Part 2 (1/2)
The Athens of this day was obviously a prosperous place, so prosperous that the people could give away their wares and wines freely. All you had to do was give the smooth, thin card to the shop owners and they let you have whatever you wanted. It was astonis.h.i.+ng.
Pol and Cas left the taverna to shouts of thanks and farewells and moved through the winding, narrow streets. They walked along, observing everything, out to wider streets with more of the rus.h.i.+ng vehicles on them.
As they hesitated on a street corner, wondering where to go next, a small wheeled conveyance pulled to a halt. aTaxi?a the man inside asked.
They stared at him, wondering what he meant.
aYou gents want to go somewhere?a the man went on in Greek. aI know the best taverna in Athens. I can take you there.a Pol grinned and clapped Cas on the shoulder. aExcellent. We will see this taverna, and if it is truly the best, we will fetch Fiona and give her wine.a aA good plan,a Cas agreed.
The man inside had to get out and show them how the mysterious doors operated. Once Cas and Pol had stuffed themselves into the tiny seat, their long legs folded with knees high, the man hopped back in and the conveyance sped them away at sickening speed.
Cas held up the thin card. aI have this,a he said.
The driver grinned at him in a mirror hanging from the window. aGood for you. My friend at the taverna, he will give you all you need.a * * * * *
The demiG.o.ddess Selena, sp.a.w.ned from the mating of a G.o.d and a wild demon, woke on a hard floor. For a moment, the daylight stunned her and then she realized.
I am outside the jar. The spell is broken.
Well, s.h.i.+t.
She sat up, fuming. Those two d.a.m.n walking c.o.c.ks, Cas and Pol, must have tricked her. She was supposed to be with them in that jar for eternity, having s.e.x on top of s.e.xa”shead made sure they couldnat escape.
Except all had been cold darkness, not ecstasy. So much time seemed to pa.s.s and yet none at all.
Selena gingerly climbed to her feet, touching her head that pounded with a h.e.l.l of a migraine. She tried to banish it and couldnat, which p.i.s.sed her off.
She was a half-demon, half-G.o.ddess, why couldnat she get rid of a little headache?
And why couldnat she figure out where the h.e.l.l she was?
She was in a building, in a room that looked unused. Empty shelves rested against a wall, wooden and broken. A shutter had been latched over a small window.
Selena opened the shutter then jumped back as a strange vehicle roared past, belching fumes.
What demon was this? And could he help her?
She craned to look out of the window, but the strange-smelling demon had gone. Below her was a little alley full of trash. She wrinkled her nose and turned to try the door behind her. It was locked.
That wouldnat do. She rattled the doork.n.o.b then stood back and tried to use her magic to heat the lock until it melted.
A wave of weakness. .h.i.t her and the lock remained intact. d.a.m.n.
The spell must have drained her more than shead thought, or else Cas and Pol had found a way to castrate her magic.
b.a.s.t.a.r.ds. As soon as she found them, shead castrate them in the literal sense. They had no business being so f.u.c.king gorgeous and then deigning to refuse when she invited them to screw her.
f.u.c.king a.s.sholes.
Selena pounded on the door. aLet me out of here!a she screamed.
Her language sounded strange to her. It was Greek, but different, as though the words and tones had subtly changed while she was stuck on the jar with the s.e.xy but elusive twins.
In a few moments a key rattled in the lock, and a man stuck his head around the door. He stopped in shock when he saw her.
Selena supposed it would give anyone a shocka”finding a voluptuous, naked woman with black hair snaking around her in a locked room must be the highlight of this manas day.
He wasnat bad looking, either. She ran an a.s.sessing gaze over hima”in his twenties, black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, well-honed body. She put her hands on her hips and swayed toward him.
aThank you. I thought Iad be stuck in here forever.a aUhaa the man said. aHow did you get in here?a aLong story.a She hooked her fingers around the manas s.h.i.+rt and pulled him inside, banging the door shut. aIave been in oblivion forever and itas made me really h.o.r.n.y. f.u.c.k me.a His brown eyes widened. aWhat?a aI said f.u.c.k me. Has the meaning of the word changed?a aNo, buta”a aBut what? I need release and I need it now. So do it.a She hadnat lost all her powers, she thought with satisfaction. The man began hastily undressing, a look of astonishment on his face as though he wasnat sure why his hands ripped off his clothes.
She pulled him down on top of her. When he lay on her body, a look of incredible hunger came over him and he plunged his c.o.c.k straight inside her.
It always took them a few minutes, but they inevitably wanted her in the end. All except those d.a.m.n twins, sons of Zeusa”arrogant b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.
She took out her anger on the man, making him take her in many ways, because she was so hungry. Shead f.u.c.k him until he was her slave and then head do anything for her, even die.
When she finally let him up, he was whimpering in exhaustion.
aI need clothes,a she said. aI want to wander the world.a Shaking all over, the man drew on his own clothes and departed. She knew he wouldnat lock the door or run for help and he didnat.
She waited until he returned with a dress and some sandals, which she stared at in disbelief. aYou want me to wear these?a aIam sorry, Ia”didnat know what to get.a He bowed his head, waiting for her to strike him. Selena put her hand on the back of his neck and scratched just deeply enough to draw blood.
aYou can make it up to me,a she said, smiling sweetly. aI need you to help me find a jar.a He blinked. aJar?a aYes, two handles, had a picture of twins f.u.c.king a woman who looked just like me. I need to find out what happened to it.a The man looked blank and she slapped him across the face. aBut first, weare going to find me some decent clothes.a She put on the dress then took him by the ear and marched him out the door.
The unused back room turned out to be attached to a small apartment with a few tiny chambers and a small kitchen. A peasant, she thought in disgust. Shead chosen a peasant to introduce her to the world again. Ah, well, head be fine until she could find something better.
The man led her out into streets that had changed in some ways but were the same in others. The vehicles and clothes and buildings were different, but the way people moved about, living their little lives hadnat changed. They didnat know anything, poor fools.
The peasanta”Selena didnat bother asking what his name was because she didnat carea”led her along the streets. People stared as they went by, and she held her head high, knowing they must all recognize that she was a demiG.o.ddess. She would restart her cult of wors.h.i.+p soon.
She caught sight of her reflection in a shop window. The windows of this particular shop, rather than displaying wares, had black curtains cutting off the view of the interior, even though the shop was open.
The reflection showed herself, b.r.e.a.s.t.s nearly spilling out of the tight dress, legs long and strong, her sleek black hair flowing back to touch her a.s.s. She smiled, liking what she saw.
But s.h.i.+t, she had to get new clothes.
aWhat is this shop?a she demanded.
The man swallowed, face pale. aAn adult store.a aArenat all stores for adults?a aNo, I mean where they sell, umaa Selena solved the problem by striding to the door and shoving it open. aAh, you mean s.e.x toys. Excellent.a She dragged him inside. There she found exactly the clothes and shoes she needed and changed into them, watching in satisfaction while the man paid the bill. The black leather hugged her legs and pressed her b.r.e.a.s.t.s high. The black gloves fit perfectly, and the crowning touch was the whip.
It was a nice little whip which could be wound to a small coil, but she knew that its lash would sting.
Happy at last, she dragged her slave out of the store, back to his house, and spent the rest of the day playing with the whip and testing out her brand new black, spike-heeled shoes.
Next, shead find the jar and the twins and take out her anger on them, and that would be that.
By two-thirty, when shops were beginning to close for the afternoon siesta, Fiona still had not found Cas and Pol. Shead searched the Plaka, the district of narrow, meandering streets around the high, flat-topped Acropolis, and found no trace of them.