Volume 6 Chapter 3 (1/2)

Adolescent Adam Kasa Sakaki 179030K 2022-07-20

The Fujita fay,

but Mutsuki did not have trouble getting up in the

But just because he did not have trouble

did not ood at it




Yet again, he got out of bed at 5 AM at the

insistence of his ringing cellphone


“Are you up?”


“We meet in the Student Council Room at

0600 again Don’t be late Got that?”

His groggy ed to answer “yes” He

suppressed his desire to dive right back into bed and got dressed He put on

his gym clothes instead of his uniform He had 3 pairs, but it was a little

da them every day lately and his laundry rotation

could not keep up

The sun had yet to color the eastern sky,

so the living roohed and prepared breakfast

like usual


“Welcome back, Micha-san”

After having fun on her motorcycle all

night, Micha returned at around half past five He had already explained the

situation to her, so she chuckled at the tired look on Mutsuki’s face

“Was her name Ren-chan? She must really

like you”

“This isn’t easy…”

“Don’t blaive off

this aura that irls want to take care of you”

This was nothing as kind as taking care of


“Is Ange in her room?”

“Yes …I think She left yesterday like you

did I went to bed at 10 and haven’t seen her”

He had no time, so he ate his breakfast while

preparing the food and placed Micha and Ange’s portions on plates After

brushi+ng his teeth and finishi+ng getting ready, he grabbed the bag with his

school supplies and uniform in it

“I’ll be going Make sure Ange doesn’t

sleep in”

“Will do~”

To arrive by the promised time, he left the

house when the Septeht

He arrived at school at 5:50 He left his

bag in the classroo to the Student Council Room

“0555 You made sure to arrive 5 minutes

early Well done”

She was already there

Ren also wore her gym clothes and she

nodded when the boy arrived

“To hone your charitable heart, let’s get

to work preparing for the cultural festival”

She stood straight and directly faced him

Mutsuki was fully awake now but still weary She, however, exuded motivation

and eagerness from her entire body

“Are you ready, Fujita Mutsuki?”


“Show y than that”


3 days had passed

Mutsuki was being punished for his deviant

sexual behavior on ca

deal out of it and so President shi+rohara was personally overseeing the punishment

Plus, Machina had not been all that angry

in the first place, so it was s

The personal punishiven to Mutsuki

was to assist with Student Council business until the cultural festival

Basically, he did odd jobs to prepare for

the festival

It seeh Mutsuki

alone had to take over all the help for a festival held by the entire gigantic school

Ren had made a number of comments:

“Listen, Fujita Mutsuki I once monitored

you, so I don’t think you are a vulgar person to the core I think you merely

lost your way in the 5 one”

“You hold an important position as the

bearer of the Serpent’s Eye I understand how finding yourself in that position

during adolescence can blind you to what is right But that is why I wish to

guide you to a pure and wholesome life”

“A wholesome mind is built upon wholesome

deeds Regain your pure self with volunteer work”

“Don’t worry I ith you”

It was unclear how she viewed this, but

Mutsuki had never been able to say “no” and this was shi+rohara Ren-senpai He

could not defy her

“Today, ill be weeding the area around

here I want the lawn to look nice for the festival”


He was entirely unable to complain as she

had hi to do all sorts of odd jobs

Today, it eeding The schoolyard and

edges of the sports ground had not been maintained over summer break, so there

were plenty of weeds growing

Even if it was still cool so soon after

sunrise, it was heavy labor He eating after only 15 minutes Sweat

stained his work gloves and soot inside them

At the very least, this was not a job for a

nor at this hour …He frohile the smell of the

weeds pricked at his nose

But this was the 3rd day Mutsuki was more

or less voluntarily participating in this harsh early- work

He was not obligated to do this, so he

could skip it if he wanted

Then as he doing it? Part if was his

easily influenced personality Part of it was self-punishment because he felt

bad for what he did to Machina, even if she was not saying anything about it

Part of it was shi+rohara Ren’s charish some

fairly ridiculous demands


“Oh… Look, Fujita Mutsuki”


Ren called him over while crouched down

next to the school building

Her work gloves were even muddier than

Mutsuki’s and she pointed at a pale crireen


“It’s a cosmos In japan it’s also called…an

autumn cherry blossom, isn’t it?”

