Part 9 (1/2)

[_She goes._

_Noah._ Welcome, wife, into this boat!

_Noah's Wife._ And have them that for thy note![37]

[_Et dat alapam victa._[38]

_Noah._ Aha! marry, this is hot!

It is good to be still.

My children! methinks this boat removes!

Our tarrying here hugely me grieves!

Over the land the water spreads!

G.o.d do as he will!

Ah, great G.o.d, thou art so good!

Now all this world is in a flood As I see well in sight.

This window will I close anon, And into my chamber will I gone Till this water, so great one, Be slaked through thy might.

[_Noah, according to stage directions, is now to shut the windows of the ark and retire for a short time. He is then to chant the psalm, Salva me, Domine! and afterwards to open them and look out._

Now forty days are fully gone.

Send a raven I will anon; If aught were earth, tree, or stone, Be dry in any place.

And if this fowl come not again It is a sign, sooth to say, That dry it is on hill or plain, And G.o.d hath done some grace.

[_A raven is now despatched._

Ah, Lord! wherever this raven lie, Somewhere is dry well I see; But yet a dove, by my lewtye[39]

After I will send.

Thou wilt turn again to me For of all fowls that may fly Thou art most meek and hend.[40]

[_The stage direction enjoins here that another dove shall be ready with an olive branch in its mouth, which is to be dropped by means of a cord into Noah's hand._

Ah Lord! blessed be thou aye, That me hast comforted thus to-day!

By this sight, I may well say This flood begins to cease.

My sweet dove to me brought has A branch of olive from some place; This betokeneth G.o.d has done us some grace, And is a sign of peace.

Ah, Lord! honoured must thou be!

All earth dries now I see; But yet, till thou command me, Hence will I not hie.

All this water is away, Therefore as soon as I may Sacrifice I shall do in faye[41]

To thee devoutly.

_G.o.d._ Noah, take thy wife anon, And thy children every one, Out of the s.h.i.+p thou shalt gone, And they all with thee.

Beasts and all that can flie, Out anon they shall hie, On earth to grow and multiply: I will that it be so.

_Noah._ Lord, I thank thee, through thy might, Thy bidding shall be done in hight,[42]