Part 3 (1/2)
When she opened her eyes, the shadows in the room had lengthened and the belly dancer had disappeared. Pol, his eyes dark with desire, set the laota aside and rose from his chair.
Instinctively, Fiona stepped back, but Cas was there holding her. Pol stopped before her, his scent tangling with Casa. aYou dance well, G.o.ddess.a He was as tall as Cas. The t-s.h.i.+rt stretched over his firm pectorals and shoulders, his arms corded with muscle.
Fiona had a hard time breathing. aWhat happened to the dancer?a aShe went home,a Cas said.
aShe had to get supper for her husband and daughter,a Pol put in.
The explanation sounded so normal, so prosaic, that Fiona gasped with laughter. Then her laughter died when Pol lifted his hands and squeezed her nipples through her s.h.i.+rt.
At the same time, Cas unb.u.t.toned the waistband of her shorts.
She gasped again. aWhat are you doing?a aGiving you pleasure,a Pol said.
Cas murmured in her ear, aThe least we can do for rescuing us.a aButaa She cast a worried glance at the open door. aSomeone could come in. Anyone could.a aMaybe theyad like to watch.a Casa breath scalded her ear and trickled heat down her spine. aMaybe I want them to watch me pleasuring you.a Fionaas knees started to bend. aNo,a she whispered.
Pol laughed. He gestured to the door with one hand and it swung closed.
The wind? Fiona thought wildly. But no breeze stirred the narrow pa.s.sage outside or rattled the shutters.
aSheas shy,a Pol said, his fingers delicately pulling her nipples into hard little nubs.
Cas slowly lowered the zipper of Fionaas shorts, a loud zzzz in the stillness. aIt took me a while to catch on to how these worked.a She remembered faintly why she had followed them and that she was supposed to be lecturing them. aYou shouldnat have taken Hansa clothes. Or his wallet.a Pol flicked his thumbs over her hard-pointed nipples. aWe will make recompense.a aOh.a She believed them. She had no idea why. But she relaxed, relieved. It would be all right.
That is, she relaxed until Cas slid strong fingers into her loosened shorts and pressed aside the elastic of her underwear.
Chapter Four.
Casa c.o.c.k hardened at the sound of Fionaas groan. He smelled her female desire in the hot room and knew Pol did too.
The wiry hairs of her quim tickled his fingers. aYou feel good, sweeting.a He wondered if her p.u.s.s.y looked as good as it felt. She was swimming with cream, the liquid all over his fingers.
aMake her come,a Pol said. His brother continued to tease her nipples, his eyes intense and dark.
aDo you want to come, Fiona?a Cas asked, nibbling the sh.e.l.l of her ear. aWe want to thank you for saving us.a aThank you,a Pol echoed.
Cas moved his fingers through her cream, easily slipping a finger into her opening. aZeus above, but youare wet.a Pol smiled in delight.
Fiona whimpered. Her fire-red hair warmed his lips. He parted her opening and rubbed the folds of it. She nearly came, he felt it, her heartbeat speeding, her face gleaming in sudden perspiration.
aSomeone might come in,a she repeated.
aAnd what would they see?a Cas rested his head against hers, whispering into her hair. aTheyad see my hand inside your clothes. Theyad see Pol with his fingers on your b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Theyad smell your desire and know you flowed like honey on my hands.a She made a gurgling noise. Pol took a step back and quickly popped open the b.u.t.ton of his leggings and pulled down the metal fastening. He wore nothing beneath, and his c.o.c.k spilled out, dark and hard.
aThese leggings are too tight,a he said. aIam in pain.a aJeans,a Fiona said faintly.
aWhat?a Cas whispered.
aTheyare called jeans. Not leggings.a Cas chuckled. aI will remember. Pol is very hard for you. Do you want to touch him?a Her cream flowed faster. aNo.a aYour body just told me you did. Donat be afraid.a Pol moved closer to her, his hands on her waist, splaying his fingers under her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. aTouch me, my G.o.ddess. Bless me with your magic.a Fiona drew a breath as though she wanted to say something then she broke off. Tentatively, she reached her fingers toward Polas rigid c.o.c.k and laid them across the shaft.