“Yes I see it’s still a bud”

“It must have wandered in here from

somewhere It would be a shame to uproot it There’s a flower bed in the

courtyard that isn’t in use, so let’s move it there”

She s around


———And part of it was because she would

spend time with him

President shi+rohara Ren had a strong sense

of responsibility, so she had begunbecause she had ordered him here

in the nauidance


worry I ith you”

Just as she had said, she performed all of

the odd jobs alongside hi She

was always here early in the

She had no obligation either, but she put

in the sauidance He could hardly complain

about that

And there was one last part of it…

“Time to carry it over …Oh, the dirt is

falling away Fujita Mutsuki, hold it in”

“Oh, yes, yes”

Ren made a bowl out of her hands and tried

to carry the cosmos and the root ball below it

Mutsuki wrapped his hands around hers from

below to catch any dirt that fell out

They earing work gloves, but he still

felt his cheeks grow hot fro,

so she did not notice

———The last part was of course that he had

feelings for her



He heard a cute scream

Wondering what it was, he realized Ren was

acting oddly

Her eyes were as clear as the September sky

and they were opened wide

Her usually intelligent face looked more

like a puppy now He tilted his head, wondering what had happened


She tensed up and let out another cute


Her shapely chin was pulled all the way

back to her throat to look down at so: her own clothes

Then he realized that a 5cm object the

color of a dead leaf had hopped from the cosmos and onto her clothes

Specifically, onto the na on her chest

“Oh, a grasshopper They’re pretty common

this time of year”

It was fairly big but not a big deal It

was only a grasshopper

He did not often cos at his

age, so he smiled at it

But the girl with it on her chest was not

s at all

“Uh, uhhh, um, Fujita Mutsuki Sorry, but…”


“Hwah…it’s crawling up”

The uncooperative grasshopper crawled up

her gyround

In other words, it was approaching her


“G-get it off, get it off”

Her mouth flapped and her voice was shrill

Mutsuki was taken aback

(…She’s so cute)

He smiled bitterly

“Do you not like bugs?”

“No, I don’t Um, hurry?”

“Oh, yes, yes”

He reached out his hand

Mutsuki was a boy, so he was not afraid of

a bug like this He tried to grab it, but…


Despite being a boy, he forgot how bugs

worked As soon as he tried to grab it, the grasshopper juht

toward Ren’s face

The frozen girl ed to use her true

reflexes to dodge to the side with incredible speed

With nowhere to land, the grasshopper fell

into the grass and the cosround And…

“Ah… Um, senpai?”

It must have really scared her Ren was

tre to Mutsuki

Like a s to the arm he

had not reached out toward her

(Oh H-her boobs are touching me…)

This unexpected contact with his beloved

upperclassman caused the boy to freeze in place

He had been holding this arm out to hold

the cos from her chest to her stomach

against the length of the arm

Most notable was his upper arm squished

between her breasts

(Hers are pretty big too Oh, but they feel

a lot different from Ibekusa-san’s…)


The girl soon came back to her senses and quickly moved away

“My apologies I panicked”

Where had that cuteness gone? She returned

to the usual dignified and intellectual shi+rohara-senpai and cleared her


“I’ll carry the flower, so you continue


She picked back up the dropped cosmos It had lost a lot of dirt, so she could

carry it on her own

He was disappointed he could not hold her

hands through the work gloves, but he had just had even more contact than that,

so being with her would be aard He si

Ren’s panic must have stuck with her

because she kept an oddly emotionless face, frowned, and started toward the


She stopped after a single step

“I wonder if there are…grasshoppers in the

courtyard flower bed”

“It’s still pretty hot, so probably”


“O-okay, okay I’ll go with you”

He still did not get to hold her hands, but

he ith her

He got to see an unusual side to this beloved

upperclassht actually be fun

Unsurprisingly, they were downright



“Really wears you out, doesn’t it?”

The heavy labor from 6 AM left Mutsuki

about to collapse once classes started

He laid his head on his desk and Sakae

rubbed his shoulders

After being freed at 8, he had changed into

his uniforone to his classroo

were his precious resting time

He currently had about 10 minutes left Machina

and Ange had yet to arrive, but a lot of the boys, Lucia and Sakae included,

had gathered today

“That girl really pissesso

mean to Mutsuki-kun,” complained Lucia

Mutsuki smiled bitterly and shook his head

to say she was not being mean to him

“But it also has got to be nice hanging out

with shi+rohara-senpai like that”

“I know, right? Kah~, I’m so jealous,


Everyone gathered there began speaking

Gentle Mutsuki could get along with anyone

and ever-positive Sakae tended to attract people to him It was hardly

surprising that their class them, but…

“Hey, hey, Fujita-kun What’s it like being

the president’s personal errand boy?”

“Do you end up alone with her a lot?”

