Volume 6 Chapter 2 (1/2)
shi+rohara Ren had served as Megutono
Acadeh the previous year
At the time, she had been known as
History’s Greatest President
She got excellent grades and was skilled at
sports She was the lacrosse team’s ace and she was beautiful to boot That
alone would have been enough to make her the school’s most prized student
But her excellence as President had come
from another talent: her superb leadershi+p
Herpeople into shape Her naturally lofty aura filled people with tension
She could be a little hardheaded herself
Whenever sothy
lecture about how a student should be focused on their studies, so she could be
inflexible She gave off a strict atmosphere, but that did not seem like a bad
thing unless you were truly up to no good
Everyone had sensed a slight disturbance of
the public
She was of course incredibly popular
Her light brown hair and bright white skin
gave her an al depth
Her small face was perfect, from the
outline to the distribution of facial features The long refined bridge of her
nose, her lips, and her strong-willed eyebrows all possessed a certain
And she also had a body very unlike a
japanese one Her beautiful breasts swelled out as much as possible without
detracting froance, her waist was skinny in contrast, and her butt
was cutely plus made her
look tall even though she was only about 160 cm And that helped add to her
reliable charisma
The entire school had been shaken ord
had arrived that she was leaving It ell known that 20 of the students
had written in her na for the current year’s Student Council
It was also still unknohy she had left
the school She had said nothing and not even the teachers had been informed
It was only speculation, but there were
rumors that she had heart problems Several people had seen her occasionally
holding her chest, so they wondered if she had transferred elsewhere to undergo
At any rate, she was soutono
Acadeet in only 4 months
…And the same was true for Mutsuki
Fifth period ended and school was let out
From the start of the second term until the
cultural festival at the end of September, the final class was a homeroom used
for s and preparations For today, they had just finished changing into
their gym clothes in the locker rooms
Mutsuki was a little late, so he started
back toward the classroom in a bit of a rush
And on the way…
“President shi+rohara is so great”
He just about came to a stop when he heard
that name
He had passed by some boys form the
adjacent class They were likely fans because they were discussing the famous
and beautiful President shi+rohara Ren on the way back to their own classroom
They said that she was good-looking, that
she had a nice body, and that her refined atmosphere was best of all
He wanted to stop and listen in, but he
continued on to his classroom instead And…
“Oh, sorry, Niki-san”
“Yeah, no biggie”
He ran across a girl exiting the classroom,
so he quickly moved aside
Niki Hozumi had nearly run into him, but
she was not a delinquent and she politely nodded to him when he let her past
She had returned her hair to brown and it bounced
as she moved
He ended up watching her leave as he walked
to his seat The cultural festival in Hozumi and
others participating with their clubs had left, but everyone else was seated
The return of the “most skilled president”
at the beginning of the 2nd tere to the entire
No matter where one went, people were
talking about her
That was norh since she had the
public position of Student Council President, but her mysterious departure and
return had also produced est theory was that she had
left to be treated for a heart disease, but others claimed she had tried and
failed to skip ahead to a high school elsewhere
The biggest change was the tense atmosphere
throughout the school
Everyone worked extra hard at their studies
and athletics and the students corrected their public morals even without the
teachers or Student Council doing anything
Even taking into account that it was the
start of the new term, the number of tardy students had drastically reduced,
and Niki Hozumi had returned her hair color to normal after only 3 days Some
had taken on more permanent new looks such as tanned skin or pierced ears, but
they were unable to flaunt it and aardly took their lessons as “somewhat
flashy but normal students”
A week had passed since the 2nd teran
The annoying subject tests were over and it
was ti event at the end of Septeutono
Academy’s cultural festival It was a little strict, but their school life was
mostly comfortable
Mutsuki rested his cheek in his hand and
sighed quietly as he listened to the bell for 6th period
He always feltabout Ren lately
It had been a week since the new term
began, but he still had not had a chance to speak with her
His relationshi+p at school with shi+rohara
Ren was the same as it had been the previous year They had met once, but they
had no connection beyond that Mutsuki knew her, but she showed no interest in
a normal student like him It was hardly a surprise that they had not spoken
during the past week
But the actual situation was different
Mutsuki was targeted by FeTUS because he
had the Serpent’s Eye
And she was a FeTUS agent known as FeTUS
Witches Miss B
But he had discovered that at the summer
break ca trip half a an,
she had not made any kind of move
He had discussed it with Ange and Micha,
but FeTUS and the angels were currently passive enemies, and their stalemateuntil FeTUS did He had tried asking FeTUS,
but Machina and Katsue-sensei had refused to tell hi
In the end, he had no idea what to do and
simply felt jealous
There was one more reason for his
The boy had been zoning out, so he nearly
fell out of his chair when his name was called
He heard his class Class Rep
Sakae had apparently called his na the cultural
“C’mon now, bestie There’s already way too
many people who refuse to listen to me, the
center of the class I don’t need you joining them too”
Sakae stood at the lectern and shrugged
“Sorry, sorry,” apologized Mutsuki with a bitter smile
Sakae wrote on the blackboard with messy
handwriting: “Cultural Festival Roles” In the corner, he added: “hell yeah!
