Part 10 (1/2)
_Messenger._ All peace, Lordings, that be present, And hearken now with good intent, How Noah away from us he went With all his company; And Abraham, through G.o.d's grace, He is come forth into this place, And you will give him room and s.p.a.ce To tell you his storye.
This play, forsooth, begin shall he, In wors.h.i.+p of the Trinity, That you may all hear and see What shall be done to-day.
My name is Gobbet-on-the-Green, No longer here I may be seen, Farewell, my Lordings, all by dene[52]
For letting[53] of your play.
[_Enter Abraham._]
_Abraham._ Ah! thou high G.o.d, granter of grace That ending nor beginning has, I thank thee, Lord, that to me has To-day given victory.
Lot, my brother, that taken was, I have restored him in this case, And brought him home into his place Through thy might and mastery.
To wors.h.i.+p thee I will not wond,[54]
That four kings of uncouth land To-day hast sent into my hand, And of riches great array.
Therefore of all that I can win To give thee t.i.the I will begin, When I the city soon come in, And share with thee my prey.
Melchisedec, that here king is And G.o.d's priest also, I wis, The t.i.the I will give him of this, As just is, what I do.
G.o.d who has sent me victory O'er four kings graciously, With him my spoil share will I, The city, when I come to.
_Lot._ Abraham, brother, I thank it thee, Who this day hast delivered me From enemies' hands, and their postye,[55]
And saved me from woe!
Therefore I will give t.i.thing Of my goods while I am living, And now also of his sending, t.i.the I will give also.
[_Then comes a knight to Melchisedec._
_Knight._ My lord, the king's tidings aright Your heart for to gladden and light: Abraham hath slain in fight Four kings, since he went.
Here he will be this same night, And riches with him enough dight.
I heard him thank G.o.d Almight For grace he had him sent.
_Melchisedec_ (_stretching his hand to heaven_). Ah! blessed be G.o.d that is but one!
Against Abraham I will be gone Wors.h.i.+pfully, and then anon, My office to fulfil, Will present him with bread and wine, For, grace of G.o.d is him within; Speeds fast for love mine!
For this is G.o.d's will.
_Knight_ (_with a cup_). Sir, here is wine withouten were,[56]
And thereto bread, both white and clear, To present him in good manere That so us helped has.
_Melchisedec._ To G.o.d, I know he is full dear, For of all things his prayer He hath, without danger, And specially great grace.
_Melchisedec_ (_coming to Abraham and offering him a cup of wine and bread on a plate_). Abraham, welcome must thou be, G.o.d's grace is fully in thee, Blessed ever must thou be That enemies so can make.
I have brought, as thou may'st see, Bread and wine for thy degree; Receive this present now from me, And that I thee beseke.[57]
_Abraham._ Sir king, welcome in good say, Thy present is welcome to my pay.
G.o.d has helped me to-day Unworthy though I were.
He shall have part of my prey That I won since I went away.
Therefore to thee thou take it may The tenth I offer here.
[_He delivers to the King a laden horse._
_Melchisedec._ And your present, sir, take I, And honour it devoutly, For much good it may signify In time that is coming.
Therefore horse, harness, and perye,[58]
As falls to my dignity, The t.i.the of it I take of thee, And receive thy off'ring.
[_Abraham receives the bread and wine, and Melchisedec the laden horse as t.i.the from Lot._
_Lot._ And I will offer with good intent Of such goods as G.o.d hath me sent To Melchisedec here present, As G.o.d's will is to be.
Abraham, my brother, offered has; And so will I with G.o.d's grace: This royal cup before your face, Receive it now of me.