He could not help but think that his job was

attracting more people than usual

The school was viewing Fujita Mutsuki as an

eency helper for the Student Council They could not announce why he had

ended up doing this, but people rarely cared much what the Student Council did

No one had questioned it as he worked with the Student Council early in thethe cultural festival preparatory period for

the past 3 days

But even if no one cared about the Student

Council, they did care about the Student Council President

“Man, I wish I could get that close to


“She’s so damn pretty, isn’t she? Your

average idol doesn’t hold a candle to her”

“It’s not just her face; it’s that body

too She’s slender in all the right places and thick in all the right

places…and her hips are positioned so high Non-japanese blood is a hell of


Mutsuki was right there, but they ignored

hi the president

This was the natural course of conversation

for boys, so Mutsuki listened in and nodded along

shi+rohara Ren had ant

facial features; her body was also incredible It had been obvious from a

distance, but a closer look proved it all the more

Her arth and

her 160cm body had the head, chest, abdoolden

ratio of a Greek sculpture She could gather attention just by standing there

and her ideal e role in that

Her breasts were beautiful spheres that

looked like 2 eggs side by side Mutsuki would be lying if he said being alone

with her in the e mood

That said, Mutsuki was somewhat accustomed

to being around hot bodies

That previous touch had sent his heart

racing, but he was used to being around beautiful women like Katsue-sensei He

was also in contact with beautiful girls who had a more fetishi+stic appeal such

as Machina with an absurdly large bust on an otherwise average frae who

had an average build with the height of an eleirl


“Oh, good , Ibekusa-san”

“…Good ”

At that very moment, Machina arrived as

inconspicuously as ever

If she was here, the bell was about to

ring Unable to continue their crude conversation with a girl present, Sakae

and the other classmates returned to their desks

Only Lucia and Machina remained

…And Machina seemed to have already

forgiven him for the incident 3 days prior

She had already known Mutsuki tended to get

carried away, so she may have been used to his occasional extreme request

Machina herself did not mind, Ren alone was

angry, and Mutsuki alone felt self-loathing

The pregnancy test and a FeTUS test had

both rejected the possibility of pregnancy They were apparently still

investigating the reason for the lactation

Mutsuki felt somewhat relieved and somewhat

disappointed That slight aardness reained his

usual relationshi+p with Machina

“Huh? Come to think of it…”

He realized the desk behind her was empty

That was Ange’s seat

Machina always arrived just before the

bell If she was here but Ange was not, then Ange was late

“Deryaaaahhhh! Made it!”

At that very moment, she dove into the classroom

Her tie isted, her buttons were done

up wrong, and she was generally a iven her cellphone a wakeup

call at around 7, but she one back to sleep

“Sigh C’mon, stupid Mutsuki You need to

leave my lunch in afor it”

She stomped over and sat down She was

quite sweaty

“Huh? Didn’t I leave your lunch on the


“It was next to the sink I spent forever


“Oh Sorry But isn’t that one of the first

places you would look?”

“Uuh… Well, I was running late after going back to sleep”


knew it, thought Mutsuki with a bitter smile

Ange wrinkled her brow in annoyance, but

she was not the type to complain when it was her own fault She fell silent and

looked the other way

Then their teacher arrived and the time for

chatting ended


need to make takeup calls from now on, decided


(Ange went back to sleep)

Did that mean she had been out somewhere

during the night again?

That one concern stuck with him


but Mutsuki also had to carry out Ren’s instructions during the cultural

festival ho 6th period

It had been a difficult day Since the

homeroom took up both 5th and 6th period today, he had been called to the

Student Council Roo lunch And not all of his tasks were physical labor

like that


Megutono Academy had more than 20 school

buildings, so there were a lot one would never visit during a normal life


Building East 2 on the northeast of the

grounds was one of those

It was generally known as the Music

Building It was 3-stories tall and all of the rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floor

were used for er music rooms for

the brass band and the choir The 2nd floor contained smaller classrooms, but

they had been soundproofed and filled with acoustic equipment for the clubs that

wanted to start bands

Si had beenplace for those who loved musical instruments

Mutsuki was not all that interested in

o there

But for those in a band, the cultural

festival was thewith the

preparation for the exciting season

“Please write your requested time on this

form and drop it off at the Student Council Room by afterschool Friday”

“Sure thing♪”

Feeling glad they seemed nice, Mutsuki

finished his task, stepped outside, and sighed

His job today was to confirm the number of

clubs and bands that wanted to perfor the cultural festival

All he had to do was bring them the form,


(Uuh~, this makes me so nervous)

He had trouble with people he did not know

and he was hesitant to knock when they were practicing music, so this was a

difficult task for him

“That’s the brass band and choir done Next


His ht about

where he was going next

The 2nd floor was for individuals who had

formed a band instead of more traditional clubs

While the 3rd floor had been built for

music in the first place, the 2nd floor had modified normal classrooms into

music rooms, so it had an entirely different atmosphere The hallas full

of large equipment and instruments, so there must have been nowhere else to

store the material, so

it was dark

Plus, this was a haunt for rock bands

This was only Mutsuki’s personal ie of

rock bands, but he assumed he would have to face slender macho men with spiky

hair who dressed skimpily to show off their bodies

This boy had overcome threats to his life

in conflicts involving angels and demons, but he was still afraid of that type

“Excuse meeee”

He hesitantly knocked on the first door

He would wait a few seconds If no one

answered the door, could he report to Ren that no one was there? He felt like

that would be dishonest, but…

“Yes? Ahn…what is it?”