Cultural Festival!”
“Okay, let’s get started For the cultural
festival, all the 2nd years are putting on a traffic safety play for the
elementary school”
He gestured grandly as he spoke He was an
eternal opti the scene came naturally to him
“Our class will be playing 5 roles, so we
need to decide ill be doing that”
About 70 of the class began booing
That was hardly surprising They had to
ith the other 2nd year classes for this And it was a play More than
just that 70 thought this sounded like a pain in the ass
But as casual as he could be, Sakae always
made sure to do his job as the class rep
“Yes, yes Settle down This was decided
for us, so there’s no helping it”
He clapped his hands
None of his class
to trouble their cheerful class rep, so they soon quieted down For one thing,
frightening Katsue-sensei atching them from a corner of the classroom
“Don’t worry As the undefeated rock-paper-scissors champion, I beat all the other
classes and got us all the easiest roles”
This time, the class erupted into cheers and
This childhood friend had natural talent at
entertaining everyone around him Mutsuki smiled and joined the applause even
though he had not joined the booing
“First, we’ll decide 3 to be in charge of
props and 1 to be in charge of the spotlight
The props require some hard work,
but you share it between several people The spotlight is only needed during
the rehearsal the day before and during the performance on the day of, so it
should be easy”
Sakae puffed his chest out proudly
Everyone seemed to accept that Those were
some easy jobs If they had been determined by rock-paper-scissors, he had some
decent luck
“And? That’s 4, but what about the last
Saya raised her hand and spoke for the
class as a whole They had 5 roles, but Sakae had only revealed 4
“Well, about that last one…”
His behavior changed entirely and he
scratched at his head
“The lead Someone from our class will be
playing the lead”
The classroo
this time
Katsue-sensei ultiry and the
homeroom became truly unpleasant
A traffic safety play
Those were often put on at the police
station to teach s the crosswalk
and wearing your yellow hat
At a utono Academy,
the cultural festival was e interaction between school years,
so the assigned events were often targeted toward another year like this It
could be a choir or a play A those, Mutsuki’s middle school 2nd year had
been assigned a play for the lower elementary school years
It was an incredibly simple play
The lead girl had properly raised her hand
and used the crosshile in kindergarten But at her elementary school entrance
ceremony, she decides she is an adult and crosses somewhere other than the
crosswalk She gets hit by a car and injured, preventing her fro to the entrance
ceremony In the end, she promises a police officer and her mother that she
will never break the traffic rules again
It was an incredibly simple play that only
lasted about 20 irl, her mother, and the
police officer
But their class rep had drawn the short
straw in that small framework
“Ahh, ahh To think this would happen to
me, the rock-paper-scissors demon…”
“Sakae, you’ve always been unbeatable until
it actually matters Then you lose every time”
“In lunch rock-paper-scissors, you would
win the strawberry ”
“And the one who stole the pudding from me
was always you, bestie Oh, dammit I should’ve sent you in instead when
playing for the roles”
The homeroom continued, but they were free
to get up frohts Sakae and Saya naturally
gathered at Mutsuki’s desk
A so over the classroom
Especially over the girls
The play’s lead was a girl That meant only
the girls were at risk here
Taking part in a play was not a big deal
Students at this school would have to do that at some point, no matter what
year they were in And if it came to that, they would obediently help with the
props or spotlight They had enough courage to play the mother or police
officer if they had to
But they could not help but hesitate when
it came to the lead
Thatmore lines, but
so else orse
The costume
“Don’t we have soood
in this?”
Sakae pulled out what he had been given
It was the play’s costu and
some props such as the cast for after the accident
This hy the lead was restricted to
being a “girl” and not just a “child”
Since the same traffic safety play was done
every year, the costume was already decided
It was a dress with a large ribbon and a
brand-new red child’s backpack That kind of lolita design was not so a
girl Mutsuki’s age could wear This one felt like a punishment, especially when
“Hmm~ A play sounds like fun, but a kid’s
Even ever-cheerful Saya looked unsure
“You don’t need to worry about it,
Kurikara I’onna ask you”
“Why not?”
