occasionally returned to the lips

while kissing all over his upper body

“…Pant, pant”

Ange was also sed up by the abnormal situation

She normally unconditionally rejected

anything Lucia said, but now she was entirely obedient

“Nhah, ue? …Ee”

The fingers wrapped around Mutsuki’s male

flesh were gently pistoning up and down

“Hh, ah…ahh”

Starting with Micha, he had been in a

physical relationshi+p with several girls and women He was familiar with adult

sexuality, but his sensitivity was still that of a child His flesh pillar was

sensitive, so those soothing strokes were enough for his belly to writhe


(Ah… Mutsuki’s thing just got even bigger)

As the swelling gained intensity, his penis

transformed into a weapon of flesh

As she felt the growing violence of the

ulped for the second time

Her ish for a while

now Ever since she had seen hi Mutsuki

kissing her like that Her tongue was numb, her inner cheeks were hot, and her

guled, like she had just been kissed until exhaustion

Just i her mind

foggy She could not focus her thoughts and she was not entirely sure what she

was doing

Other than the fact that she could feel the

object that had so often made her its captive


She rubbed along the smooth and wide head

When she tightened her grip on the shaft,

it felt as hard as metal inside The balls rinkled and ready for


It was ready for use As a sex organ and as

a tool to fuck a woman

(No… I’…inside)

Just as her , her lower body was

starting to react

It felt like a fire had been lit deep

behind her navel – in her womb?

Had she remembered what it felt like to be

penetrated with and pounded by that thing? She felt like so leap inside

her And because her vagina began expanding and contracting…

(Ah…ah, I’ out…ah)

Below her beloved spats, a warmth was

spreading through her panties

She had last done it with hio in

the infirmary

And like he always did, he had been gentle,

thorough, and passionate That hard and hot thing penetrating her hips The

sweat covering her skin The sensation was burned into her mind and her body

He would remove her clothes, expose even

her asshole, and have sex with her Theback

(I-I deserve this now, don’t I? I mean,

I’ve waited a whole week)

She had noticed hiht, but she had

ignored it

She wanted to do it every day, but she had

restrained herself even as her sweat soaked the sheets of her bed So the fire

inside her told her she could treat herself today

“A-Ange, you can’t do that here…nh, ahhh,

not there!”

The hands rubbing his penis gained the same

obscene inal flesh would normally provide

She wrapped her fingers around it from the

head to base

Ange’s small body was the size of an

elementary schooler and her hands were no exception, so she could not wrap them

fully around the shaft But she still ly

And that accelerated the iinary arousal

inside her

(Nhah, when this here…this thick part here

goes inside me…♡)

She had a flashback to the almost painful

pleasure of the head’s ridge pulling at her vaginal flesh, so she thrust her

tre hips forward

“Hee hee What a lewd angel”

Lucia laughed bitterly that his nemesis was

being unexpectedly useful and he lay down alongside the boy’s other side

“I detest you, but this isn’t bad …Nn❤”

He once more took Mutsuki’s lips

The little deue

and tickled all over his upper body, from his nipples to his belly All the

while, the angel girl was persistently an When his

nipples were kneaded, his penis ju to


“Ahh…nn, Mutsuki, I can’t…I can’t stand it

any longer…”


Ange’s rational rowth

between her fingers

Mutsuki responded by pulling on the girl’s