The door opened

Rudely enough, Mutsuki felt his fears had

been confirirl who opened the door

She was froh school Her hair had

been bleached a nearly-white brown and her skin ell tanned Her eyes were

accentuated by extreme mascara and she had color contacts in, so he naturally

flinched back upon seeing her

She as known as a black gal Mutsuki

had heard there were a few of those in the high school, but he had never seen

one up close since there were none in the rew flustered

“Um, I-I’m from the Student Council It’s

about the cultural festival”

He wanted to get this over with as quickly

as possible, so he handed her the form and explained how to fill it out

He glanced inside the room and found it had

been remade into their personal studio It did not look at all like part of a

school They had brought a sofa and table in and “Silvia” ritten on the

ith laminate letters That may have been their band name

The band had 4the one

that had answered the door They als because 3 of

them had skin tanned at a salon and bleached, wavy hair There were soht

differences in their fashi+on, such as wearing a scarf and knit hat despite the

heat or having a tear sticker next to just one eye

Mutsuki’s eyes naturally turned toward the

last one: a less stylish girl sitting quietly in the back


“Eh? Oh, Niki-san”

He realized she was a classmate

It was Niki Hozumi from his class He recalled

that she was playing in a band for the cultural festival This seemed to be

that band

“Eh? What’s this? Is he a friend of yours,


“Is he your boyfriend? Well, is he? C’mere,


The other 3 grew excited and pulled him


They had him sit on the sofa and then two

of them sat on either side of him The club president sat across the table from


“Hm, you’re pretty cute So, Nikki, is this

the Satowa boy you were talking about?”

“N-no This is, um, Fujita-kun”

The other three were upperclassmen, so even

strong-willed Hozurew obedient here

Mutsuki froze up at the sudden turn of


The three older girls seemed to subscribe

to the idea that a friend of a friend was a friend because they grew overly

faht their faces in

close, while ignoring how their boobs and thighs pressed against him


this cute in our class”

“Na ha ha He’s blushi+ng I like this kid He’s

just my type”

“Um, um…”

Trapped between them, Mutsuki had no idea

what to do

Sitting in the seat across from him, the

club president suggestively sucked a lollipop with her thick lips as she casually

read through the form He had to stick around until she understood it

(N-not so close Your boobs are touching

me… Niki-san, help me, Niki-saaan)

He sought Hozumi’s help, but as the

underclassman of the club, she only smiled bitterly

All in all, the high school gals molested

him for 15 minutes

It was 30 minutes after that when Mutsuki

trudged back to the Student Council Room

Just as he had feared, he had run across

people with spiky hair and lots of makeup, but he had fortunately found them to

be normal people when he spoke with theone


That said, he was still exhausted when he

left the Music Building

(Personal clothing and piercings… Hard to

believe they’re from the same school)

Mutsuki was in a bit of a daze

The members of Silvia in the first room had

left the strongest impression

He had no prejudices against black gals

Even if hers was natural, he had a roommate with the same color of skin

But it embarrassed him when they approached

him so unreservedly

The band members were Nikki (ie Niki

Hozumi), Mami, Amu, and Teruyo (The others had not told him their real names)

They were searching for a male vocalist for the cultural festival and they

wanted Lucia After hearing Mutsuki was friends with him, they had asked him to

help convince Lucia

…Did that ain?

While hoping “Nikki” would get the other

three to give up, he entered the


But despite the trouble he had with them,

his skin felt like it was on fire

They were hot And even if they had not

been, having 3 girls pressing up against him would do that

Plus, the dark skin of those black gals played

a role

A brown-skinned young woman had forcibly

taken his virginity and he had slept with her as her lover many times since then


A sharp sensation ran through his lower

body and si caused him to bend over

He had hid it by positioning it in his

pants, but his dick had been rock hard ever since visiting that room He was in

public, but he had trouble walking like this

It was due to having those tanned girls

clinging to him

That had reminded him of that

lust-inspiring woman with the same color of skin

But Micha was not the only one he remembered

He also thought of that girl he had met in his