“Well, these clothes are for an elementary
school girl”
“So it’s way too small for-…o!
Don’t pinch! Don’t pinch!”
Sakae fled as she pulled on the inside of his upper arm (a human weak point)
“That’s not what I meant! An elementary
school size wouldn’t ith someone as tall as you!”
“Oh, I get it now Sorry, sorry”
“God, what a violent girl Whoever said
someone with a round face has a round heart had no idea what they were-…o,
Saya was really mad now, so Sakae fled with
her in pursuit
Mutsuki stared at the costumes and backpack
left on his desk
(Yeah, wearing this at our age would be a
bit much…)
He could not help but think that even
though he was not at risk as a boy
There were two costuarten
version and the entrance ceremony version They were both meant for kids
The entrance ceremony one was not too bad
It was a dress with finely folded frills adorning the neck, sleeves, and skirt
With just the one ribbon, it was not too fancy, but it did have an elegant,
gothic lolita design
However, the kindergarten outfit was
precisely that: a kindergarten unifore-ish yellow smock with
short sleeves and a long skirt
It would be asking a lot for a girl their
age to wear one, even as a joke
And as Sakae had pointed out, it was a
sirl would do
And just as he wondered who could wear it…
“Hey, hey Mutsuki-kun”
Lucia poked at his back from the seat behind
“This is my first cultural festival, but is
putting on this play all we do?”
“No There’s plenty more This just means
we only need 5 people for the play our entire year is doing”
The entire school took part in the cultural
festival, so how they participated differed between years
The elementary and middle school sections
generally enjoyed the festival while the high school section ran the festival
The younger you were, the less work you had to do and the more you could walk
around and have fun The older you were, the more you had to run refreshment
stands and stage productions Of course, the clubs and individuals also had
their own booths
“Then it doesn’t sound like there’s much we
can do together”
Lucia sounded disappointed, but he leaned
forward and rested his chin on Mutsuki’s shoulder He seemed to want to do
so in his first cultural festival, but he also did not seem interested
if it was not with Mutsuki
That hen their homeroom teacher
checked the clock
“Tomono, it’s about time”
“Oh, right”
And she instructed the class rep to get
Sakae returned to the lectern, so Saya, who
had been lightly pu him, and everyone else returned to their seats
“Okay, I’ll gather everyone’s opinions Any
volunteers to play the lead!?”
He raised his hand Unsurprisingly, no one
else did
“Okay, that’s 0 volunteers Any
He continued just as everyone had expected
“Personally, I think we do have someone
who’s perfect for this role”
He scratched his chin like he had trouble
saying it
He had seemed so worried before, so Mutsuki
tilted his head If they had someone perfect for the role, wasn’t it the class
rep’s duty to ask them to do it?
As he thought that, Sakae suddenly looked
his way
No, not at Mutsuki but diagonally behind
Everyone in the classroom naturally looked
in the sa Mutsuki, Lucia, and Machina
The only one who did not was the person who
had stared blankly out theinstead of taking part in the homeroom
“Eh? What?”
When she noticed everyone focused on her,
she followed their gazes diagonally behind her, but only found a
After about 3 seconds, she realized they
were looking at her
She kicked her chair back and stood up
“Me!? Y-you want me to play the lead!?”
Sakae nodded Half the classmates looked
like they had expected this and the other half looked like they thought it was
a good idea
“Jiyuuni would look good on the stage”
“Ange-chan is cute”
“And e-chan
wearing a kiddie backpack!”
Ignoring Saya’s final comment, they all
praised the idea
She was so small that the costume size
would not be an issue She ht always look sullen, but she had the perfect
beauty for playing the lead role
“Wha-? Wait…”
Ange was simply confused
Since she naturally disliked humans and was
far from sociable, only Mutsuki and people like Saya would talk to her, so she
had never expected to be singled out here
“Ah ha ha ha Go for it, go for it It’s
the perfect part for you”
Lucia was immediately on board when he saw
Ange looking so troubled
Katsue-sensei said nothing as a teacher,
but she secretly grinned at seeing her enemy in a situation like this The
classroo on this answer
“D-don’t be ridiculous!”
Sensing that, Ange shouted angrily
“Don’t even try with this nonsense Why
should I have to do that?”
“Ehh? But I want to see you in a kiddie
“So do I”
Being friends could be a problem at times
like this, so while the rest of the class withered in front of the angry girl,
Saya doubled down As did Lucia who just wanted to cause trouble for the angel
“I-I said…”
She was too strong-willed to just go with
the flow, but when the entire class was looking her way, she had trouble
looking the no
Her eyes wandered in search of escape, but
she found no one, not even Mutsuki, to take her side
Her eyes finally stopped on the seat in
front of her
“I-Ibekusa should do it!”
