Chapter 4 (1/2)

Chapter 4: You’re the 5th Person

「Miss (Ojou), Seriously with one of these guys……」

Calfan muttered with a look full of disgust, as he gazed at my character guide list that I had written on table.

「Please don’t say it. I am thinking that maybe it would be better if I just died.」

「No, I think dying would be bad.」

「I feel that though my body would survive, my spirit will have died.」

I sighed as『Demon Adult Goods Rape』,『b.e.s.t.i.a.lity Confinement Rape』, and『SM Training Rape』were added to the list as a memo.

I have said it many times, but I am a virgin.

In this situation wherein 『rape rape』 keeps being muttered in front of the person you love; may I cry?

「Let’s set aside pleasure torture rape. Un, I don’t want to go crazy. One wrong step and I’ll have to endure that forever……Calfan, what do you think of that suggestion?」

He looked lovely as he listened with his head tilted to the side, but he just said one word bitterly.

「Yes (Definitely) !」

「……Right? I’m in trouble.」

If this was the case, I wanted to have had reincarnated into a flirty otome game with a more normal wonderful character.

We somehow drank up the contents of our while in silence.

「Miss (ojou), you definitely said there was one more person a while ago; and that the information was insufficient.」

「Un. But you know, I don’t know where he is.」

So, the 5th person is a hidden character. If all the conditions are not met, he will not appear. By the way, I wasn’t able to capture him.

「He’s a member of royalty with a mysterious past. Uhm, I think he was the 6th prince. However, at a young age, he ran away from the palace to live on the streets. It’ll be considerably difficult to search for him because I do not know his name.」

I wonder where and what he is doing now.

The heroine and the 6th prince meet each other through the mob character, Audrey, when Audrey was 18 years old. So if we meet each other before then, I should have a shot at avoiding the death route.

「But, if I’m going to be raped after all, it’s still the same. Will he be more normal than the other 4 people, I wonder. Hey, Calfan, perhaps we can request an adventurers to track down and collect information about the 6th prince……? Calfan, what’s wrong?」

「……It’s me.」

There was a mutter.


「So it’s me. I’m the 6th prince.」


I am speechless. I stared at him.

Also, a capture target?!

Silky blond hair, toned body.

Compared to the other capture targets, because the clothes worn are everyday clothes, the brilliance is a bit lacking. But you can definitely go all out with a wild character.

Rather, I’m pus.h.i.+ng for it. H Still — I really want to see it……

Uwa, the delusion is gus.h.i.+ng out!

「Miss’ (Ojou’s) power of foresight is amazing. Even though only a limited number of people know about it.」

He said with admiration.

Good. It seems that I haven’t leaked out my heart’s thoughts.

I approached Calfan.

Surprisingly, I gripped his hand and said vigorously.

「Please, answer honestly! Do you have any particular s.e.xual rape hobbies?」

「None! Absolutely not!」

Calfan replied indomitably and vigorously.