aG.o.ds,a Pol breathed.
aThatas it,a Cas said. aMake him like it.a She moved her fingers to the tip while she leaned back into Cas. Cas enjoyed himself playing with her folds, then he dipped his first two fingers inside her, sinking them all the way. Fiona moaned and s.h.i.+fted her sweet backside provocatively on his c.o.c.k, which was just as hard as Polas.
aYou feel like fire,a Cas said as he leaned to nibble her neck. aYouare squeezing my fingers so hard.a She arched back against him, unconsciously squeezing still more. To reward her, Cas slid in a third finger.
aOh,a she said, eyes wide.
Pol smiled. He stood with hands on hips, his body swaying as he felt what she did to him. aI think she likes it.a aG.o.ddesses like to be pleasured.a Cas bit her skin, loving the salt taste of it. aDonat they, my G.o.ddess?a aIam not a G.o.ddess. Iam an archaa Her words faltered as Cas added a fourth finger. aaaeologist.a The syllables tumbled out in a rush.
aYou freed us,a Pol whispered. aIt was a terrible spell, and you freed us. Only a lady of great power could do that.a Fiona frowned as though she wanted to argue but her eyelids drooped. She pressed herself against Casa hand, the yearning woman taking over the shy scholar. At the same time, she rubbed her palm over Polas c.o.c.k from tip to base and back again.
Cas would have envied him if her a.s.s hadnat been rubbing all over him. He quickly unfastened hisa”jeansa”releasing his c.o.c.k to happily against the thin fabric across Fionaas backside.
She laid her head against his shoulder, her warm hair escaping its confinement to flow across his chest. She was so beautiful, her eyes so brown with gold flecks swimming in them, lashes long and lush against her cheek. A woman or a demiG.o.ddess or an archaeologista”whoever she was, she was made for loving.
Cas flicked his thumb over the hard nub of her c.l.i.t. She jumped and squealed, coming back down to impale herself even farther on his fingers.
aOh my G.o.d,a she cried.
aDemiG.o.d,a Cas murmured.
Pol was moaning softly, pus.h.i.+ng his c.o.c.k into her hand, his head thrown back, eyes closed.
Fiona squirmed against Casa pressing fingers, her p.u.s.s.y so wet and slick he had to concentrate on keeping his hand inside her. He slid his thumb back and forth on the hard berry of her c.l.i.t, stirring up even more cream.
She rose up on her toes, her heartbeat speeding, her breath coming in gasps. And then she came, beautifully and completely.
Her eyes flew open, her lips parting in astonishment. Her hips rocked faster and faster, seeking the pressure of Casa fingers deep inside her and at the same time rubbing her c.l.i.t hard against his thumb.
She clamped her hand down on Polas c.o.c.k, knuckles whitening as she clutched him. He moaned, shaking his hair back, and moved his hand over hers, helping her stroke while she squeezed.
The heady scent of her juices filled Casa senses. He made a quiet noise as she continued to come, her breath hot on his face, her cries of pleasure in his ear.
Pol came all at once, putting his hand over his sweating face, swallowing groans. Fiona rose on her tiptoes, stroking Polas c.o.c.k, rubbing her a.s.s against Cas and pressing herself down onto his hand.
Cas sank his teeth into her neck, enjoying the taste of her skin, the salt of her perspiration. aThatas it, love,a he murmured, licking where head bitten.
They moved together a little longer, all three of them in pleasure, Fiona and Pol mindless with it, Cas smiling and watching and feeling Fiona.
Fiona lost her hold on Polas c.o.c.k. Pol backed away, throwing his head back and dragging in deep breaths, trying to calm down. Fiona closed her eyes and b.u.mped and danced against Cas.
He pinched her c.l.i.t and she screamed once, then drifted down into babbling incoherencies.
aSweet Fiona,a he breathed into her ear.