“I bet she would be good atlines Ibekusa, you do it”
She tried to rope someone else into it
Machina looked taken aback at being dragged
in as a scapegoat
But that selection surprised everyone else
as well
“Wow, that would work too! Machi-nyan in a
kiddie backpack! I so wanna see that!”
Saya’s exciteh the
classroo they wanted to see it too
Machina kept to herself so much that most
of the class had never heard her speak, but since spring, everyone had learned
how good looking she was
That cute girl tended to blend into the
background, so ould happen if she stood on the stage? Of course everyone
wanted to see that
Machina seemed hesitant, but she also
seemed to sense what everyone wanted
She briefly looked Mutsuki in the eye
While he did not say it out loud, the look on his face clearly said he wanted
to see it too
“If no one else is suitable, I can do it”
She stood up just like Ange had
“See!? That settles it Ibekusa will do it”
Ange immediately sat back down
Now everyone in the class was looking
Machina’s way
Mutsuki wondered if he should help her get
out of this, but he could not tell if the expressionless girl was opposed to
this idea She did not see, so would this settle it?
But then…
“Can Machi-nyan fit in the costume?”
Saya had wanted to see her in the backpack
more than anyone, but she still voiced her doubts
Mutsuki looked at the costumes Sakae had
left on his desk They were fairly se perfectly, but
Machina was ht for the class
Machina hesitated a moment
“I will try it on”
She took the costume from Mutsuki’s desk
She started with the glove-like cast since
it was the easiest to try on She had so with it on, but it
was not much of a problem
Next she tried another one of the props
She put on the red backpack
Half the class gasped
Half the boys looked away and the other
half plus the girls blushed
Oblivious, Machina tested her range of
movement But…
“…They’re so plump”
Everyone nodded in agreement with Saya
This was out of the question
The shoulder straps were meant for an
elementary school kid, so they were too small for Machina and were much too
tight around her shoulders and sides This pulled her clothing back
Machina looked confused by their reaction
Gym clothes + a backpack would be
h on a norht
crirown-up body
The shi+rt was pulled tightly back against
the weighty mounds on the front And when your eyes focused on the sensual
outline of her breasts, you naturally continued down to the raw and sexual
lines of her hips visible through her bloomers
Mutsuki felt a bit like her bust belonged
to him, so he wordlessly took the backpack from her
Sensing an odd mood in the classroom, Sakae
cleared his throat to gather attention
“Jiyuuni? Um, is there no way you can do
He looked to Ange once more
She blushed a little and seemed convinced
that Machina could not do it, but she still stubbornly shook her head
She refused to let them continue, so Sakae
“Fine, then We don’t have time, so we’ll
only figure out the prop and light people today …Mutsuki”
“I have so to ask you”
Mutsuki never iined his week of
equilibrium would be broken by this
“Come in”
After nervously knocking at the door, a
familiar voice answered
Entering the Student Council Room was
enough to make any normal student nervous
But it was even worse for Mutsuki
It was 6th period, so an officer would
definitely be there to receive cultural festival petitions
Only Student Council President shi+rohara
Ren was there She welco table
“Do you need so?”
“Y-yes I am from Class 2-1 We would like
to ask for an extension on deciding our roles for the play”
“Oh, that would be this form Write your
year, class nu an
She passed him a folded piece of paper and
a pen His heart pounded as he took them and filled out the indicated fields
Since they could not decide on someone for
the lead today, they had to submit this request to the Student Council Class
Rep Sakae was still running the homeroom, so he had asked his friend Mutsuki to
take care of this
Mutsuki had been unable to refuse, but he
had not expected to be alone with Ren
His hand trembled as he tried to write
Ren did not seeanized some
kind of paperwork
As far as he could see, she was no more
than a diligent student While he did sense the skilled aura of a charismatic
Student Council President, he could not see anything other than that
There was no sign that she was FeTUS
Witches Miss B
“Are you done?”
“Eh? Oh, yes”
He suddenly looked up and their eyes met He
felt his heart leap in his chest and handed her the filled-out form
She barely looked at it before sta it,
tearing it along the fold, and handing him back half
That completed the process He could take
back that half
Ren returned to her ithout saying a
word That implicitly told him he could leave and he just about turned his back
But he could not just leave here
He had wanted a chance to speak with her
this entire week…no, since the cah summer break And